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THE GREENER GRASS Stefan Wintermeyer - @wintermeyer

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Ruby or Elixir? Spoiler alert: It’s not a technical decision. The 5 most active programming languages on GitHub: JavaScript, Python, Java, Rust, PHP

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My First Online Shop was written in Delphi (1997)

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Programming Languages I’ve Used For Online Shops Since Language Server OS Development OS Framework Delphi Win 3.11 Win 3.11 - Perl Linux Linux - PHP Linux Linux and macOS - Ruby Linux macOS Ruby on Rails Elixir Linux macOS Phoenix Framework

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Biggest Pain = Paradigm Changes Language Programming paradigm Delphi Procedural Perl Procedural PHP Procedural Ruby Object-oriented Elixir Functional

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Ruby Elixir vs

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Ruby was published in 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto for developer’s happiness.

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Elixir was created in 2011 by José Valim to be a real concurrent language.

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Titlelize Code Example "ExMachina Hits 1.0 - More Flexible, More Useful and Support for Ecto 2.0" => "exmachina-hits-1-0-more-flexible-more-useful-and-support-for-ecto-2-0! Ruby Elixir

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Don’t let the easy to read Elixir syntax fool you into believing it’s painless to learn. Functional is a totally different ball game!

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Regular Switching Between Elixir And Ruby Back And Forth Results In Technical Jet Lag.

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We all know about Ruby. But what do people do with Elixir?

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Nerves Is An Astonishing Elixir Project Craft and deploy bulletproof embedded software in Elixir. • Raspberry Pi • BeagleBone • Generic x86_64

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Nerves Example: FarmBot

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vs But 99% Of The Discussion is Rails vs. Phoenix

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Fun fact: All players have a solid Ruby on Rails background. @josevalim @dhh @chris_mccord

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Ruby on Rails Doctrine "Optimize for programmer happiness" Me thinking: But I have been very unhappy with some gems and very happy with Phoenix.

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Phoenix Framework "Build rich, interactive web applications quickly, with less code and fewer moving parts" Me thinking: But I have done rich interactive web applications with Rails too.

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How does the 15 Minute Blog example hold on in 2020? DHH’s 2005 grandfather screencast:

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Ruby on Rails @dhh

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$ rails new my_blog $ cd my_blog $ rails g scaffold post title body:text $ rails db:migrate $ rails server # Open Fun fact: $ my_blog:> tree | wc -l 19572

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Phoenix Framework @chris_mccord

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$ mix my_blog $ cd my_blog # configure database in config/dev.exs (no SQLite ) $ mix ecto.create $ mix phx.gen.html Blog Post posts title body:text # add "resources "/posts", PostController" to router.ex $ mix ecto.migrate $ mix phx.server # Open

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How Big Is The Community/Visibility?

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Twitter Followers 428 K 16 K @dhh @chris_mccord

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Stackoverflow Questions GitHub Contributors Ruby on Rails 319,073 4,252 Phoenix Framework 3,436 877

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Phoenix USPs Performance/Speed Scalability High-Availability Systems Hot Deployment

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"… Phoenix has delivered 15x better performance than Rails …"

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What should I use?

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Use Elixir/Phoenix if performance is paramount. Technically it is the best choice!

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Use Elixir/Phoenix if your team doesn’t have (much) Ruby knowledge yet. Technically it is the best choice!

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Use Ruby/Rails for all other cases.

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A bad programmer can write a slow program in Assembler. A good programmer can write a fast program in Visual Basic. Jon von Tetzchner told me that some 20 years ago.

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Do or do not. There is no try. Stefan Wintermeyer [email protected] @wintermeyer