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Sarah Mei Pivotal Labs
To Be
Hello! Good afternoon. I'm Sarah Mei. And I am so thrilled, after hearing about this
conference for years, to finally be here for the Mountain West Ruby Conf.
The last time I was in Salt Lake was 1998. Y’all have changed quite a bit in 15 years. The last
time I was here there were no bars, only private clubs, there were no tattoo parlors, at least
not that you could see from the street, and the entire city had two - two! - coffee shops, and
they were both terrible. So given this, I am expecting that the next time I visit, you’ll have
medical marijuana clinics, because y’all seem to be heading in that direction.
Now, as you can see...I totally did NOT forget to email Mike Moore the title and abstract of
my talk. Yeah. I really have to apologize for that. It’s been a rough year, or so, for me and my
family. So I’m grateful to be here at all, I’m grateful to Mike and the other organizers for
inviting me, and I’m especially grateful to you, for sticking around to hear me finish this out.
Also: hellloooo to the internet! I love you guys too.
Now what I actually want to talk about today...