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the best way to build and ship software Hackers Champloo 2015 @dice [email protected]

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! ࣗݾ঺հ

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the best way to build and ship software ງߐେี @Dice 4 " # GitHub Japan General Manager % Technical Support & اըɺϓϩδΣΫτɾϚωʔδ ϝϯτɺϚʔέςΟϯάɺ৽نࣄ ۀ

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! '

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! GitHubͷࣾ෩

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the best way to build and ship software ΧʔΰɾΧϧτ 7 (

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! First Principles
 a basic, foundational proposition or assumption that cannot be deduced from any other proposition or assumption. ୈҰٛ ࠷΋େ੾ͳࠜຊతͳҙٛɺ·ͨ͸Ձ஋ɻ

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! ͳͥͳͥ෼ੳ ͋Δ໰୊ͱͦͷ໰୊ʹର͢Δରࡦʹؔͯ͠ɺͦͷ໰୊ΛҾ͖ىͨ͜͠ཁ Ҽ(ʰͳͥʱ)Λఏࣔ͠ɺ͞ΒʹͦͷཁҼΛҾ͖ىͨ͜͠ཁҼ(ʰͳͥʱ)Λ ఏࣔ͢Δ͜ͱΛ܁Γฦ͢͜ͱʹΑΓɺͦͷ໰୊΁ͷରࡦͷޮՌΛݕূ͢ ΔखஈͰ͋Δɻͳͥͳͥ෼ੳ

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! Optimize for Happiness ޾ͤͷ࠷దԽ

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# ) ( the best way to build and ship software 11 ޾ͤͷ࠷దԽ ( ैۀһ Employees ͓٬͞· Customers גओ Shareholders

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the best way to build and ship software όϥϯε͕େࣄ 12 Title Text (

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the best way to build and ship software ैۀһͷ޾ͤ 13 Title Text (

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the best way to build and ship software ϦϞʔτϫʔΫ 14 Title Text (

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the best way to build and ship software ؀ڥΛ࡞Δ 15 Title Text ( ίϯϐϡʔλ صɾҜࢠɾϞχλʔ ιϑτ΢ΣΞɾຊ ౳ͳͲ

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the best way to build and ship software ؀ڥΛ࡞Δ 16 Title Text ( HOW YOU WORK IS A IMPORTANT AS WHAT YOU WORK ON

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the best way to build and ship software ؀ڥΛ࡞Δ 17 Title Text (

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the best way to build and ship software ؀ڥΛ࡞Δ 18 Title Text ( ϦϞʔτ͕σϑΥϧτ

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the best way to build and ship software ձ͏ͷ΋େࣄ 19 Title Text (

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the best way to build and ship software 20 Title Text ( GitHub͸GitHubͰ࡞Δ

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the best way to build and ship software GitHub͸GitHubͰ࡞Δ 21 Title Text ( ݶք͕͋Δ

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the best way to build and ship software GitHub͸GitHubͰ࡞Δ 22 Title Text ( ͓٬͞·ʹձ͏

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“ the best way to build and ship software 23 ( ձࣾͱͯ͠ɺࣾһ͕ސ٬ͱͰ͖Δ͚͍ͩۙ৔ॴ Ͱಇ͚ΔΑ͏ʹ͍ͯ͠·͢ɻ ސ٬ͷۙ͘ʹ͍ͯॳΊͯϓϩμΫτͷվળ఺ʹ ؾͮ͘͜ͱ΋ଟ͍ͷͰ͢ɻ - ΫϦεɾϫϯετϥε ΞΠσΞ͸ސ٬ͷۙ͘Ͱݟ͔ͭΔ Title Text

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the best way to build and ship software ͓٬͞·ͷ޾ͤ 24 Title Text (

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! GitHubδϟύϯ

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“ the best way to build and ship software 26 ( ձࣾͱͯ͠ɺࣾһ͕ސ٬ͱͰ͖Δ͚͍ͩۙ৔ॴͰಇ͚ΔΑ ͏ʹ͍ͯ͠·͢ɻ ࠓճɺGITHUB೔ຊ๏ਓΛ্ཱͪ͛ͨͷ΋͜ͷͨΊͰɺސ٬ ͷۙ͘ʹ͍ͯॳΊͯϓϩμΫτͷվળ఺ʹؾͮ͘͜ͱ΋ଟ ͍ͷͰ͢ɻ - ΫϦεɾϫϯετϥε GitHubδϟύϯ Title Text

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the best way to build and ship software GitHubδϟύϯ 27 Title Text ( ͓٬͞·ͷ҆৺ײ

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the best way to build and ship software GitHubδϟύϯ 28 Title Text ( ݴޠ

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the best way to build and ship software GitHubδϟύϯ 29 (

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the best way to build and ship software 30 ( GitHubδϟύϯ

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the best way to build and ship software 31 ( GitHubδϟύϯ

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the best way to build and ship software 32 ( GitHubδϟύϯ

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the best way to build and ship software Hackers Champloo 2015 @dice [email protected]