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Reading and improving Pattern Matching in Ruby 2023.MAY YUKI TORII IN RUBYKAIGI

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Advertising Time W 2 The sponsor Book will be published 2023.May.17 
 from O’Reilly Japan 
 #yuandmagic Event #authorsrb

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Who am I? Name: Yuki Torii An ordinary Ruby programmer Talked “Pattern Matching in Ruby” at RubyKaigi 2017. Implemented Toy pattern matching inRuby 
 (After that “Real” pattern matching is introduced by Tsujimoto-san from Ruby2.7, 2019) 3

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The Goal of this talk Sparking interest in the internals of Ruby among ordinary Ruby programmers like myself. 4

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Agenda Walk through the specs of pattern matching in Ruby Know how to see the instructions for YALV (What’s the instructions like?) See The sequence of pattern matching built by the instructions. Try to speed up Pattern Matching of Array pattern 5

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What’s Pattern Matching in Ruby like?

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Basic Pattern Matching styles case 
 … else … 
 end case / in expression user_ids = [3, 5] 
 case user_ids 
 in [1, 2] 
 in [3, 5] 
 else :other_users 
 end => “managers”

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Basic Pattern Matching styles => => operator in operator in response = {status: 404, message: “Not Found”} 
 response => {message:} 
 p message response => {other_key:} 
 #=> Raise NoMatchingPatternKeyError #=> “Not Found” response = {status: 404, message: “Not Found”} 
 p message if response in {message:} 
 response => {other_key:} #=>nil #=> “Not Found”

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Patterns user_id = 1 
 p "admin" if user_id in 1 
 p “admin” if user_id in Integer => “admin” Any RubyObject Pattern => “admin”

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Patterns user_ids = [3, 5] 
 case user_ids 
 in [1, 2] 
 p “admins” 
 else p “other users” 
 end Hash Pattern response = {status: 404} case response in {status: 404} p “Not Found” 
 else p response end => “Not Found” Array Pattern

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Patterns user_ids = [5, 8, 1, 23] p "admin is included" if user_ids in [*, 1, *] Find Pattern => “admin is included” user = {id: 2, role: "admin"} p "user is admin" if user in {id: 1 } | {role: "admin"} Combine pattern => “user is admin”

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response = {status: 200, message: “success!”} case response in {status: 404} p “Not Found” in {status: 200, message: } p message end Patterns Variable pattern => “success!”

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How is the pattern match realized In Ruby internal?

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From code to instructions Ruby code Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Instructions Tokens Tokenize Parse Compile What is YARV instructions? : the instructions that Ruby virtual machine executes.

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From code to instructions Ruby code Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Instructions Tokens Tokenize Parse Compile the YARV instructions show how Ruby code work on VM

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How to see the instructions On irb, 1. Compile your ruby code file and get a RubyVM::InstructionSequence instance 2. See the instructions using #disasm iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_ fi le(“path/to/ user_ruby_code.rb“)
 pp iseq.disasm

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Example: Instructions of a simple code a = 1 a = a + 1 Code "local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])\n" + "[ 1] a@0\n" + "0000 putobject_INT2FIX_1_ ( 1)[Li]\n" + "0001 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0003 getlocal_WC_0 a@0 ( 2)[Li]\n" + "0005 putobject 2\n" + "0007 opt_plus [CcCr]\n" + "0009 dup\n" + "0010 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0012 leave\n"" AST Tokens Tokenize Parse Compile Instructions

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Means of instructions and stack "local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1]) \n" + "[ 1] a@0\n" + "0000 putobject_INT2FIX_1_ ( 1)[Li]\n" + "0001 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0003 getlocal_WC_0 a@0 ( 2)[Li]\n" + "0005 putobject 2\n" + "0007 opt_plus [CcCr]\ "0009 dup\n" + "0010 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0012 leave\n" Instructions 1 Stack Put 1 on the stack a = 1 a = a + 2 Code

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Means of instructions and stack "local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1]) \n" + "[ 1] a@0\n" + "0000 putobject_INT2FIX_1_ ( 1)[Li]\n" + "0001 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0003 getlocal_WC_0 a@0 ( 2)[Li]\n" + "0005 putobject 2\n" + "0007 opt_plus [CcCr]\ "0009 dup\n" + "0010 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0012 leave\n" Instructions 1 Stack a = 1 a = a + 2 Code Pop the top of the stack and bind to local variable “a”

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Means of instructions and stack "local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1]) \n" + "[ 1] a@0\n" + "0000 putobject_INT2FIX_1_ ( 1)[Li]\n" + "0001 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0003 getlocal_WC_0 a@0 ( 2)[Li]\n" + "0005 putobject 2\n" + "0007 opt_plus [CcCr]\ "0009 dup\n" + "0010 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0012 leave\n" Instructions Stack a = 1 a = a + 2 Code Get local variable “a” ’s value and put it on stack 1

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Means of instructions and stack "local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1]) \n" + "[ 1] a@0\n" + "0000 putobject_INT2FIX_1_ ( 1)[Li]\n" + "0001 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0003 getlocal_WC_0 a@0 ( 2)[Li]\n" + "0005 putobject 2\n" + "0007 opt_plus [CcCr]\ "0009 dup\n" + "0010 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0012 leave\n" Instructions Stack a = 1 a = a + 2 Code 1 Put 2 on stack 2

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Means of instructions and stack "local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1]) \n" + "[ 1] a@0\n" + "0000 putobject_INT2FIX_1_ ( 1)[Li]\n" + "0001 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0003 getlocal_WC_0 a@0 ( 2)[Li]\n" + "0005 putobject 2\n" + "0007 opt_plus [CcCr]\ "0009 dup\n" + "0010 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0012 leave\n" Instructions Stack a = 1 a = a + 2 Code 3 Pop 2 and 1 then add them. Put the result

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Means of instructions and stack "local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1]) \n" + "[ 1] a@0\n" + "0000 putobject_INT2FIX_1_ ( 1)[Li]\n" + "0001 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0003 getlocal_WC_0 a@0 ( 2)[Li]\n" + "0005 putobject 2\n" + "0007 opt_plus [CcCr]\ "0009 dup\n" + "0010 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0012 leave\n" Instructions Stack a = 1 a = a + 2 Code 3 Duplicate the top of the stack 3

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Means of instructions and stack "local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1]) \n" + "[ 1] a@0\n" + "0000 putobject_INT2FIX_1_ ( 1)[Li]\n" + "0001 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0003 getlocal_WC_0 a@0 ( 2)[Li]\n" + "0005 putobject 2\n" + "0007 opt_plus [CcCr]\ "0009 dup\n" + "0010 setlocal_WC_0 a@0\n" + "0012 leave\n" Instructions Stack a = 1 a = a + 2 Code 3 Pop the top of the stack and bind with local varialbe “a” 3

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Let’s check out the instructions of This simple pattern matching code user_ids = [3, 5] case user_ids in [1, 2] p “admins” en Code

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Code and Instructions user_ids = [3, 5] 
 case user_ids in [1, 2] p “admins” en "== disasm: #@./try.rb:1 (1,0)-(6,3)> (catch: FALSE)\n" + "local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])\n" + "[ 1] user_ids@0\n" + "0000 duparray [3, 5] ( 1)[Li]\n" + "0002 setlocal_WC_0 user_ids@0\n" + "0004 putnil ( 4)[Li]\n" + "0005 putnil\n" + "0006 putobject false\n" + "0008 putnil\n" + "0009 putnil\n" + "0010 getlocal_WC_0 user_ids@0 ( 3)\n" + "0012 dup ( 4)\n" + "0013 topn 2\n" + "0015 branchnil 26\n" + "0017 topn 2\n" + "0019 branchunless 181\n" + "0021 pop\n" + "0022 topn 1\n" + "0024 jump 63\n" + "0026 dup\n" + "0027 putobject :deconstruct\n" + "0029 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0031 setn 3\n" + "0033 dup\n" + "0034 branchif 52\n" + "0036 putspecialobject 1\n" + "0038 putobject \"%p does not respond to #deconstruct\"\n" + "0040 topn 3\n" + "0042 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0044 setn 5\n" + "0046 putobject false\n" + "0048 setn 7\n" + "0050 pop\n" + "0051 pop\n" + "0052 branchunless 181\n" + "0054 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0056 setn 2\n" + "0058 dup\n" + "0059 checktype T_ARRAY\n" + "0061 branchunless 172\n" + "0063 dup\n" + "0064 opt_length [CcCr]\n" + "0066 putobject 2\n" + "0068 opt_eq [CcCr]\n" + "0070 dup\n" + "0071 branchif 94\n" + "0073 putspecialobject 1\n" + "0075 putobject \"%p length mismatch (given %p, expected %p)\"\n" + "0077 topn 3\n" + "0079 dup\n" + "0080 opt_length [CcCr]\n" + "0082 putobject 2\n" + "0084 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0086 setn 5\n" + "0088 putobject false\n" + "0090 setn 7\n" + "0092 pop\n" + "0093 pop\n" + "0094 branchunless 181\n" + "0096 dup\n" + "0097 putobject_INT2FIX_0_\n" + "0098 opt_aref [CcCr]\n" + "0100 putobject_INT2FIX_1_\n" + "0101 dupn 2\n" + "0103 checkmatch 2\n" + "0105 dup\n" + "0106 branchif 126\n" + "0108 putspecialobject 1\n" + "0110 putobject \"%p === %p does not return true\"\n" + "0112 topn 3\n" + "0114 topn 5\n" + "0116 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0118 setn 7\n" + "0120 putobject false\n" + "0122 setn 9\n" + "0124 pop\n" + "0125 pop\n" + "0126 setn 2\n" + "0128 pop\n" + "0129 pop\n" + "0130 branchunless 181\n" + "0132 dup\n" + "0133 putobject_INT2FIX_1_\n" + "0134 opt_aref [CcCr]\n" + "0136 putobject 2\n" + "0138 dupn 2\n" + "0140 checkmatch 2\n" + "0142 dup\n" + "0143 branchif 163\n" + "0145 putspecialobject 1\n" + "0147 putobject \"%p === %p does not return true\"\n" + "0149 topn 3\n" + "0151 topn 5\n" + "0153 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0155 setn 7\n" + "0157 putobject false\n" + "0159 setn 9\n" + "0161 pop\n" + "0162 pop\n" + Code Instructions Woops! AST Tokens Tokenize Parse Compile

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Code and Instructions user_ids = [3, 5] 
 case user_ids in [1, 2] p “admins” en irb(main):031:0> pp iseq.disasm "== disasm: #@./try.rb:1 (1,0)-(6,3)> (catch: FALSE)\n" + "local table (size: 1, argc: 0 [opts: 0, rest: -1, post: 0, block: -1, kw: -1@-1, kwrest: -1])\n" + "[ 1] user_ids@0\n" + "0000 duparray [3, 5] ( 1)[Li]\n" + "0002 setlocal_WC_0 user_ids@0\n" + "0004 putnil ( 4)[Li]\n" + "0005 putnil\n" + "0006 putobject false\n" + "0008 putnil\n" + "0009 putnil\n" + "0010 getlocal_WC_0 user_ids@0 ( 3)\n" + "0012 dup ( 4)\n" + "0013 topn 2\n" + "0015 branchnil 26\n" + "0017 topn 2\n" + "0019 branchunless 181\n" + "0021 pop\n" + "0022 topn 1\n" + "0024 jump 63\n" + "0026 dup\n" + "0027 putobject :deconstruct\n" + "0029 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0031 setn 3\n" + "0033 dup\n" + "0034 branchif 52\n" + "0036 putspecialobject 1\n" + "0038 putobject \"%p does not respond to #deconstruct\"\n" + "0040 topn 3\n" + "0042 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0044 setn 5\n" + "0046 putobject false\n" + "0048 setn 7\n" + "0050 pop\n" + "0051 pop\n" + "0052 branchunless 181\n" + "0054 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0056 setn 2\n" + "0058 dup\n" + "0059 checktype T_ARRAY\n" + "0061 branchunless 172\n" + "0063 dup\n" + "0064 opt_length [CcCr]\n" + "0066 putobject 2\n" + "0068 opt_eq [CcCr]\n" + "0070 dup\n" + "0071 branchif 94\n" + "0073 putspecialobject 1\n" + "0075 putobject \"%p length mismatch (given %p, expected %p)\"\n" + "0077 topn 3\n" + "0079 dup\n" + "0080 opt_length [CcCr]\n" + "0082 putobject 2\n" + "0084 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0086 setn 5\n" + "0088 putobject false\n" + "0090 setn 7\n" + "0092 pop\n" + "0093 pop\n" + "0094 branchunless 181\n" + "0096 dup\n" + "0097 putobject_INT2FIX_0_\n" + "0098 opt_aref [CcCr]\n" + "0100 putobject_INT2FIX_1_\n" + "0101 dupn 2\n" + "0103 checkmatch 2\n" + "0105 dup\n" + "0106 branchif 126\n" + "0108 putspecialobject 1\n" + "0110 putobject \"%p === %p does not return true\"\n" + "0112 topn 3\n" + "0114 topn 5\n" + "0116 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0118 setn 7\n" + "0120 putobject false\n" + "0122 setn 9\n" + "0124 pop\n" + "0125 pop\n" + "0126 setn 2\n" + "0128 pop\n" + "0129 pop\n" + "0130 branchunless 181\n" + "0132 dup\n" + "0133 putobject_INT2FIX_1_\n" + "0134 opt_aref [CcCr]\n" + "0136 putobject 2\n" + "0138 dupn 2\n" + "0140 checkmatch 2\n" + "0142 dup\n" + "0143 branchif 163\n" + "0145 putspecialobject 1\n" + "0147 putobject \"%p === %p does not return true\"\n" + "0149 topn 3\n" + "0151 topn 5\n" + "0153 opt_send_without_block \n" + "0155 setn 7\n" + "0157 putobject false\n" + "0159 setn 9\n" + "0161 pop\n" + Code Instructions AST Tokens Tokenize Parse Compile Don't Panic, 
 Open compile.c

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compile.c makes instructions. 
 And more, Tsujimoto-san (who implemented pattern- matching in rubyʣcommented how it works by ruby code A part of compile.c A part of Tsujimoto-san’s excelent comments if (use_rest_num) { ADD_INSN1(ret, line_node, putobject, INT2FIX(0)); /* allocate stack for rest_num */ ADD_INSN(ret, line_node, swap); if (base_index) { base_index++; } }

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This is the sequence of Pattern matching read from the Instructions 
 and compile.c (with some detail omissions) 
 [Array Pattern and Hash Pattern]

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In the case of Array Pattern user_ids = [3, 5] 
 case user_ids in [1, 2] :admins en Code obj: [3, 5] : [1, 2] Does’nt Pattern have constant || has const and the const eq obj? Does obj have #deconstruct? Does obj#deconstruct return a Array object? The result of obj#deconstruct’s length is 
 equal to Pattern’s one? Check if each element of Pattern === each element of the result of obj#deconstruct Y N Type 
 Error Match Failed N N N N Y Y Y Y Matching Success! If any element is subpattern, instructions will be added recursively

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Q.What’s #deconstruct method? A. The method to be called for inspecting the object matches Array Pattern. It should return an Array object. (Array returns itself) class Foo 
 def deconstruct [1, 2] end end foo = 
 p "Matched!" if foo in [1, 2] => “Matched!” class Array 
 def deconstruct self end end foo = [1, 2] 
 p "Matched!" if foo in [1, 2] => “Matched!”

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In the case of Hash Pattern res = {status: 400} 
 case res 
 in {status: 200} 
 :success end Code obj: {status: 400} : {status: 200} 
 key_args: [:status] Does’nt Pattern have constant or has const and the const eq obj Does obj has #deconstruct_keys(key_args)? Does obj#deconstruct_keys return a Hash object? The result of obj#deconstruct_key’s keys includes all key_args? Check if each element of Pattern matches each element of the result of obj#deconstruct_keys Y N Type 
 Error Match Failed N N N N Y Y Y Y Match Success!

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It’s time to try improving Pattern Matching of Array Pattern.

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Target: Array Pattern class Array 
 def deconstruct self end end foo = [1, 2] 
 p "Matched!" if foo in [1, 2] Does’nt Pattern have constant or has const and the const eq obj Does obj has #deconstruct? Does obj#deconstruct return a Array object? The result of obj#deconstruct’s length is 
 equal to Pattern’s one? Check if each element of Pattern === each element of the result of obj#deconstruct Y Y Y Array has #deconstruct by default, and return itself.

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Target: Array Pattern Does’nt Pattern have constant or has const and the const eq obj Does obj has #deconstruct? Does obj#deconstruct return a Array object? The result of obj#deconstruct’s length is 
 equal to Pattern’s one? Check if each element of Pattern === each element of the result of obj#deconstruct Y Y Y Are these checks and deconstruction 
 necessary for an object of Array?

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Change: Skip #deconstruct checks when obj is a Array Does’nt Pattern have constant or has const and the const eq obj Does obj has #deconstruct? Does obj#deconstruct return a Array object? The result of obj#deconstruct’s(or value of itself) length is 
 equal to Pattern’s one? Check if each element of Pattern === each element of the result of obj#deconstruct (or value of itself) Y Y Y Y Is Obj an Array? - LABEL *match_failed, *type_error, *deconstruct, *deconstructed; + LABEL *match_failed, *type_error, *deconstruct, *deconstructed, *skip_deconstruct; int i; match_failed = NEW_LABEL(line); type_error = NEW_LABEL(line); deconstruct = NEW_LABEL(line); deconstructed = NEW_LABEL(line); + skip_deconstruct = NEW_LABEL(line); if (use_rest_num) { ADD_INSN1(ret, line_node, putobject, INT2FIX(0)); /* allocate stack for rest_num */ @@ -6439,9 +6440,19 @@ iseq_compile_pattern_each(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHOR *const ret, const NODE *c CHECK(iseq_compile_pattern_constant(iseq, ret, node, match_failed, in_single_pattern, base_index)); + //skip deconstuct and use obj value when obj is array. + ADD_INSN(ret, line_node, dup); + ADD_INSN1(ret, line_node, checktype, INT2FIX(T_ARRAY)); + ADD_INSNL(ret, line_node, branchif, skip_deconstruct); CHECK(iseq_compile_array_deconstruct(iseq, ret, node, deconstruct, deconstructed, match_failed, type_error, in_single_pattern, base_index, use_deconstructed_cache)); + ADD_LABEL(ret, skip_deconstruct); N diff of compile.c

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Change2: unify length check to new instruction when obj is a Array Does’nt Pattern have constant or has const and the const eq obj Does obj has #deconstruct? Does obj#deconstruct return a Array object? The result of obj#deconstruct’s length is 
 equal to Pattern’s one? Check if each element of Pattern === each element of the result of obj#deconstruct (or value of itself) Y Y Y Y Is Obj an Array? 
 && pattern.length eq obj.length ADD_INSN(ret, line_node, dup); - ADD_INSN1(ret, line_node, checktype, INT2FIX(T_ARRAY)); + ADD_INSN2(ret, line_node, checkpatarray, INT2FIX(min_argc), INT2FIX(apinfo->rest_arg != NULL)); ADD_INSNL(ret, line_node, branchif, skip_deconstruct); CHECK(iseq_compile_array_deconstruct(iseq, ret, node, deconstruct, deconstructed, match_failed, type_error, in_single_pattern, base_index, use_deconstructed_cache)); - ADD_LABEL(ret, skip_deconstruct); - ADD_INSN(ret, line_node, dup); ADD_SEND(ret, line_node, idLength, INT2FIX(0)); @@ -6464,6 +6477,8 @@ iseq_compile_pattern_each(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHOR *const ret, const NODE *c } ADD_INSNL(ret, line_node, branchunless, match_failed); + ADD_LABEL(ret, skip_deconstruct); + diff of compile.c N

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Change2: unify length check to new instruction when obj is a Array Does’nt Pattern have constant or has const and the const eq obj Does obj has #deconstruct? Does obj#deconstruct return a Array object? The result of obj#deconstruct’s length is 
 equal to Pattern’s one? Check if each element of Pattern === each element of the result of obj#deconstruct (or value of itself) Y Y Y Y Obj is a Array? 
 && pattern.length eq obj.length +DEFINE_INSN +checkpatarray +(rb_num_t length, rb_num_t remain_args) +(VALUE obj) +(VALUE val) +{ + VALUE ary; + + if (RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_ARRAY) && + (remain_args ? (rb_num_t)RARRAY_LEN(obj) >= length : (rb_num_t)RARRAY_LEN(obj) == length)) { + + // TODO: rede fi nition check + val = Qtrue; + } + else { + val = Qfalse; + } +} + diff of insns.def N

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Easier said than done Debugging: 
 Writing out all of the instructions 
 and simulating stacks by hand. 
 Feeling with the heart of VM.

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Measurement require 'benchmark' obj = [:sym] N = 1_000_000{|x|{ N.times{ r = obj in [:sym] r = obj in [:sym] r = obj in [:sym] r = obj in [:sym] r = obj in [:sym] } } } user system total real 0.606022 0.000293 0.606315 ( 0.606855) user system total real 0.294262 0.000462 0.294724 ( 0.295170) After Before Achieved twice the speed!!

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Remaining challenge: checking 
 the case Array#deconstruct is overridden Should not match, but match. DEFINE_INSN checkpatarray (rb_num_t length, rb_num_t remain_args) (VALUE obj) (VALUE val) { VALUE ary; if (RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_ARRAY) && (remain_args ? (rb_num_t)RARRAY_LEN(obj) >= length : (rb_num_t)RARRAY_LEN(obj) == length)) { // TODO: rede fi nition check val = Qtrue; } else { val = Qfalse; } } class Array 
 def deconstruct [1, 3] end end foo = [1, 2] 
 p "Matched!" if foo in [1, 2]

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Do not override “deconstruct” of Array!!!!!

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Summary of this talk Instructions show how Ruby code works. Feel with the heart of VM Do not override Array#deconstruct 43

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What is fun of knowing Ruby internal?

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We can know the favorite feature of the language deeply How it works Various efforts to make execution better(ex. Cache of deconstructed result) If there is a chance, we can make the feature better a bit.

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In other words, we can love Ruby more. We; ordinary Ruby programmers can use Ruby every day with much more love. Let’s start reading your favorite feature in Ruby Internal.

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