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React Native Midgame

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Radoslav Stankov @rstankov

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" Side project

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- implement a mobile app # - one developer (me) $ - support iOS % / Android & - ship it as fast as possible '

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Going native (swift/kotlin) wasn't an option

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( backed by Google ) uses Dart * cross platform + compiles to native machine code , custom components - battery included

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. backed by Facebook / uses Javascript (or TypeScript) 0 uses React 1 cross platform 2 minimal 3 native and JS bridge 4 native components

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React Native in 2019 was 5 React Native in 2021 was 6 React Native in 2022 was 7 React Native in 2023 still is 7

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React Native is fast enough has a rich ecosystem Flutter is faster has more batteries included I have done 3 React Native apps previously I know React/TypeScript/GraphQL extremely well I don't know Dart I don't know Flutter

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Expo in 2020 was ... 8 Expo in 2020 was ... 9 Expo in 2022 was ... 7 Expo in 2023 is ...:

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# Tech Stack

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0 Make common operations easy 4 Static type-safety 1 Isolate dependencies + Extensibility and reusability

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0 Make common operations easy 4 Static type-safety 1 Isolate dependencies + Extensibility and reusability

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2 1 3 Support Components Screens

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Support Components Screens

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1) Support 2) Components 3) Screens

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx 1 Support Components Pages 2 3

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3 Screens

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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{ "expo": { "name": "Angry Building", "version": "1.48.0", "orientation": "portrait", "icon": "./assets/icon.png", "splash": { "image": "./assets/splash.png", "resizeMode": "contain", "backgroundColor": "#252629" } }, // ... }

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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... I still don't use it, because it was released fairly recently ; ... however the way the app is setup, transition should be easy <

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Overlay Tab Navigation

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Overlay Tab Navigation Stack Navigation Title

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Overlay Tab Navigation Stack Navigation Title Screen

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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import screens from 'src/screens'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { createBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs'; import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack'; Sentry.init(); const RootStack = createStackNavigator(); export default function App() { return (

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export default function App() { return ( ); }

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const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator(); function TabsScreen() { return (

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/> ); }

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const ScreenStack = createStackNavigator(); function Screen(props) { const initialRoute = props.route.params.initialRoute; return ( ); }

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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import apartment from './apartment'; import home from './home'; // ... export default { apartment, home, // ... };

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Screen States Layout

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Loading State Screen States Layout

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Loading State Error State Screen States Layout

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Loading State Not Found Error Server Error Authorization Error Authentication Error Error State Screen States Layout

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Loading State Not Found Error Server Error Authorization Error Authentication Error Error State Loaded State Screen States Layout

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Loading State Not Found Error Server Error Authorization Error Authentication Error Error State Loaded State render Screen States Layout

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interface IOptions { name: string; query?: DocumentNode; queryVariables?: object | ((params: P) => object); queryRefreshOnShow?: boolean; component: IComponent; type?: keyof typeof layouts; headerTitle?: ITranslation; background: IBackground; } interface IScreen { name: string; options: StackNavigationOptions; component: any; } export default function createScreen(options: IOptions): IScreen // ... }

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screens/[name]/index.ts (createScreen) -> screens/index.ts -> app.ts

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export default createScreen({ name: 'home', type: 'plain', query: QUERY, background: 'black', component({ data, fetchMore, refetch }) { usePushNotificationsRegister(); usePushNotificationHandle(data.viewer); return ( ); }, });

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▾ src/ ▾ screens/ ▾ home/ ▸ Status/ background.png BuildingApartmentsList.tsx Header.tsx index.tsx Query.ts SelectEntrancePicker.tsx

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graphql-codegen --config codegen.yml

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components/ApartmentStatus/Fragment.tsx import { gql } from '@apollo/client'; export default gql` fragment IApartmentStatusFragment on Apartment { id number name overdueAmount } `;

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types/grahpql.ts export type IApartmentStatusFragment = { __typename: 'Apartment'; id: string; number?: string | null; name?: string | null; overdueAmount: number; };

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import { IApartmentStatusFragment } from '~/types/graphql';

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import { gql } from '@apollo/client'; import IHomeScreenStatusFragment from './Status/Fragment'; import IApartmentStatusFragment from 'src/components/ApartmentStatus/Fragment'; export default gql` query IHomeScreen($cursor: String) { building { id name apartments(first: 100, after: $cursor) { nodes { id name floor isViewerSelected ...IApartmentStatusFragment } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } ...IHomeScreenStatusFragment } } ${IHomeScreenStatusFragment} ${IApartmentStatusFragment} `; screens/home/Query.ts

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Screen Component Component Component Component Component Component

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Query Fragment Fragment Fragment Fragment Fragment Fragment

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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import routes from '~/routes'; 
 routes.back; routes.home; routes.bulletinBoardPostUpdate(post);

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import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native'; import screens from 'src/screens'; type IScreenName = keyof typeof screens; export type IRoute = | { transition: 'goBack' } | { screen: IScreenName; params?: IParams; root?: boolean } | { screen: 'buildingTab' | 'apartmentTab' | 'cashReserveTab' | 'issuesTab'; params?: IParams; root: true; }; const routes = { back: { transition: 'goBack' } as IRoute, home: { root: true, screen: 'buildingTab' } as IRoute, // ... bulletinBoardPostUpdate(post: { id: string }) { return { screen: 'bulletinBoardPostUpdate', params: { post }, } as IRoute; }, };

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import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native'; import screens from 'src/screens'; type IScreenName = keyof typeof screens; export type IRoute = | { transition: 'goBack' } | { screen: IScreenName; params?: IParams; root?: boolean } | { screen: 'buildingTab' | 'apartmentTab' | 'cashReserveTab' | 'issuesTab'; params?: IParams; root: true; }; const routes = { back: { transition: 'goBack' } as IRoute, home: { root: true, screen: 'buildingTab' } as IRoute, // ... bulletinBoardPostUpdate(post: { id: string }) { return { screen: 'bulletinBoardPostUpdate', params: { post }, } as IRoute; }, };

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import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native'; import screens from 'src/screens'; type IScreenName = keyof typeof screens; export type IRoute = | { transition: 'goBack' } | { screen: IScreenName; params?: IParams; root?: boolean } | { screen: 'buildingTab' | 'apartmentTab' | 'cashReserveTab' | 'issuesTab'; params?: IParams; root: true; }; const routes = { back: { transition: 'goBack' } as IRoute, home: { root: true, screen: 'buildingTab' } as IRoute, // ... bulletinBoardPostUpdate(post: { id: string }) { return { screen: 'bulletinBoardPostUpdate', params: { post }, } as IRoute; }, };

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import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native'; import screens from 'src/screens'; type IScreenName = keyof typeof screens; export type IRoute = | { transition: 'goBack' } | { screen: IScreenName; params?: IParams; root?: boolean } | { screen: 'buildingTab' | 'apartmentTab' | 'cashReserveTab' | 'issuesTab'; params?: IParams; root: true; }; const routes = { back: { transition: 'goBack' } as IRoute, home: { root: true, screen: 'buildingTab' } as IRoute, // ... bulletinBoardPostUpdate(post: { id: string }) { return { screen: 'bulletinBoardPostUpdate', params: { post }, } as IRoute; }, };

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| { screen: IScreenName; params?: IParams; root?: boolean } | { screen: 'buildingTab' | 'apartmentTab' | 'cashReserveTab' | 'issuesTab'; params?: IParams; root: true; }; const routes = { back: { transition: 'goBack' } as IRoute, home: { root: true, screen: 'buildingTab' } as IRoute, // ... bulletinBoardPostUpdate(post: { id: string }) { return { screen: 'bulletinBoardPostUpdate', params: { post }, } as IRoute; }, }; export default routes; export interface INavigation { navigate: (screen: string, params?: IParams) => void; goBack: VoidFunction; }

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| { screen: IScreenName; params?: IParams; root?: boolean } | { screen: 'buildingTab' | 'apartmentTab' | 'cashReserveTab' | 'issuesTab'; params?: IParams; root: true; }; const routes = { back: { transition: 'goBack' } as IRoute, home: { root: true, screen: 'buildingTab' } as IRoute, // ... bulletinBoardPostUpdate(post: { id: string }) { return { screen: 'bulletinBoardPostUpdate', params: { post }, } as IRoute; }, }; export default routes; export interface INavigation { navigate: (screen: string, params?: IParams) => void; goBack: VoidFunction; }

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import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native'; import screens from 'src/screens'; type IScreenName = keyof typeof screens; export type IRoute = | { transition: 'goBack' } | { screen: IScreenName; params?: IParams; root?: boolean } | { screen: 'buildingTab' | 'apartmentTab' | 'cashReserveTab' | 'issuesTab'; params?: IParams; root: true; }; const routes = { back: { transition: 'goBack' } as IRoute, home: { root: true, screen: 'buildingTab' } as IRoute, // ... bulletinBoardPostUpdate(post: { id: string }) { return { screen: 'bulletinBoardPostUpdate', params: { post }, } as IRoute; }, };

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export interface INavigation { navigate: (screen: string, params?: IParams) => void; goBack: VoidFunction; } export function navigate(navigation: INavigation, to: IRoute) { if ('transition' in to) { navigation.goBack(); } else if (to.root) { navigation.navigate('Main', to); } else { navigation.navigate(to.screen, to.params); } } export function useNavigate() { const navigation: any = useNavigation(); const fn = React.useCallback( (to: IRoute) => { navigate(navigation, to); }, [navigation], ); return fn; }

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import routes, { useNavigate } from '~/routes'; export function MyComponent() { const navigate = useNavigate(); const onPress = () => { navigate(routes.home); } return ( Visit product ); }

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2 Components

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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If component is used in more than 1 screens then goes to src/components

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= generic components > domain components

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? Component as directory components/ PublicComponent/ PrivateSubComponent/ Fragment.ts Mutation.ts index.ts styles.ts utils.ts

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? Component as directory components/ PublicComponent/ PrivateSubComponent/ Fragment.ts Mutation.ts index.ts styles.ts utils.ts

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{...} {...}

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{...} {...}

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1 Support

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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import { format } from 'date-fns'; export function formatDateTime(date: string) { return format(date, 'H:mm A · MMM D, YYYY'); } utils/date.ts

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moment date.ts Component Page

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date.ts Component Page date-fns

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utils/ external/ Intercom/ OneSignal/ Segment/ Sentry/

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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useGraphQLFragment() useViewier() useIsLoggedIn()

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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@ A B

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▾ src/ ▾ translations/ bg.json en.json es.json index.ts

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import i18n from 'i18next'; import captureError from 'src/utils/captureError'; import { isProduction } from 'src/config'; import bg from './bg.json'; import en from './en.json'; import es from './es.json'; // NOTE(rstankov): Documentation i18n.init({ resources: { bg: { translation: bg, }, en: { translation: en, }, es: { translation: es, }, }, lng: 'bg', saveMissing: true, missingKeyHandler: (_lngs: any, _ns: string, key: string, _fallbackValue: any) => { if (isProduction) { captureError(`Key not found t('${key}')`);

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import i18n from 'i18next'; import captureError from 'src/utils/captureError'; import { isProduction } from 'src/config'; import bg from './bg.json'; import en from './en.json'; import es from './es.json'; // NOTE(rstankov): Documentation i18n.init({ resources: { bg: { translation: bg, }, en: { translation: en, }, es: { translation: es, }, }, lng: 'bg', saveMissing: true, missingKeyHandler: (_lngs: any, _ns: string, key: string, _fallbackValue: any) => { if (isProduction) { captureError(`Key not found t('${key}')`);

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import i18n from 'i18next'; import captureError from 'src/utils/captureError'; import { isProduction } from 'src/config'; import bg from './bg.json'; import en from './en.json'; import es from './es.json'; // NOTE(rstankov): Documentation i18n.init({ resources: { bg: { translation: bg, }, en: { translation: en, }, es: { translation: es, }, }, lng: 'bg', saveMissing: true, missingKeyHandler: (_lngs: any, _ns: string, key: string, _fallbackValue: any) => { if (isProduction) { captureError(`Key not found t('${key}')`);

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// NOTE(rstankov): Documentation i18n.init({ resources: { bg: { translation: bg, }, en: { translation: en, }, es: { translation: es, }, }, lng: 'bg', saveMissing: true, missingKeyHandler: (_lngs: any, _ns: string, key: string, _fallbackValue: any) => { if (isProduction) { captureError(`Key not found t('${key}')`); return key; } throw new Error(`Key not found t('${key}')`); }, compatibilityJSON: 'v3', });

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// NOTE(rstankov): Documentation i18n.init({ resources: { bg: { translation: bg, }, en: { translation: en, }, es: { translation: es, }, }, lng: 'bg', saveMissing: true, missingKeyHandler: (_lngs: any, _ns: string, key: string, _fallbackValue: any) => { if (isProduction) { captureError(`Key not found t('${key}')`); return key; } throw new Error(`Key not found t('${key}')`); }, compatibilityJSON: 'v3', });

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// NOTE(rstankov): Documentation i18n.init({ resources: { bg: { translation: bg, }, en: { translation: en, }, es: { translation: es, }, }, lng: 'bg', saveMissing: true, missingKeyHandler: (_lngs: any, _ns: string, key: string, _fallbackValue: any) => { if (isProduction) { captureError(`Key not found t('${key}')`); return key; } throw new Error(`Key not found t('${key}')`); }, compatibilityJSON: 'v3', });

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captureError(`Key not found t('${key}')`); return key; } throw new Error(`Key not found t('${key}')`); }, compatibilityJSON: 'v3', }); export type ITranslation = keyof typeof bg; export type ILanguage = 'bg' | 'en' | 'es'; export default i18n.t as (key: keyof typeof bg, interpolations?: any) => string; export function changeLanguage(newLanguage: ILanguage) { if (i18n.language === newLanguage) { return; } return i18n.changeLanguage(newLanguage); }

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export type ITranslation = keyof typeof bg; export type ILanguage = 'bg' | 'en' | 'es'; export default i18n.t as (key: keyof typeof bg, interpolations?: any) => string; export function changeLanguage(newLanguage: ILanguage) { if (i18n.language === newLanguage) { return; } return i18n.changeLanguage(newLanguage); }

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▾ src/ ▸ components/ ▸ hooks/ ▸ screens/ ▸ styles/ ▸ translations/ ▸ types/ ▸ utils/ config.ts routes.ts app.json App.tsx

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import * as React from 'react'; import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import s from 'src/styles'; import Logo from 'src/components/Logo'; export default React.memo(function Ribbon() { return ( <> > ); }); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { backgroundColor:, }, view: { marginTop: 10, borderTopLeftRadius: s.radius, borderTopRightRadius: s.radius, width: '100%',

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import * as React from 'react'; import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import s from 'src/styles'; import Logo from 'src/components/Logo'; export default React.memo(function Ribbon() { return ( <> > ); }); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { backgroundColor:, }, view: { marginTop: 10, borderTopLeftRadius: s.radius, borderTopRightRadius: s.radius, width: '100%',

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import * as React from 'react'; import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import s from 'src/styles'; import Logo from 'src/components/Logo'; export default React.memo(function Ribbon() { return ( <> > ); }); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { backgroundColor:, }, view: { marginTop: 10, borderTopLeftRadius: s.radius, borderTopRightRadius: s.radius, width: '100%',

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}); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { backgroundColor:, }, view: { marginTop: 10, borderTopLeftRadius: s.radius, borderTopRightRadius: s.radius, width: '100%', height: s.radius * 2, marginBottom: -s.radius, backgroundColor: s.colors.white, }, topBackground: { position: 'absolute', top: -500, height: 500, right: 0, left: 0, backgroundColor:, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'flex-end', paddingBottom: s.spacing.l, }, });

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const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { backgroundColor:, }, view: { marginTop: 10, borderTopLeftRadius: s.radius, borderTopRightRadius: s.radius, width: '100%', height: s.radius * 2, marginBottom: -s.radius, backgroundColor: s.colors.white, }, topBackground: { position: 'absolute', top: -500, height: 500, right: 0, left: 0, backgroundColor:, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'flex-end', paddingBottom: s.spacing.l, }, });

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import variables from 'src/styles'; export type ISpacing = keyof typeof spacing; export interface ISpacingProps { marginBottom?: ISpacing | null; marginHorizontal?: ISpacing | null; marginLeft?: ISpacing | null; marginRight?: ISpacing | null; marginTop?: ISpacing | null; marginVertical?: ISpacing | null; margin?: ISpacing | null; padding?: ISpacing | null; paddingBottom?: ISpacing | null; paddingHorizontal?: ISpacing | null; paddingLeft?: ISpacing | null; paddingRight?: ISpacing | null; paddingTop?: ISpacing | null; paddingVertical?: ISpacing | null; } export function spacingStyle(props: ISpacingProps, style: any = {}) { if (props.marginTop) { style.marginTop = variables.spacing[props.marginTop]; } // ... return style; }

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import { spacingStyle, ISpacing } from '~/styles/spacing'; interface IProps extends ISpacingProps { someProps: any, // ... } function MyComponent(props) { // ... return ( {/* ... */} ); }

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