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Edges Spaces Relationships Lights/Shadows Gestalt

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Modeling on the Right Side of the Brain An introduction to the five basic skills of Object Modeling ! Nicholas Henry #motrsb

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Objects Collaborations Business Rules Services Attributes

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Anatomy of Domain Model

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Anatomy of Domain Model

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Anatomy of Domain Model

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Anatomy of Domain Model

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Other Concerns

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Heart of your Application

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User Stories Rails Application The Gap ?

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Use Object Modeling to bridge the gap between User Stories and implementing Domain Models

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Objects have responsibilities

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Objects have responsibilities

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Objects have responsibilities

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Objects have responsibilities

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Objects have responsibilities

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Collaborations Business Rules Services Attributes Finding Objects

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Collaborations Solution Challenge

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Event Archetype

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Event Archetype

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Role Archetype

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Party-Place-Thing Archetype

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Description Archetype

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makeMomentInterval addDetail calcTotal recalcTotal complete cancel mi_generateNext mi_assessWRTPrior mi_assessWRTNext mi_comparePlanVsActual listMIs assessAcrossMIs «moment-interval» MomentInterval number dateOrDateTimeOrInterval priority total status «moment-interval» NextMI «moment-interval» PriorMI calcTotal qty «mi-detail» MomentIntervalDetail 0..* 1 0..* 1 Interacts - With its pink mi-details - With its pink prior moment-intervals - With its pink next moment-intervals - With its corresponding yellow roles, green party/place/things, or blue descriptions plan 0..* actual 0..1 1 1..* makeMomentInterval interface «plug-in point» IMakeMomentInterval 1 assessAcrossMIs listMIs listRoles accessAcrossRoles assignedNumber status «role» ThingRole assessAcrossMIs listMIs listRoles accessAcrossRoles assignedNumber status «role» PlaceRole assessAcrossMIs listMIs listRoles accessAcrossRoles assignedNumber status «role» PartyRole 0..* 1 0..* 1 0..* 0..* assessAcrossRoles getCustomElseDefaultValue listRoles listThings assessAcrossThings serialNumber name address customerValue «thing» Thing assessAcrossRoles getCustomElseDefaultValue listRoles listPlaces assessAcrossPlaces serialNumber name address customerValue «place» Place assessWithPlugInElseDefault accessAcrossPlaces findAvailable calcQtyAvailable calcTotalFor listPlaces listDescs accessAcrossDescs type description itemNumber defaultNumber «description» PlaceDescription 0..* 1 assess interface «plug-in point» IAssess assessWithPlugInElseDefault accessAcrossThings findAvailable calcQtyAvailable calcTotalFor listThings listDescs accessAcrossDescs type description itemNumber defaultNumber «description» ThingDescription 0..* 1 assess interface «plug-in point» IAssess assessWithPlugInElseDefault accessAcrossParties findAvailable calcQtyAvailable calcTotalFor listParties listDescs accessAcrossDescs type description itemNumber defaultNumber «description» PartyDescription 0..* 1 assess interface «plug-in point» IAssess assessAcrossRoles getCustomElseDefaultValue listRoles listParties assessAcrossThings serialNumber name address customerValue «party» Party Interacts with its yellow roles or its pink moment-intervals Interacts with its green parties or its pink moment-intervals Interacts with its pink moment-intervals 1 0..* 0..1 0..1 1 0..* 1 0..* 0..1 The domain-neutral component. If you do not need to track a specific green, then drop the been and the yellow; the blue is enough. If just one hello for a green, keep the portioning if useful, else drop the yellow. If you do not need to track a specific green, then drop the been and the yellow; the blue is enough. If just a category attribute, move the attribute to the green and drop the blue.

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makeMomentInterval addDetail calcTotal recalcTotal complete cancel mi_generateNext mi_assessWRTPrior mi_assessWRTNext mi_comparePlanVsActual listMIs assessAcrossMIs «moment-interval» MomentInterval number dateOrDateTimeOrInterval priority total status «moment-interval» NextMI «moment-interval» PriorMI calcTotal qty «mi-detail» MomentIntervalDetail 0..* 1 0..* 1 Interacts - With its pink mi-details - With its pink prior moment-intervals - With its pink next moment-intervals - With its corresponding yellow roles, green party/place/things, or blue descriptions plan 0..* actual 0..1 1 1..* makeMomentInterval interface «plug-in point» IMakeMomentInterval 1 assessAcrossMIs listMIs listRoles accessAcrossRoles assignedNumber status «role» ThingRole assessAcrossMIs listMIs listRoles accessAcrossRoles assignedNumber status «role» PlaceRole assessAcrossMIs listMIs listRoles accessAcrossRoles assignedNumber status «role» PartyRole 0..* 1 0..* 1 0..* 0..* assessAcrossRoles getCustomElseDefaultValue listRoles listThings assessAcrossThings serialNumber name address customerValue «thing» Thing assessAcrossRoles getCustomElseDefaultValue listRoles listPlaces assessAcrossPlaces serialNumber name address customerValue «place» Place assessWithPlugInElseDefault accessAcrossPlaces findAvailable calcQtyAvailable calcTotalFor listPlaces listDescs accessAcrossDescs type description itemNumber defaultNumber «description» PlaceDescription 0..* 1 assess interface «plug-in point» IAssess assessWithPlugInElseDefault accessAcrossThings findAvailable calcQtyAvailable calcTotalFor listThings listDescs accessAcrossDescs type description itemNumber defaultNumber «description» ThingDescription 0..* 1 assess interface «plug-in point» IAssess assessWithPlugInElseDefault accessAcrossParties findAvailable calcQtyAvailable calcTotalFor listParties listDescs accessAcrossDescs type description itemNumber defaultNumber «description» PartyDescription 0..* 1 assess interface «plug-in point» IAssess assessAcrossRoles getCustomElseDefaultValue listRoles listParties assessAcrossThings serialNumber name address customerValue «party» Party Interacts with its yellow roles or its pink moment-intervals Interacts with its green parties or its pink moment-intervals Interacts with its pink moment-intervals 1 0..* 0..1 0..1 1 0..* 1 0..* 0..1 The domain-neutral component. If you do not need to track a specific green, then drop the been and the yellow; the blue is enough. If just one hello for a green, keep the portioning if useful, else drop the yellow. If you do not need to track a specific green, then drop the been and the yellow; the blue is enough. If just a category attribute, move the attribute to the green and drop the blue.

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makeMomentInterval addDetail calcTotal recalcTotal complete cancel mi_generateNext mi_assessWRTPrior mi_assessWRTNext mi_comparePlanVsActual listMIs assessAcrossMIs «moment-interval» MomentInterval number dateOrDateTimeOrInterval priority total status «moment-interval» NextMI «moment-interval» PriorMI calcTotal qty «mi-detail» MomentIntervalDetail 0..* 1 0..* 1 Interacts - With its pink mi-details - With its pink prior moment-intervals - With its pink next moment-intervals - With its corresponding yellow roles, green party/place/things, or blue descriptions plan 0..* actual 0..1 1 1..* makeMomentInterval interface «plug-in point» IMakeMomentInterval 1 assessAcrossMIs listMIs listRoles accessAcrossRoles assignedNumber status «role» ThingRole assessAcrossMIs listMIs listRoles accessAcrossRoles assignedNumber status «role» PlaceRole assessAcrossMIs listMIs listRoles accessAcrossRoles assignedNumber status «role» PartyRole 0..* 1 0..* 1 0..* 0..* assessAcrossRoles getCustomElseDefaultValue listRoles listThings assessAcrossThings serialNumber name address customerValue «thing» Thing assessAcrossRoles getCustomElseDefaultValue listRoles listPlaces assessAcrossPlaces serialNumber name address customerValue «place» Place assessWithPlugInElseDefault accessAcrossPlaces findAvailable calcQtyAvailable calcTotalFor listPlaces listDescs accessAcrossDescs type description itemNumber defaultNumber «description» PlaceDescription 0..* 1 assess interface «plug-in point» IAssess assessWithPlugInElseDefault accessAcrossThings findAvailable calcQtyAvailable calcTotalFor listThings listDescs accessAcrossDescs type description itemNumber defaultNumber «description» ThingDescription 0..* 1 assess interface «plug-in point» IAssess assessWithPlugInElseDefault accessAcrossParties findAvailable calcQtyAvailable calcTotalFor listParties listDescs accessAcrossDescs type description itemNumber defaultNumber «description» PartyDescription 0..* 1 assess interface «plug-in point» IAssess assessAcrossRoles getCustomElseDefaultValue listRoles listParties assessAcrossThings serialNumber name address customerValue «party» Party Interacts with its yellow roles or its pink moment-intervals Interacts with its green parties or its pink moment-intervals Interacts with its pink moment-intervals 1 0..* 0..1 0..1 1 0..* 1 0..* 0..1 If you do not need to track a specific green, then drop the been and the yellow; the blue is enough. If just one hello for a green, keep the portioning if useful, else drop the yellow. If you do not need to track a specific green, then drop the been and the yellow; the blue is enough. If just a category attribute, move the attribute to the green and drop the blue.

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Objects Identifying Collaborations Business Rules Services Attributes

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VS Collaborations Associations

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Objects have responsibilities

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Collaborations Solution Challenge

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Elementary Collaboration Pattern

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PPT vs Description Archetypes

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PPT vs Description Archetypes

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PPT vs Description Archetypes

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PPT vs Description Archetypes

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Composite Pattern

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Follow-up Pattern

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Event Aggregate Pattern

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Objects Collaborations Defining Business Rules Services Attributes

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Business Rules Solution Challenge

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Collaborations require dialog

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total_weight expedited «event» Shipment max_weight duration «description» ShippingMethod shipment.total_weight <= max_weight Collaborations require dialog

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total_weight expedited «event» Shipment max_weight duration «description» ShippingMethod expedited? && shipping_method.duration <= 2.days Collaborations require dialog

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Collaborations require dialog

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Objects Collaborations Business Rules Assigning Services Attributes

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Objects have responsibilities

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Collaborations Solution Challenge

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Objects perform actions themselves

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Objects Collaborations Business Rules Services Assigning Attributes

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Objects have responsibilities

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User Stories Rails Application The Gap ?

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User Stories Rails Application Object Modeling

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Next Steps

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Next Steps

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Next Steps

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Next Steps

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Objects Collaborations Business Rules Services Attributes

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Slide 81 text @nicholasjhenry Nicholas Henry