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Software Design & Eclecticism

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• UITableView Wrangler • URL Request Slinger • JSON Serialization Expert • Getter/Setter Go-Getter • Documentation Force of Nature • NSManagedObject Whisperer

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This is a talk about getting back to what 
 I love most about programming

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French Republican Calendar

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1793 – 1805

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Design Goals

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12 Months of 3 Weeks of 10 Days of 10 Hours of 100 Minutes of 100 Seconds

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Vendémiaire Nivôse Germinal Messidor Brumaire Pluviôse Floréal Thermidor Frimaire Ventôse Prairial Fructidor -aire -ôse -al -dor

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1.primidi 2.duodi 3.tridi 4.quartidi 5.quintidi
 6.sextidi 7.septidi 8.octidi 9.nonidi 10.décadi

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Brumaire 1 Pomme Pluviôse 25 Lièvre

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360 Days + 
 5 or 6 
 “Complementary Days”

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Les Jours Complémentaires • Celebration of Virtue • Celebration of Talent • Celebration of Labor • Celebration of Convictions • Celebration of Honors • Celebration of the Revolution

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• Gregorian • Buddhist • Chinese • Hebrew • Islamic • Islamic Civil
 • Japanese • Republic of China • Persian • Indian • ISO 8601

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@interface _FRARepublicanCalendar : 
 NSCalendar @end

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NSString * const 
 NSCalendarIdentifierFrenchRepublican =

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- (id)fra_initWithCalendarIdentifier:(NSString *)ident 
 { if ([ident isEqualToString: NSCalendarIdentifierFrenchRepublican]) { return [[_FRARepublicanCalendar alloc] init]; } ! return [self fra_initWithCalendarIdentifier:ident]; }

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- (NSRange)maximumRangeOfUnit:(NSCalendarUnit)unit { switch (unit) { case NSYearCalendarUnit: return NSMakeRange(-NSUIntegerMax, NSUIntegerMax); case NSMonthCalendarUnit: return NSMakeRange(1, 13); case NSWeekCalendarUnit: return NSMakeRange(1, 3); case NSWeekdayCalendarUnit: return NSMakeRange(1, 10); case NSDayCalendarUnit: return NSMakeRange(1, 30); case NSHourCalendarUnit: return NSMakeRange(1, 10); case NSMinuteCalendarUnit: return NSMakeRange(1, 100); case NSSecondCalendarUnit: return NSMakeRange(1, 100); case NSEraCalendarUnit: default: return NSMakeRange(0, 0); } }

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NSTimeInterval const FRAFrenchRevolutionaryEpoch = 2375839.5; // 22 September 1792

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- components:
 fromDate: - dateByAddingComponents:
 toDate: - dateFromComponents:

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Phone Numbers

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+1 (555) 555 - 1234 United States

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+44 20 1234 5678 United Kingdom

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1 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PQRS 8 TUV 9 WXYZ ˎ 0 + #

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 01947 (WH)

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1-800-HIPSTER Alphabetical Phone Number

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+1 (555) 555 - 6789 x42 Extension

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911 Emergency Number

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55422 SMS Short Code

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IP Addresses

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E.164 Telephone Numbering Plan

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International Access Code 011 Country Code +44 Area Code 555 Subscriber Number 555 1234 Extension x42

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• @property NSString *internationalAccessCode • @property NSString *countryCode • @property NSString *areaCode • @property NSString *subscriberNumber • @property NSString *extension • @property NSString *emergencyNumber • @property NSString *shortCode

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E164PhoneNumberFormatter • @property NSLocale *locale • @property NSString *countryCodePrefix • @property NSString *extensionPrefix

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- phoneNumberWithComponents: - components:

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NFPA 704 
 Hazard Identification System

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3 2 0 Ethyl Alcohol CH3CH2OH

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1 0 2 Sodium Hydride NaH W

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4 3 2 W

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4 3 2 W • @property flammabilityLabel • @property healthLabel • @property reactivityLabel • @property specialNoteLabel

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4 3 2 W • @property flammabilityBackgroundColor • @property healthBackgroundColor • @property reactivityBackgroundColor • @property specialNoteBackgroundColor

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typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, NFPA704HazardLevel) { NFPA704MinimalHazard = 0, NFPA704SlightHazard = 1, NFPA704ModerateHazard = 2, NFPA704SeriousHazard = 3, NFPA704ExtremeHazard = 4, }; • @property NFPA704HazardLevel flammability • @property NFPA704HazardLevel health • @property NFPA704HazardLevel reactivity • @property NSString *specialNote

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CGContextSaveGState(ctx); { CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx,CGRectGetWidth(rect)/2.0f, 0.0f); CGContextRotateCTM(ctx, M_PI_4); CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, 1.0f / M_SQRT2, 1.0f / M_SQRT2); // … } CGContextRestoreGState(ctx);

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Beer Measurement

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@interface Beer @property NSString *name @property id brewery @property NSNumber *ABV @property NSNumber *IBU @property NSNumber *SRM

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°L Example Color EBC 2 Pale lager, Witbier, Pilsener, Berliner Weisse 4 3 Maibock, Blonde Ale 6 4 Weissbier 8 6 American Pale Ale, India Pale Ale 12 8 Weissbier, Saison 16 10 English Bitter, ESB 20 13 Biere de Garde, Double IPA 26 17 Dark lager, Vienna lager, Marzen, Amber Ale 33 20 Brown Ale, Bock, Dunkel, Dunkelweizen 39 24 Irish Dry Stout, Doppelbock, Porter 47 29 Stout 57 35 Foreign Stout, Baltic Porter 69 40+ Imperial Stout 79

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Morey Equation MCU = weight of grains (lbs) • color of grains (°L) volume (gallons) SRM = 1.4922 • MCU^0.6859

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Morey Approximation UIColor * UIColorForDegreesLovibond(CGFloat lovibond) { CGFloat r, g, b; if (lovibond < 1.7f) { r = 226.6017f, g = 174.7456f, b = 101.7924; } else if (lovibond > 600.0f) { r = 76.52f, g = 58.344f, b = 47.936f; } else { r = (227.3 - 0.4112 * lovibond) + (0.0002665 * powf(lovibond, 2.0f)); g = (175.5 - 0.4445 * lovibond) + (0.0004154 * powf(lovibond, 2.0f)); b = (102.2 - 0.2402 * lovibond) + (0.0002496 * powf(lovibond, 2.0f)); } ! return [UIColor colorWithRed:(r / 255.0f) green:(g / 255.0f) blue:(b / 255.0f) alpha:1.0f]; }

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@interface BeerView - setBeer:

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Shoe Sizing

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UK Barleycorn ⅓ inch France Paris Point ⅔ cm

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• Europe • UK • Australia • USA / Canada • Mexico • Japan • Korea
 • Inches • Centimeters Regional Systems Measurements

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ISO 9407 Mondopoint

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200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 7¾ 8 8¼ 8½ 8¾ 9 9¼ 9½ 9¾ 10 10¼ 10½ 10¾ 11 11¼ 11½ 11¾ 12 12¼ 12½ [mm] [in] foot 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 8¼ 8½ 8¾ 9 9¼ 9½ 9¾ 10 10¼ 10½ 10¾ 11 11¼ 11½ 11¾ 12 12¼ 12½ 12¾ 13 [mm] [in] shoe Mondopoint 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 EUR 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 UK 0 0½ 1 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6 6½ 7 7½ 8 8½ 9 9½ 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 13½ 14 64ø. 1 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6 6½ 7 7½ 8 8½ 9 9½ 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 13½ 14 14½ 15 64ø.ø "UIM 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6 6½ 7 7½ 8 8½ 9 9½ 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 13½ 14 64ø8ø '*" 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6 6½ 7 7½ 8 8½ 9 9½ 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 13½ 14 14½ 15 15½ 16 64ø8ø "UIM 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6 6½ 7 7½ 8 8½ 9 9½ 10 10½ 11 11½ 12 12½ 13 13½ 14 14½ 15 JP/CN 20 20½ 21 21½ 22 22½ 23 23½ 24 24½ 25 25½ 26 26½ 27 27½ 28 28½ 29 29½ 30

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Function or Lookup Table?

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#import ! extern double USAWomensSizeToMondopoint(double size); ! - (void)testUSAWomensSizeToMondopointEquivalences { static NSDictionary *mondopointByWomensSize = @{@(2): @(203), ...}; ! [mondopointByWomensSize enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock: ^(NSNumber *womensSize, NSNumber *mondopoint, BOOL *stop) { XCTAssertEqual( USAWomensSizeToMondopoint([womensSize doubleValue]), [mondopoint doubleValue], @"sizes not equivalent” ); }]; }

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a/1 b/2 c/3 d/4 e/5 f/6 g/7 h/8 i/9 j/0 k l m n o p q r s t u v x y z w

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Comma Semicolon Apostrophe Colon Hyphen Decimal point Full stop! (Period) Exclamation! point Open quote,! question mark Close! quote Bracket! (Parentheses) Slash! (Fraction)

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NSMutableString *mutableText = [text mutableCopy]; ! CFStringTransform(mutableText, NULL, kCFStringTransformToLatin, NO); ! CFStringTransform(mutableText, NULL, kCFStringTransformStripCombiningMarks, NO); ! text = [NSString stringWithString:mutableText];

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NSMutableString *mutableBrailleText = [NSMutableString string]; [text enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [text length]) options:NSStringEnumerationByComposedCharacterSequences usingBlock: ^(NSString *substring, …) { [mutableBrailleText appendString: EnglishBrailleCharacterForCharacter([substring characterAtIndex:0])]; }]; ! [super setText:mutableBrailleText];

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static NSString * EnglishBrailleCharacterForCharacter(unichar character) { switch (character) { case 'a': return @"⠁"; case 'b': return @"⠃"; // ... } ! return nil; }

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Concepts • Swizzling & Private Class Clusters • Formatters vs. Value Transformers vs. Functions • View Composition & Transformations • Model-Driven Views • Unit Conversion Strategies & Unit Testing • String Enumeration & UIPrinterFormatter