Slide 13
Slide 13 text
Benefits of using multisig
Benefits of using multisig
Key distribution
Add a layer of physical security requiring an attacker to be
in more than 1 place at a time.
Removes single point of failure
If one of your keys is lost/stolen your funds are still SAFU
Diversify Risk
Multiple manufacturers to mitigate exploits of a single HW
Wallet company
Escrow Transactions
Escrow is a legal arrangement where a third party holds
funds until certain conditions are met. If there's a dispute,
only A or B will authorize the transaction, allowing C to
make the final decision.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Multi-sig can also serve as a form of two-factor
authentication (2FA), because users can hold private keys
on different devices. However, there are risks associated
with using multi-sig technology as 2FA because a device
holding one private key can be lost, stolen, or broken. For
example, if the wallet signature is set as 2-of-2, losing a key
on one device would make it impossible to recover funds.
What are some other benefits?