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Reactive Supply to Changing Demand Jonas Bonér Typesafe CTO & co-founder @jboner Building Elastic Reactive Systems

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Outline 1. Introduction 2. Scale Up 3. Scale Out 4. Bring It Together 2

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Outline 1. Introduction 2. Scale Up 3. Scale Out 4. Bring It Together 3

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The rules of the game have changed

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5 Yesterday Today

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM Expensive disk

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM Expensive disk Cheap disk

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM Expensive disk Cheap disk Slow networks

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM Expensive disk Cheap disk Slow networks Fast networks

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM Expensive disk Cheap disk Slow networks Fast networks Few concurrent users

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM Expensive disk Cheap disk Slow networks Fast networks Few concurrent users Lots of concurrent users

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM Expensive disk Cheap disk Slow networks Fast networks Few concurrent users Lots of concurrent users Small data sets

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM Expensive disk Cheap disk Slow networks Fast networks Few concurrent users Lots of concurrent users Small data sets Large data sets

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM Expensive disk Cheap disk Slow networks Fast networks Few concurrent users Lots of concurrent users Small data sets Large data sets Latency in seconds

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5 Yesterday Today Single machines Clusters of machines Single core processors Multicore processors Expensive RAM Cheap RAM Expensive disk Cheap disk Slow networks Fast networks Few concurrent users Lots of concurrent users Small data sets Large data sets Latency in seconds Latency in milliseconds

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No content

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Cost Gravity is at Work 7

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Cost Gravity is at Work 7

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The Principles of Reactive Systems

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The Principles of Reactive Systems

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Elastic “Capable of ready change or easy expansion or contraction” - Merriam Webster

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Scale on Demand? Why do we need to

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scalability? what is

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12 “Capable of being easily expanded or upgraded on demand” - Merriam Webster Dictionary

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13 “The house in which Amdahl wakes up very early each day and rules with an iron fist.” - Martin Thompson (originally Gil Tene)

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13 “The house in which Amdahl wakes up very early each day and rules with an iron fist.” - Martin Thompson (originally Gil Tene)

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14 “A service is said to be scalable if when we increase the resources in a system, it results in increased performance in a manner proportional to resources added.” - Werner Vogels

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vs Scalability Performance

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Outline 1. Introduction 2. Scale Up 3. Scale Out 4. Bring It Together 16

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UP Scale

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UP Scale and down

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18 Modern CPU architecture

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18 Modern CPU architecture

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18 Modern CPU architecture

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18 Modern CPU architecture

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The CPU is gambling—taking bets 19

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Maximize Locality of Reference

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Minimize Contention

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Common points of Application Physical contention

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23 Never ever

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23 Never ever

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Block 23 Never ever

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24 GO

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Async 24 GO

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25 NOTHING share

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Divide & Conquer 26

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27 Single Writer Principle

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27 Single Writer Principle IO device Producers SERIAL & CONTENDED

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27 Single Writer Principle IO device Producers SERIAL & CONTENDED IO device Producers Actor or Queue BATCHED & UNCONTENDED

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29 Needs to be async and non-blocking all the way down

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29 Needs to be async and non-blocking all the way down

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The Role of Immutable State 30

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The Role of Immutable State 30

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The Role of Immutable State • Great to represent facts • Messages and Events • Database snapshots • Representing the succession of time 30

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The Role of Immutable State • Great to represent facts • Messages and Events • Database snapshots • Representing the succession of time • Mutable State is ok if local and contained • Allows Single-threaded processing • Allows single writer principle • Feels more natural • Publish the results to the world as Immutable State 30

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on Demand Scale

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Outline 1. Introduction 2. Scale Up 3. Scale Out 4. Bring It Together 32

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OUT Scale

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OUT Scale and in

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• Mobile • Cloud Services, REST etc. • NOSQL DBs • Big Data • etc 34 Distributed Computing is the new normal

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What is the essence of distributed computing? 35 To try to overcome that

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What is the essence of distributed computing? 1. Information travels at the speed of light 2. Independent things fail independently 35 To try to overcome that

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Node Node Node 36 Node

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Middleware Node Node Node 36 Node

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Cluster/Rack/Datacenter Cluster/Rack/Datacenter Cluster/Rack/Datacenter Middleware Node Node Node 36 Node

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37 1. The network is reliable 2. Latency is zero 3. Bandwidth is infinite 4. The network is secure 5. Topology doesn't change 6. There is one administrator 7. Transport cost is zero 8. The network is homogeneous Peter Deutsch’s 8 Fallacies of Distributed Computing

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The Graveyard of Distributed Systems • Distributed Shared Mutable State • 㱺 EVIL (where N is number of nodes) • Serializable Distributed Transactions • Synchronous RPC • Guaranteed Delivery • Distributed Objects • “Sucks like an inverted hurricane” - Martin Fowler 38 N

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Maximize Locality of Reference

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Strong Consistency

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41 Linearizability “Under linearizable consistency, all operations appear to have executed atomically in an order that is consistent with the global real-time ordering of operations.” - Herlihy & Wing 1991

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Strong Consistency Protocols

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(Coordination in the Cluster) Minimize Contention

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44 CAP Theorem

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44 CAP Theorem

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Consistency Eventual

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47 “In general, application developers simply do not implement large scalable applications assuming distributed transactions.” -­‐  Pat Helland Life beyond Distributed Transactions: an Apostate’s Opinion

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48 “State transitions are an important part of our problem space and should be modeled within our domain.”   - Greg Young Domain Events

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49 "The database is a cache of a subset of the log.” - Pat Helland The Event Log

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The Event Log • Append-Only Logging • Database of Facts • Two models: • One single Event Log • Strong Consistency • Multiple sharded Event Logs • Strong + Eventual Consistency 50

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Outline 1. Introduction 2. Scale Up 3. Scale Out 4. Bring It Together 51

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NOTHING 52 share

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TRANSPARENCY 53 location

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Data Center 55 Data Center Cluster Cluster Machine Machine JVM JVM Node Node Thread Thread CPU CPU CPU Socket CPU Socket CPU Core CPU Core CPU L1/L2 Cache CPU L1/L2 Cache

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56 Scaling Up and Out is essentially the same thing

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56 Scaling Up and Out is essentially the same thing

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No content

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Elasticity requires a Message-Driven Architecture

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Reactive Supply to Changing Demand Jonas Bonér Typesafe CTO & co-founder @jboner Building Elastic Reactive Systems