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AWS Amplify Gen 2 With Vue v-okinawa Meetup # 7 LT 大 2 0 24 . 2 . 1 @seike 4 60 1

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自己 @seike 46 0 - - @seike 46 0 - AWS Community Builder Serverless - Fusic - / 門 - / - - PHP 2019 2023 - 2022 2023 - - 大 工 子工 055538A 2

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Agenda 1 .AWS Amplify Gen 2 2 .Vue 3 3 . 4 .Demo 5 . 3

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01 AWS Amplify Gen 2

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AWS Amplify AWS Amplify Amazon Web Services っ   API (GraphQL) っ   React Angular Vue iOS Android っ   SPA 自 5

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AWS Amplify AWS Amplify っ  高 っ   AWS Amplify っ   AWS 6

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AWS Authentication   Amazon Cognito 用 API (GraphQL)   AWS AppSync API (REST)   Amazon API Gateway Storage   Amazon S 3 Functions   AWS Lambda Server-Side Rendering   Amazon CloudFront 用 SSR Utilities   Amazon CloudWatch 7

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[New ] AWS Amplify Gen 2 AWS Amplify CLI AWS Amplify Gen 2 TypeScript 8

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Vue Vue 3 Vue 9

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02 Vue 3

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Amazon Cognito backend backend Component 面 Component 用 11

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SocialLogin SocialLogin 方 - Facebook - Google Sign-in - Amazon - Apple 12

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行 行 示 API 自 13

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人 OSS 金 高 人 用 AWS Amplify 用 用 14

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用 AWS Amplify バ プ 15 URL 4 6 0 /full-serverless-application-on-aws-amplify

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16 202 0 / 11 / 27 Amplify Meetup # 02   AWS Amplify URL 11 2 -TZM- 766 /images/EV_awsamplify-meetup- 1 12 7 _Nov- 2020 _LT 1 .pdf

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Vue Vue npm create 用 npm install 18 $ npm create vue@latest Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework ✔ Project name: … amplify-gen 2 -vue ✔ Add TypeScript? … No / Yes ✔ Add JSX Support? … No / Yes ✔ Add Vue Router for Single Page Application development? … No / Yes ✔ Add Pinia for state management? … No / Yes ✔ Add Vitest for Unit Testing? … No / Yes ✔ Add an End-to-End Testing Solution? Cypress ✔ Add ESLint for code quality? … No / Yes ✔Add Prettier for code formatting? … No / Yes $ cd amplify-gen 2 -vue $ npm install

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Amplify Amplify Vue 用 Amplify UI components 19 $ npm create amplify@latest Need to install the following packages: create-amplify@ 0 . 5 . 0 Ok to proceed? (y) ? Where should we create your project? . Installing required dependencies … Installing required dependencies... Creating template files... Successfully created a new project! Welcome to AWS Amplify! Run `npx amplify help` for a list of available commands. Get started by running `npx amplify sandbox`. Amplify (Gen 2 ) collects anonymous telemetry data about general usage of the CLI. Participation is optional, and you may opt-out by using `amplify configure telemetry disable`. To learn more about telemetry, visit 2 / reference/telemetry $ npm add @aws-amplify/ui-vue

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Sandbox sandnox 大 一 initialize setup 面 CDKToolkit sandobx 赤 文 280 20 $ npx amplify sandbox

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非 authenticatorComponent 面 21 import { Authenticator } from "@aws-amplify/ui-vue"; import "@aws-amplify/ui-vue/styles.css"; import { Amplify } from 'aws-amplify'; import config from '../amplifyconfiguration.json'; Amplify.configure(config); Hello {{ user.username }}! Sign Out

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22 import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue' import { generateClient } from 'aws-amplify/data' import type { Schema, Todo } from '@/../amplify/data/resource' const client = generateClient<Schema>() const todos = ref<Todo[]>([]) async function createTodo() { const content = window.prompt("Todo content?"); if (content) { await client.models.Todo.create({ content, }); fetchTodos(); // Todo } } async function fetchTodos() { const { data, errors } = await client.models.Todo.list(); if (!errors) { todos.value = data; // todos } else { console.error(errors); // 力 } } // fetchTodos 行 onMounted(fetchTodos); っ amplify/data/resource.ts const schema = a.schema({ Todo: a .model({ content: a.string() }) .authorization([a.allow.owner()]) }) export type Schema = ClientSchema export const data = defineData({ schema, authorizationModes: { defaultAuthorizationMode: 'userPool' } })

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23 import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue' import { generateClient } from 'aws-amplify/data' import type { Schema, Todo } from '@/../amplify/data/resource' const client = generateClient<Schema>() const todos = ref<Todo[]>([]) async function createTodo() { const content = window.prompt("Todo content?"); if (content) { await client.models.Todo.create({ content, }); fetchTodos(); // Todo } } async function fetchTodos() { const { data, errors } = await client.models.Todo.list(); if (!errors) { todos.value = data; // todos } else { console.error(errors); // 力 } } onMounted(fetchTodos); // fetchTodos 行
Add new todo
  • {{ todo.content }}

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04 Demo

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26 AWS Amplify Gen 2 Point 1 Vue 3 Point 2 方 Point 3 AWS Amplify Gen 2 用 Happy Vue Life Point 4

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Thank You We are Hiring !