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A gentle introduction to Spring Batch Mahmoud Ben Hassine Mai 2018

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About me ■ Principal Software Engineer @Pivotal ■ Spring Batch committer ■ 10+ years as a Software Engineer ■ Open source enthusiast ■ Chess junkie! Twitter: @b_e_n_a_s Github: @benas Lichess: @benas

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What about you? ■ Any Spring Batch users? ■ Any Spring Boot users? ■ Any Spring Cloud Task/Stream users? ■ Any Spring Cloud Data Flow users?

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Agenda ■ Introduction ■ Job development ■ Job administration ■ What’s next? ■ Q+A

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What is batch processing? “Batch processing … is defined as the processing of data without interaction or interruption.” Michael Minella, Pro Spring Batch 6

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Batch domain language (1/2) 7

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Batch domain language (2/2) 8

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Batch domain model 9

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Chunk-oriented processing 10

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Core Features ■ Based on Spring Framework ■ Flexibility ■ Xml/Java config ■ Declarative I/O ■ Rich library of item readers/writers ■ Robustness ■ Repeat/Retry/Skip/Restart ■ Transaction management ■ Chunk-oriented processing ■ Scalability ■ Multi-threaded steps ■ Parallel steps ■ Remote chunking/partitioning 11

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Use cases ■ ETL processing ■ Generation of statements/reports ■ Data analysis ■ Data science ■ Business intelligence 12

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Spring Batch in production 13

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History of Spring Batch v1.0
 Mar 28, 2008 v2.0
 Apr 11, 2009 v3.0
 May 22, 2014 v4.0
 Dec 1, 2017 - Builders for readers - Builders for writers - Java 8 - Spring Framework 5 - Initial APIs - Item-oriented processing - XML configuration - Java 1.4 - Spring Framework 2.5 - Step scope - Chunk-oriented processing - Remote chunking/partitioning - Java 5 - Spring Framework 3 v2.2
 Jun 05, 2013 - Java configuration - Spring Data support - Non-identifying Job params - AMQP support - SQLFire support - Job scope - JSR-352 support - SQLite support - Spring Batch Integration - Spring Boot support 14

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Job development

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Job development with Spring Boot + = Dev 16

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Job administration

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+ = Job administration with Spring Cloud Data Flow Ops 18

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What’s next?

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Roadmap ■ Spring Batch v4.1 (SpringOne 2018)* ■ Simplify remote chunking/partitioning configuration ■ Add JSON ItemReader/ItemWriter implementations ■ Add JSR-305 annotations to APIs ■ Spring Batch v4.0.2/v3.0.10 ■ Maintenance releases for v4.0.x/v3.0.x lines ■ v3.0.10 will be the last patch version for v3.0.x line ■ Contributions are welcome! * Those are goals not commitments! 20

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