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Kohei Suzuki, Takashi Kokubun High Performance Template Engine A guide to optimizing your Ruby code

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Self introduction • Kohei Suzuki • @eagletmt • Developer Productivity Group,
 Cookpad Inc. • Favorite library: pathname

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Self introduction • Takashi Kokubun • @k0kubun • Developer Productivity Group,
 Cookpad Inc. • Favorite library: ripper

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✤ What is a template engine? ✤ Template Engine Examples • Template Engine Internals • Performance • How to optimize Ruby code? • What did we do for high performance template engines?

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What is a Template Engine? • Template engines render text (typically HTML) by combining data with a template written in a template language • ERB, Haml, Slim, ...

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ERB • ERB is a template engine included in the Ruby standard library

<%= @title %>

    <%- @items.each do |item| %>
  • <%= item %>
  • <% end %>

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It works!

  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3
ERB • Rendered output

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Haml %h1{ class: 'title' }= @title %ul - @items.each do |item| %li.item= item • Haml is an elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine

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It works!

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
• Rendered output

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Slim h1 class='title' = @title ul - @items.each do |item| li.item= item • Slim is a fast, lightweight template engine for Ruby

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It works!

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
• Rendered output

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✤ What is a template engine? • Template Engine Examples ✤ Template Engine Internals • Performance • How to optimize Ruby code? • What did we do for high performance template engines?

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Template Engine Internals • Template engines compile templates in Ruby code Template Ruby code compile %h1 It works! _hamlout.push_text( "

It works!

\n" , 0, false);

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Template Engine Internals • Ruby code renders HTML Ruby code HTML render _hamlout.push_text( "

It works!

\n" , 0, false);

It works!

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Haml Example %a{href: ''} %a{ href: '' }

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Haml Example %a{href: ''} _hamlout.push_text( "\n", 0, false );

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✤ What is a template engine? • Template Engine Examples • Template Engine Internals ✤ Performance • How to optimize Ruby code? • What did we do for high performance template engines?

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Haml vs Slim • Haml has nice syntax, but its implementation is not very performant • Slim's syntax is not as nice, but it has a great, performant implementation

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Faster Haml Engine • We love Haml language, so we both implemented faster Haml engines individually w IUUQTHJUIVCDPNFBHMFUNUGBNM w IUUQTHJUIVCDPNLLVCVOIBNMJU

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• What is a template engine? ✤ How to optimize Ruby code? • What did we do for high performance template engines?

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Optimize your Ruby code • YOUR CODE IS SLOW • if you don't know how to write fast code

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3 steps of optimization 1. Benchmark 2. Profiling 3. Improvement

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• What is a template engine? ✤ How to optimize Ruby code? ✤ Benchmark • Profiling • Improvement • What did we do for high performance template engines?

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Why is benchmarking necessary? • To measure performance accurately • Profilers have overhead • Even if it is fast in the profiler, it may benchmark slow • For continuous improvement • You can't detect performance regression without benchmark

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How to benchmark? • Use benchmark-ips gem • Show a result in an easy-to-understand way Rendering of slim/benchmarks with HTML escaped hamlit v2.0.1: 122622.3 i/s faml v0.7.1: 94239.1 i/s - 1.30x slower slim v3.0.6: 89143.0 i/s - 1.38x slower erubis v2.7.0: 65047.8 i/s - 1.89x slower haml v5.0.0.beta.2: 14363.6 i/s - 8.54x slower

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What to measure? • Sometimes a problem has a trade-off • trade-off between compilation time and rendering time Rendering of haml/test/templates/standard.haml hamlit v2.0.1: 12351.8 i/s (0.081ms) faml v0.7.0: 9713.4 i/s (0.103ms) - 1.27x slower haml v5.0.0.beta.2: 2296.5 i/s (0.435ms) - 5.38x slower

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What to measure? • Sometimes a problem has a trade-off • trade-off between compilation time and rendering time Compilation of haml/test/templates/standard.haml haml v5.0.0.beta.2: 388.2 i/s (2.576ms) hamlit v2.0.1: 193.7 i/s (5.163ms) - 2.00x slower faml v0.7.0: 188.0 i/s (5.320ms) - 2.07x slower

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• What is a template engine? ✤ How to optimize Ruby code? • Benchmark ✤ Profiling • Improvement • What did we do for high performance template engines?

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Fundamental Rule of Optimisation • Don't guess, measure • It's a waste of time to optimize trivial things • The bottleneck may change at any time

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Recommended profilers • stackprof gem • rblineprof gem For detail: RubyKaigi 2014 "Ruby 2.1 in Production"

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stackprof usage in Hamlit repo • To search the entire stack to find the bottlenecks in template compilation $ bin/stackprof test/haml/templates/standard.haml ================================== Mode: wall(1) Samples: 8034 (70.35% miss rate) GC: 787 (9.80%) ================================== TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 498 (6.2%) 498 (6.2%) Temple::Mixins::CompiledDispatcher#disp 893 (11.1%) 319 (4.0%) Ripper::Lexer#lex 2999 (37.3%) 237 (2.9%) Hamlit::HTML#dispatcher 2070 (25.8%) 220 (2.7%) Temple::Filters::ControlFlow#dispatcher 4600 (57.3%) 189 (2.4%) Hamlit::Escapable#dispatcher 164 (2.0%) 164 (2.0%) Temple::Mixins::CompiledDispatcher::Dis 174 (2.2%) 160 (2.0%) block in Temple::ImmutableMap#[]

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rblineprof usage in Hamlit repo • To find bottlenecks in the compiled template code $ bin/lineprof test/haml/templates/standard.haml [Lineprof] ====================================================================== /private/var/folders/my/syd7zn_d495dmjm7_y8lqby80000gp/T/ compiled20151204-39353-9l8fvy | 16 ; _hamlit_compiler1 = ( 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 #numbers should work and this should be ignored; 0.2ms 200 | 17 ; ); _buf << (::Hamlit::Utils.escape_html(((_hamlit_compiler1).to_s))); _buf << ("\n\n
Quotes should be loved! Just like people!
\n".freeze); 57.5ms 100 | 18 ; 120.times do |number|; | 19 ; _hamlit_compiler2 = ( number; 31.5ms 24000 | 20 ; ); _buf <<

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• What is a template engine? ✤ How to optimize Ruby code? • Benchmark • Profiling ✤ Improvement • What did we do for high performance template engines?

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How to improve 1. Don't guess, measure (again) • Profiler tells you what to optimize • Benchmark tells you which code is faster

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2. Profiling 1. Benchmark 3. Improvement How to improve 2. Keep this iteration

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How to improve 3. Learn from others • We'll show you examples of template engine optimization

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• What is a template engine? • How to optimize Ruby code? ✤ What did we do for high performance template engines? ✤ Faml side • Hamlit side

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Faml • @eagletmt started faml development as a complete replacement of haml • High compatibility with improved performance • Basic ideas for high performance: • Follow Slim • Perform optimization at compile time

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Slim's Benchmark Compiled benchmark (i/s) 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 erb slim ugly haml ugly

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Why does Slim perform well? • Slim uses Temple gem as backend • Temple performs generic optimization automatically • I decided to use Temple as backend •

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• Haml generates naive Ruby code Haml %a{ href: '' } _hamlout.buffer << "\n";

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Slim a href='' _buf = []; _buf << ("".freeze); ; _buf = _buf.join • Slim generates a static string literal at compile time

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• What is a template engine? • How to optimize Ruby code? ✤ What did we do for high performance template engines? ✤ Faml side ✤ Attribute Optimization • Faster Runtime Attribute Builder • Hamlit side

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Static Analysis • Haml should also be compiled into static string literal like Slim • But Ruby parser is required to achieve it %a{ href: '' } %a{ :href=>'' } %a{ 'href'=>'' } %a{ 'href': '' }

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parser gem • • Ruby parser, used by RuboCop, Transpec, ... • Easy to use • AST with rich source code information

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Attribute Optimization • Faml categorizes attributes into 3 types by parsing Ruby code • Static • Dynamic • Runtime

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Static Attribute • Both key and value are static • Fastest • No operations in runtime %a{ href: '' }

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Dynamic Attribute %a{ href: url } • Key is static, but the value is dynamic • Relatively fast • Escape url and concat it in runtime

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Runtime Attribute • Key and value are dynamic • Slow • Build whole attribute list in runtime %a{ key => url }

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• Sometimes optimization is impossible • Dynamic attributes? Multiple line attributes %a{ class: 'link', href: url }

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Multiple line attributes %a{ class: 'link', href: url }

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Line Numbers • We have to keep line numbers • for correct backtrace • (for correct __LINE__ value)

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• It have to be compiled as runtime attributes Line Numbers 1 %a{ class: 'link', 2 href: url } 1 buf << ("\n".freeze); 3 ; _buf = _buf.join

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Line Numbers 1 %a{ class: 'link', 2 href: url }

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• What is a template engine? • How to optimize Ruby code? ✤ What did we do for high performance template engines? ✤ Faml side • Attribute Optimization ✤ Faster Runtime Attribute Builder • Hamlit side

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C extension • C is faster than Ruby! • If performance is really important, writing C extension is a good choice.

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C extension • I wrote runtime attribute builder in C++ • Ruby version (before v0.1.0) • 41889.8 i/s • C++ version (v0.7.1) • 90168.6 i/s

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In Production • Cookpad • Cookpad Blog • Cookpad Video

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• What is a template engine? • How to optimize Ruby code? ✤ What did we do for high performance template engines? • Faml side ✤ Hamlit side

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Hamlit • Designed to defeat Slim • I've heard many people said “migrating from Haml to Slim because it's faster.” • Hamlit means “Haml it” (write it with Haml)

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Slim's compiled benchmark with HTML-escaping (i/s) 0 35000 70000 105000 140000 Hamlit Faml Slim Haml Hamlit is faster than Slim

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Hamlit’s strategy • Reduce string allocation and concatenation by: • compiling string interpolation • dropping unused behaviors

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• What is a template engine? • How to optimize Ruby code? ✤ What did we do for high performance template engines? • Faml side ✤ Hamlit side ✤ Compiling string interpolation • Dropping unused behaviors

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How to compile template? • We should care about: 1. String allocation 2. String concatenation

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1. String allocation • Utilize frozen string literal • Thanks to Temple::Generator, static string is frozen automatically! • Slim, Faml and Hamlit use this

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2. String concatenation • String interpolation is fast Benchmark.ips do |x|"Array#join") { ['hello', 1234].join }"interpolation") { "#{'hello'}#{1234}" }! end

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2. String concatenation • String interpolation is fast $ ruby bench.rb Comparison: interpolation: 1115751.8 i/s Array#join: 507283.5 i/s - 2.20x slower

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How should we compile interpolated String? • Suppose that you are a Ruby interpreter, what code would be pleasant? - year = 2015 %a{ href: "{year}" } RubyKaigi #{year}

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How should we compile interpolated String? year = 2015 _hamlout.buffer << "#{ "RubyKaigi #{Haml::Helpers.html_escape((year))}" }\n"; Haml - year = 2015 %a{ href: "{year}" } RubyKaigi #{year}

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How should we compile interpolated String? year = 2015 _hamlout.buffer << "#{ "RubyKaigi #{Haml::Helpers.html_escape((year))}" }\n"; Haml - year = 2015 %a{ href: "{year}" } RubyKaigi #{year}

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How should we compile interpolated String? _buf = []; year = 2015; ; _buf << ("RubyKaigi ".freeze); _buf << (::Temple::Utils.escape_html((year))); _buf << ("\n".freeze); ; _buf = _buf.join Faml - year = 2015 %a{ href: "{year}" } RubyKaigi #{year}

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How should we compile interpolated String? _buf = []; year = 2015; ; _buf << ("RubyKaigi ".freeze); _buf << (::Temple::Utils.escape_html((year))); _buf << ("\n".freeze); ; _buf = _buf.join Faml - year = 2015 %a{ href: "{year}" } RubyKaigi #{year}

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How should we compile interpolated String? _buf = []; year = 2015; ; _buf << ("RubyKaigi ".freeze); _buf << (::Hamlit::Utils.escape_html((year))); ; _buf << ("\n".freeze); _buf = _buf.join Hamlit - year = 2015 %a{ href: "{year}" } RubyKaigi #{year}

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How should we compile interpolated String? _buf = []; year = 2015; ; _buf << ("RubyKaigi ".freeze); _buf << (::Hamlit::Utils.escape_html((year))); ; _buf << ("\n".freeze); _buf = _buf.join Hamlit - year = 2015 %a{ href: "{year}" } RubyKaigi #{year}

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How should we compile interpolated String? Comparison: hamlit v2.0.1: 301640.2 i/s faml v0.7.1: 199001.5 i/s - 1.52x slower haml v5.0.0.beta.2: 14714.4 i/s - 20.50x slower

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Tips to write faster code • Don't allocate string • Reduce string concatenation • Fastest way to concatenate string is not to concatenate string

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• What is a template engine? • How to optimize Ruby code? ✤ What did we do for high performance template engines? • Faml side ✤ Hamlit side • Compiling string interpolation ✤ Dropping unused behaviors

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Dropping unused behavior • Since Haml and Slim have rich syntax and behaviors in attributes, rendering attributes is a bottleneck • In other words, optimization chance

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Dropping unused behavior • To optimize attribute rendering, Faml and Hamlit drop some unused behavior • Let's see how they are different!

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Dropped features in Hamlit • Hamlit supports following features for limited attributes • Data attribute hyphenation • Boolean attribute

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Data attribute hyphenation • In Haml, nested Hash is expanded with hyphen for all attributes
%div{ foo: { bar: 'baz' } } %div{ data: { bar: 'baz' } } Haml

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• In Faml and Hamlit, data attribute hyphenation is supported only for data attribute Data attribute hyphenation Haml Faml, Hamlit
%div{ foo: { bar: 'baz' } } %div{ data: { bar: 'baz' } }

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Data attribute hyphenation • Hyphenating data attribute is expensive • So we dropped it to generate faster code in non-data attributes

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; _buf << ("\n".freeze); Data attribute hyphenation • No code to hyphenate Hash

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Data attribute hyphenation - disabled = false %input{ disabled: disabled } - disabled = true %input{ disabled: disabled } Comparison: hamlit v2.0.1: 819212.4 i/s (0.001ms) faml v0.7.1: 614993.4 i/s (0.002ms) - 1.33x slower haml v5.0.0.beta.2: 15073.2 i/s (0.066ms) - 54.35x slower • Benchmark for non-data attribute

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Boolean support • Only with Hamlit, non-boolean attributes are not deleted by falsey values (nil, false) Haml, Faml Hamlit %a{ href: false } %a{ disabled: false }

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Boolean support • Only with Hamlit, non-boolean attributes are not deleted by falsey values (nil, false) • It means that Hamlit doesn't need to check and concatenate value on runtime for non- boolean attributes

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Boolean support _buf = []; url = ''; ; _buf << ("\n".freeze); • Faml compilation for non-boolean attribute

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Boolean support _buf = []; url = ''; ; _buf << ("\n".freeze); _buf = _buf.join • Hamlit compilation for non-boolean attribute

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Comparison: hamlit v2.0.1: 407851.9 i/s (0.002ms) faml v0.7.1: 223612.4 i/s (0.004ms) - 1.82x slower haml v5.0.0.beta.2: 21823.1 i/s (0.046ms) - 18.69x slower Boolean support

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But does it really work? • Also in Rails tag helpers, false is not deleted for non-boolean attributes = content_tag :input, '', value: false

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• It could pass 20,000+ tests in the World's largest Rails application! But does it really work?

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Why Hamlit is the fastest? • Faml and Slim has boolean support for all attributes • So Hamlit is faster in non-boolean attributes • Give up trivial things to make things better!

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Comparison of Haml engines • Haml • Slow and rarely maintained now • I sent a patch to replace backend, but not merged • Faml • Fast and highly compatible • Hamlit • Fastest and slightly incompatible

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Conclusion • How to improve performance • Benchmark, Profiling, Improvement • Real examples of improvements • Faml and Hamlit • Try our faster Haml engines!