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Components Reconsidered by itosho / Connehito Inc. CakeFest 2021 Virtual🍰

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Hello, everyone!

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About Me Sho ITO / @itosho - Japanese, live in Tokyo󰏦 - Like Basketball🏀, Football⚽ - Backend Engineer, CakePHP Contributor - My OSS: - CTO, Connehito Inc. - We use CakePHP in our backend system

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About Our Company

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Creating services that people cannot live without Connehito uses the power of technology to provide support to families in their daily decision makings about their matter

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Brand that supports mothers' each step Business Lineup

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No.1 app for mothers in Japan! One third of mothers in Japan are using mamari Communication amongst users about their worries and experiences about childbearing and childcare Q&A Community App Delivery of useful articles about childbearing and childcare. Many articles are supervised by experts Web Media A subscription service provides more useful functions e.g. medical telephone consultation, premium search functions Mamari Premium

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Have you ever used Components?

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When do you use Components?

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Today’s Topics Seeking better software through reconsideration of Components - 1. What are Components? - General use case / Other use case - 2. Other approaches - Traits / Dependency Injection - 3. When to use Components - And when not to

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Appendix - Code examples - - PHP8.0, CakePHP4.2

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1. What are Components?

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In short - Packages of logic that are shared between controller classes - Core Components are … - Flash Component - FormProtection Component - Paginator Component - Request Handler Component - Auth Compoent - Security Component

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Basic Usage of a Paginator Component

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General use case

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Component as a shared logic package - When we have a logic that is used by many controllers 👇 - Creating a Component and move the logic to the Component 👇 - Keep controller code clean and allow us to reuse code - Run a unit testing focused on that logic by separating the logic from controllers

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Component as a shared logic package

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Unit testing of Component as a shared logic package

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Other use case

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Component as a service-like class - When you call an external Web API from a controller - e.g. Qiita API which Japanese weblog service for engineers 👇 - Creating a HTTP Client and a Component - This component is a wrapper for the HTTP client and the controller 👇 - Remove the business logic from the controller - Making the HTTP client and the controller independent eases a unit testing

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A HTTP Client and its unit testing

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Component as a service-like class

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Unit testing of Component as a service-like class

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2. Other approaches

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Summary so far - Two Components use cases - As a shared logic package - As a service-like class

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Summary so far - Two Components use cases - As a shared logic package - As a service-like class

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As a shared logic package Pattern - Clean the controller code and reuse it (Repeated) - Expand the controller's behavior in horizontal direction

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Can we do something similar to it with Traits?

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What are Traits? - A mechanism for code reuse in single inheritance languages - Enables horizontal composition of behavior - It is not possible to instantiate a Trait on its own Parent Class Child Class A Child Class B Trait A Trait B

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A Trait Pattern

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We did it!

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Summary so far - Two Components use cases - As a shared logic package - As a service-like class

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As a service-like class - Remove the business logic from the controller (Repeated) - Make a loose coupling between the HTTP client and the controller.

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Can we do something similar to it with DI?

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What are DI and DI container? - A technique for making our code loose coupled - By injecting an object from the outside - Make testing and managing our software easier - Depend on abstractions, not on concretions - DI container is a box that manages DI objects in one place Caller (Client) Object Concrete Object Abstract Object

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A HTTP Client using an interface

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A DI Pattern

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Unit testing of a DI Pattern

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We did it!

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3. When to use Components

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Summary so far - Two Components use cases - As a shared logic package - As a service-like class - Two Other approaches - As a shared logic package: Components or Traits - As a service-like class: Components or Dependency Injection

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Whether you should use Components or Traits?

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When to use Traits - Better to use Traits for a horizontal shared logic - In many use cases, Traits are usually sufficient - Originally, business logic should not be written in Components - Better move the previous method to the model layer - If the logic is about Requests or Responses, Middleware might be able to replace it

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When to use Components - Better to use Components for a more three-dimensional shared logic

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When to use Components

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- Augment the request life-cycle. - initialize() 👉 beforeFilter(Component) 👉 beforeFilter(Controller) 👉 startup() 👉 … Component Callbacks Inheritance (y) Traits (x) Components (z)

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Whether you should use Components or DI?

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When to use DI - Better to use DI for a service class that calls a HTTP client - Looser coupling between modules than the Service Locator pattern(=Components) - 🙋 This doesn’t mean denying Components - Since Cake3, the change to the policy of creating a local registry has been better!

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Compare with unit testing(Repeated)

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Components inferior to Traits and DI?

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Of course not

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What is in Components and not in Traits or DI?

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It’s “Convention”

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Convention over configuration - Convention is very effective in team development - Get a unified developer experience - Traits and DI are more challenging to maintain consistency - In other words, a skilled team can use the best of Traits and DI

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- When to use Components and when not to My conclusion Team / Case Shared logic (Horizontal) Shared logic (Three-dimensional) Service-like class (Using HTTP Clients) Skilled team Traits Compoents DI Not skilled team Components Components Components

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- When to use Components and when not to - What do you think? My Conclusion Team / Case Shared logic (Horizontal) Shared logic (Three-dimensional) Service-like class (Using HTTP Clients) Skilled team Traits Compoents DI Not skilled team Components Components Components

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Our journey to seek better software will continue

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Thank you!