DDD: Data Driven
Some patterns of functional programming in Elixir.
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.。oO(さっちゃんですよヾ(〃l ̲ l)ノ゙ ☆)
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No content
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I'm creating a realtime fighting game server in Elixir/Phoenix.
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The game server
Our game is nearly TCG (trading card game; PvP & PvE).
Very complex game rule.
Should view the complex rule to the users.
Have many kind of cards.
The calculation should be fast.
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How to develop Elixir servers
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How to scale PubSub by Redis
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How to deploy Elixir servers
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OK. We know about how to develop & operate realtime server
with Elixir/Phoenix.
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But, how to write such a complex game rules in Elixir?
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Features of Elixir
Fault tolerance, soft‑realtime, hot code swap.
Parallelism, distributed system.
Functional programming, immutable data.
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The main building blocks of Erlang systems are spawn_link/1
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Easy to make concurrency.
Have shared & implicit state.
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Message passing is slow.
Message queue becomes a bottleneck.
Cause data copy (e.g. ETS).
FP (functional programming) has no cons like this.
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FP of Elixir
Performant. No message passing. No message queue.
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FP of Elixir
All state is explicit.
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All state is explicit.
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We MUST write ALL state at function arguments & returns.
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def f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) do
{a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n}
FP cons
Function arguments & returns are not extensible.
Composed functions are not extensible.
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FP primers
They resolve the cons.
ML, Haskell
Lisp, Clojure
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FP primers
But they are diffent from Elixir.
ML, Haskell : Have powerful type‑level cal.
Lisp, Clojure : Have powerful macro & implicit state.
React/Redux : Isn't immutable.
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How can we survive FP in Elixir?
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FP patterns
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Complexity shold grow.
Function grows to chaos, because a function encapsulate it's
source code.
Data can grow.
Data is composable & extensible, because data is explicit.
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Express your problem as data.
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Basic data structures
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Just a value
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Expression for other system.
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{a, b}
The position have a meaning.
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[x | xs]
[a: a, b: b]
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%{a: a, b: b}
[a: a, b: b]
%A{a: a, b: b}
Maps a key to a value.
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tuple or map?
Only map is extensible.
# NG
{a, b} = {a, b, c}
# OK
%{a: a, b: b} = %{a: a, b: b, c: c}
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Map is composable,
%{a: a, b: b} == Map.merge(%{a: a}, %{b: b})
but it lacks the data about what it's made from.
%{a: a, b: b} == Map.merge(%{}, %{a: a, b: b})
%{a: a, b: b} == Map.merge(%{a: a}, %{b: b})
So map isn't decomposable.
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Don't read & modify maps or structs directly.
# Sometimes NG
%A{a: 0}.a
%{a: 1 | %A{a: 0}}
# OK
A.a(%A{a: 0})
get_in(%A{a: 0}[:a])
A.put_a(%A{a: 0}, 1)
put_in(%A{a: 0}[:a], 1)
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FP Patterns
I'm using.
Event sourcing
Linguistic tree
Composable context
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is a good part of Elixir.
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Protocol is meta‑level function that maps data to function.
Protocol(T) : T -> fun(T, ...)
Protocol is extensible, just like a map.
Protocols ‑ Elixir https://elixir‑lang.org/getting‑
Protocols ∙ Elixir School
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We can list the current domain of the protocol.
(Works like STI (single table inheritance) of ActiveRecord/Rails.)
defprotocol P do
defmodule A do
defstruct []
def type, do: "a"
defimpl P do
data = %{type: "a"}
|> Protocol.extract_impls([:code.lib_dir(:example, :ebin)])
|> Enum.find(&(&1.type() == data.type))
|> struct(data)
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Event sourcing
Composed function is not extensible. Put a queue between
# Not this
data |> f1 |> f2
# This
data -> queue -> f1 -> queue -> f2
a.k.a. FRP (functional reactive programming)
cf. Redux, rx, clojure/core.async
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Queue can have an environment.
Dispatch (relates to protocol):
%A{} -> queue -> fa
%B{} -> queue -> fb
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Queue can have an environment.
[p2, p3] -> queue -> f(p2) -> p1 -> queue -> f(p1) -> queue -> f(p3)
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Queue can have an environment.
a1 -> queue(a1 -> a2) -> f(a2)
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Linguistic tree
The slogan is “Trees arise everywhere.” :)
Formal linguistics (& linguistic AI) have many patterns to treat
complex data.
Ex. I'm using:
Behaviour tree
GTTM (Generative Theory of Tonal Music)
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Composable context
What "context" means?
Context can be composed.
context_ab = new() |> put(ContextA, args) |> put(ContextB, args)
context_ab = add(put(new(), ContextA, args), put(new(), ContextB, args))
This works like a decomposable map.
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Contexts is a noncommutative monoid, just like a keyword list.
add(ctx_a, ctx_b) == ctx_ab
add(add(ctx_a, ctx_b), ctx_c) ==
add(ctx_a, add(ctx_b, ctx_c))
add(ctx_a, ctx_b) != add(ctx_b, ctx_a)
add(ctx_a, new) == add(new, ctx_a) == ctx_a