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Pangeo: A community and a framework for flexible, scalable open-source geoprocessing Rich Signell Research Oceanographer U.S. Geological Survey Ryan Abernathy (Columbia) Joe Hamman (NCAR) Matthew Rocklin (Anaconda->NVIDIA) Jacob Tomlinson (UK Met Office->NVIDIA) Scott Henderson (UW) and the rest of the Pangeo Community! UNH CCOM/OE Seminar 2020-10-16

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U.S. Geological Survey Sediment Transport Modeling ~200TB of coastal ocean model output data in 4D (T, Z, Y, X) NetCDF files

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Traditional Model Data Analysis © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Model Data Analysis of the Future (available now!) © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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From Daniel Arevalo presentation on NAVGEM on the Cloud at HPC User Forum 2019

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Pangeo is a Community

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Pangeo is a Flexible Open-Source Framework

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Pangeo Cloud Architecture DATA Cloud-friendly ndarray data Cluster = KubeCluster() or GatewayCluster()

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Pangeo HPC Architecture DATA ndarray data cluster = SlurmCluster() or GatewayCluster()

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Pangeo Laptop Architecture DATA ndarray data cluster = LocalCluster()

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Matthew Rocklin’s blog post on HDF

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Zarr format • Developed by Genomics community to address problems with NetCDF/HDF on cloud storage • Simple format, clear specification • Each chunk is stored as a separate binary object • Lightweight global and variable metadata stored as JSON • Groups, filters, compression using Blosc • Free, open-source software • Read/write in Python using Xarray

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Zarr Format

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Zarr Format

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Zarr is community-driven

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NOAA’s Big Data Project One month of forcing and output is 15TB NWM is part of the Big Data Project, with data being pushed to the Cloud: Forecast data: s3:noaa-nwm-pds 25 year reanalysis: s3:nwm-archive $25K research credits from Amazon to explore using Pangeo for National Water Model data

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FUSE-mounted NetCDF/HDF is slow

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Cloud-friendly Zarr is fast

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So do we need to abandon NetCDF/HDF? Well, uh….

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No content

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© 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Pangeo is not just for model data... © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Add a scott slide, perhaps from blog

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Pangeo is not just for geoscience data

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Pangeo is not just for big data

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Pangeo is award winning!

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Pangeo on AWS • Kubernetes cluster deployed with Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) • Three classes of k8s node pools • Core pool: JupyterHub, web proxy (small) • Jupyter pool: autoscaling pool for single-user sessions • Dask pool: autoscaling pool for Dask workers on premptible (e.g., spot) instances • Pangeo installed with Helm chart • Custom Docker environments built with repo2docker at • Deployed using federation • Full deploy instructions at

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Overcoming barriers to adoption • Concerns about cost: Changing institutional computing models, research credits, waving egress charges for research • New skills required: AWS workshops, hackathons, institutional road shows • Data formats and data standardization: benchmarking, blogging

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Interested in learning more or trying Pangeo? • Visit, try out the demos in the gallery • Read the awesome articles at • Chat with the team on • Install the Pangeo environment on your local computer or HPC • Run a Pangeo JupyterHub on AWS • Rechunk your data with rechunker