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“Whether we’re employees pitching colleagues a new idea, entrepreneurs enticing funders to invest, or parents cajoling children to study, we spend our days trying to move others. Like it or not, we’re all in sales now.” — Daniel H. Pink

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Nikola Tesla Thomas Edison

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Inventor Inventor and Businessman

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“It is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create.” —David Ogilvy

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“I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” —Thomas Edison

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1. How to Sell

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. How to Negotiate

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1. How to Sell Build Rapport

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“People don’t care that you know until they know that you care.” —Theodore Roosevelt

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“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” —Maya Angelou

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1. How to Sell Pinpoint Their Pain

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1. How to Sell 2. Illustrate Your Benefits

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Product Benefit Using Keynote is like having a professional designer create your slides. With Time Machine, all your irreplaceable photos, movies, and documents are automatically protected and incredibly easy to retrieve if they’re ever lost. Genius automatically creates playlists from songs in your music library that go great together, with just one click.

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1. How to Sell 2. Exude Passion

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“Jack Dorsey is the kind of guy who can say, without irony, that invoices are ‘sexy’ – and actually sound convincing.” —Fast Company

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1. How to Sell 2. Ask for Their Business

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“I want this job.” —How NFL head coaches are advised to finish every interview with a team owner

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HOW TO SELL 1. Build _______. 2. Pinpoint their _____. 3. Illustrate your ________. 4. Exude _______. 5. ___ for their business.

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. Before the Meeting

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. During the Meeting

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2 George Assistant to the Travelling Secretary

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2 George I’ll be your primary point of contact to reach Mr. Wilhelm

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2 George If you ever have a ques- tion about the bathroom- stall doors, I’m your guy.

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. Exploit the Subject Line

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Forgettable Proposal for Vandelay Industries Memorable Let’s Cut Costs by Automating Your Workflow Processes Above Average Our Proposal for Vandelay’s Accounts Payable Department

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You Get the Following Email ISO: Hand Models A Pro Re- plies This Way I Want to Be Your Next Hand Model! Everybody Replies This Way RE: ISO: Hand Models

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. Make It Easy for Me

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Hard George, You gotta go to my chiropractor — he’s the best! His email address is TouchThis@ Jerry Easy George, I’d like to introduce you to my chiropractor, Mr. Sinatra. He’s CCed here, and I know he’ll take excellent care of your back. Jerry

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. Follow Instructions

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Email to Morty Morty, I have a project for you — it’s right up your alley. I just need your bio in a PDF, and I’ll share it with Mayor Dinkins. Morty’s Reply Thanks for thinking of me, Lloyd. Check out my LinkedIn profile.

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. Tell Me About Yourself

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Get Rejected I understand you’re looking for a PR agency. That’s us! Here’s our website. Get Hired I understand you’re looking for a PR agency. That’s us! We’re a boutique firm in Manhattan that has active relationships with every top-tier media outlet in the country. For 15 years, we’ve put this network to use for clients such as Amazon, the Department of Labor, PhRMA, and the Red Cross. For more info, check out the “services” section of our website.

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. Establish Next Steps

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Get Ignored ❌ Let me know how I can help. Get a Reply What should our next step be? Is there anything else you need from me at this point?

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. Follow-up Strategically

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Connect with them on LinkedIn. Compliment a blog post their company recently published. Send them an article that’s relevant to their industry. Share something noteworthy that one of your other clients did. Invite them to an event. Ask if they’ve seen something that one of their competitors is doing?

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Selfish Hi Kramer, I’m touching base to see if you’ve made any decisions yet with respect to a cable company? Thanks, McNab Selfless Hi Kramer, I just want to see if I can provide any additional info as you evaluate cable companies? Please let me know what I can do to earn your business. Thanks, McNab 1

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Open-Ended Hi Kramer, I haven’t heard from you in a while, so I thought I’d reach out. How are things looking on your end? Thanks, McNab Direct Hi Kramer, Plaza Cable is in the process of closing our books for the quarter. Typically, when I haven’t heard back from someone, it means they’re busy or uninterested. If you’re still interested, what do you recommend as a next step? Thanks, McNab 2

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Annoyed Hi Kramer, You contacted me about two potential projects. We spoke on the phone, exchanged several emails, and met for coffee. Yet none of my subsequent emails or voice mails have elicited a response. Is everything ok? Thanks, McNab Candid Hi Kramer, I thought I’d send over one last email. I’m sure you can appreciate my curiosity as to where things stand. I’d welcome your candor. Did you decide to go in a different direction? Are you still mulling? Did I do something wrong? Eager to hear from you. Thanks, McNab 3

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. A Case Study

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Hi guys, Anyone know someone who can put together (script, shoot, and edit) a two-minute video in the next two weeks? Budget is $12K. Thanks a lot. Inquiry

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Reply #1 Do you have budget?

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Reply #2 My firm probably could do this. If you’d like to chat I’m at (212) 586- 3434. Website is http://RickBarr

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Reply #3 Pendant Publishing based out of Austin, TX is a great choice! Fast, quality work. Not sure of their schedule, but it can’t hurt to check.

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Reply #4 Kenny Bania forwarded this to me. What’s the project? Short turnarounds are rarely a problem (although I do have a current video for another client and a shoot with NBC to work on this weekend). Would love to know more, though.

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Reply #5 Ruthie Cohen emailed me that you may need a short video project. I am Larry from Monk’s Cafe. Let me know if we can help. Our demo reel is at

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Reply #6 You might try Tim Whatley. I know Cosmo Kramer has also used him. In fact, everyone I know who’s worked with him has been super pleased with the results. His email address is Tim@DentistToThe

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Reply #7 Hey Leo, Wanted to introduce you to Jonathan Rick. He is currently looking for a production team to help him with a video that needs to be wrapped in the next two weeks. The budget is also fixed at $12K. Jonathan can fill you in on the rest. Hopefully you two can figure something out.

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Reply #8 I can suggest an utterly brilliant award-winning filmmaker and producer. He turns things around quickly, offers ridiculously affordable rates, and has won numerous awards. Unfortunately, he’s booked up for the next month — but I’d be happy to introduce you if you think you’ll have work beyond the project below.

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. Explain Why You’re Different

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PowerPoint Most designers can develop interesting images, but are all thumbs when it comes to the editorial side of a project. Similarly, most writers can script a story, but don’t know how to exploit Power- Point beyond using one of those built-in templates. With me, you get the best of both worlds. Not only can I build visuals that are striking; I can also craft words that resonate. In other words, I’m both a designer and a writer. Writing Most writers focus only on the words. Yet what something says can quickly be undermined by how it looks. So I also focus on aesthetics — everything from how long your paragraphs are to the use of headings and a killer headline. Similarly, most editors simply improve documents. I also teach you how to write better. I want you to understand the reasons for my feedback, so you can employ these new skills in your next project.

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. Offer Advice

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Get Rejected Stop leading with your services. Get Hired Start leading to your services.

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. Tailor It

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Get Rejected 11 Myths and Maxims Every Professional Should Know About Business Writing Get Hired 11 Myths and Maxims Every Importer-Exporter Should Know About Business Writing

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. How to Negotiate

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. How to Negotiate 6. You Explain

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Prospect This iPad is just too expensive. You I can see how you’d feel this way. I too felt the price was a little high, but I found it’s a real value because of all the built-in software and capabilities.

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. How to Negotiate 6. You Compromise

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Our Price Your Discount Your Price $200 50% $100

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Scope They’ll provide a first draft. Duration I’ll limit the project to 4 weeks. Payment They’ll pay in full upfront. Volume They’ll commit to 6 articles.

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. How to Negotiate 6. You Redirect

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Prospect Let’s do this first project for $2,500. If it works out, I’ll have a lot more business for you. You I’m happy to offer bulk discounts. Let’s discuss after we finish the first project.

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Prospect What’s your hourly rate? You My fees are value-based. This means you’re paying for the quality and results of the work, not the time it takes me to produce it.

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Me Nordstrom is selling these shoes for $25 less than you are. Any chance you can match their price? Zappos We’ll match their price when they match our customer service.

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“If your focus is on keeping costs low (rather than on amazing results), you’re in the wrong place.” —Kaleigh Moore

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1. How to Sell 2. How to Sell in Person 3. How to Sell via Email 4. How to Sell Like a Pro 5. How to Negotiate 6. You Decide

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Jonathan Given your attendance to our recent webinar, I’d value an understanding of your interest in the midterms’ policy implications. BGOV is a resource that delivers intelligence on legislative issues. We’re helping professionals track the changing legislative agenda, committee makeup and the lame duck session. When do you have 30 minutes in the next two weeks? Best regards, Jacopo Peterman PITCH #1

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Jonathan, would 2 free hours of tech support come in handy? We help local businesses with technology. If you have any computer headaches right now, I’d like the opportunity to show you what we can do. PITCH #2

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Hi Jonathan, Over the last 11 years, we’ve partnered with an array of firms and agencies on their clients’ video initiatives. From technology to healthcare, from the Fortune 500 to government entities, we’ve delivered TV ads, YouTube spots, documentaries, interviews, reels, and more. I was hoping my organization could share how we’ve helped in these different capacities, so that when your next need for video arises, you have a partner you can reach out to. Do you have some time in the next month so that a couple members of our leadership team could come in and present to your team? Let us know when and we’ll make it happen. PITCH #3

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Jonathan, I just saw your ad in Politico today, so I thought I'd reach out to see if you’d be interested in a quick phone call. My firm, Kramerica Industries, was founded by a former writer for the Wall Street Journal, and we specialize in writing and placing op-eds on policy issues. We currently work with over 30 Fortune 500 companies and many top trade groups in the U.S. And I think our op-ed services could be very effective at branding your spokespeople as thought leaders in diagnostics — and promoting your technologies and research. Is there any chance you might be interested in getting together in the next week or so? Best, Darin PITCH #4

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TEST ME! JJonathanRick.comm