Slide 5
Slide 5 text
(rate in Hz)
Legacy Software
(Input or Raw Data)
Physiological responses and/or
Emotion reported (output or sensed values)
Emotiv© EEG
(128 Hz)
Emotiv© SDK Brain Waves
EEG activity. Reported in 14 channels [16],: AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, O1, O2, P8, T8, FC6,
F4, F8, and AF4.
Face activity. Blink, wink (left and right), look (left and right), raise brow, furrow brow,
smile, clench, smirk (left and right), and laugh.
Emotions. Excitement, engagement, boredom, meditation and frustration.
Standard Webcam
(10 Hz)
MIT Media Lab MindReader Facial Expressions Emotion. Agreeing, concentrating, disagreeing, interested, thinking and unsure.
MIT skin conductance sensor
(2 Hz)
USB driver Skin Conductivity Arousal.
MIT pressure sensor
(6 Hz)
USB driver Pressure One pressure value per sensor allocated into the input/control device.
Tobii© Eye tracking
(60 Hz)
Tobii© SDK Eye Tracking Gaze point (x, y).
MIT posture sensor
(6 Hz)
USB driver Pressure
Pressure values in the back and the seat (in the right, middle and left zones) of a
cushion chair.