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streamparse Defeat the Python GIL with Apache Storm. Andrew Montalenti, CTO 1 of 75

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About Me CTO/co-founder of Hacking in Python for over a decade Fully distributed team @amontalenti on Twitter: 2 of 75

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Python GIL Python's GIL does not allow true multi-thread parallelism: And on multi-core, it even leads to lock contention: @dabeaz discussed this in a Friday talk on concurrency. 3 of 75

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Queues and workers Standard way to solve GIL woes. Queues: ZeroMQ => Redis => RabbitMQ Workers: Cron Jobs => RQ => Celery 4 of 75

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It started to get messy 6 of 75

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As Hettinger Says... "There must be a better way..." 7 of 75

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What is this Storm thing? We read: "Storm is a distributed real-time computation system." Dramatically simplifies your workers and queues. "Great," we thought. "But, what about Python support?" That's what streamparse is about. 8 of 75

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Our Storm Use Case 9 of 75

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What is Web content analytics for digital storytellers. Some of our customers: 10 of 75

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Elegant data dashboards Informing thousands of editors and writers every day: 11 of 75

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Powerful data APIs Powering billions of site visits every month: 12 of 75

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Too many datas! 13 of 75

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"Python Can't Do This" "Free lunch is over." "It can't scale." "It's a toy language." "Shoulda used Scala." 14 of 75

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Python Can't Scale? Eat that, haters! 15 of 75

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Thanks to Storm 16 of 75

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streamparse is Pythonic Storm streamparse lets you parse real-time streams of data. It smoothly integrates Python code with Apache Storm. Easy quickstart, good CLI/tooling, production tested. Good for: Analytics, Logs, Sensors, Low-Latency Stuff. 17 of 75

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Agenda Storm topology concepts Storm internals How does Python work with Storm? streamparse overview pykafka preview Slides on Twitter; follow @amontalenti. Slides: Notes: 18 of 75

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Storm Topology Concepts 19 of 75

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Storm Abstractions Storm provides abstractions for data processing: Tuple Spout Bolt Topology 20 of 75

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Wired Topology 21 of 75

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WARNING Using Python pseudocode and coroutines! 22 of 75

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Tuple A single data record that flows through your cluster. # tuple spec: ["word"] word = ("dog",) # tuple spec: ["word", "count"] word_count = ("dog", 4) 23 of 75

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Spout A component that emits raw data into cluster. class Spout(object): def next_tuple(): """Called repeatedly to emit tuples.""" @coroutine def spout_coroutine(spout, target): """Get tuple from spout and send it to target.""" while True: tup = spout.next_tuple() if tup is None: time.sleep(10) continue if target is not None: target.send(tup) 24 of 75

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Bolt A component that implements one processing stage. class Bolt(object): def process(tup): """Called repeatedly to process tuples.""" @coroutine def bolt_coroutine(bolt, target): """Get tuple from input, process it in Bolt. Then send it to next bolt target, if it exists.""" while True: tup = (yield) if tup is None: time.sleep(10) continue to_emit = bolt.process(tup) if target is not None: target.send(to_emit) 25 of 75

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Topology Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) describing it all. # lay out topology spout = WordSpout bolts = [WordCountBolt, DebugPrintBolt] # wire topology topology = wire(spout=spout, bolts=bolts) # start the topology next(topology) 26 of 75

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Storm Internals 27 of 75

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Tuple Tree 28 of 75

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Streams, Grouping and Parallelism X word-spout word-count-bolt input None word-spout output word-count-bolt None tuple ("dog",) ("dog", 4") stream ["word"] ["word", "count"] grouping ["word"] ":shuffle" parallelism 2 8 29 of 75

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Nimbus and Storm UI 30 of 75

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Workers and Zookeeper 31 of 75

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Empty Slots 32 of 75

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Filled Slots and Rebalancing 33 of 75

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BTW, Buy This Book! Source of these diagrams. Storm Applied, by Manning Press. Reviewed in Storm, The Big Reference. 34 of 75

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Network Transfer 35 of 75

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So, Storm is Sorta Amazing! Storm... will guarantee processing via tuple trees does tuneable parallelism per component implements a high availability model allocates Python process slots on physical nodes helps us rebalance computation across cluster handles network messaging automatically And, it beats the GIL! 36 of 75

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Let's Do This! 37 of 75

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Getting Python on Storm 38 of 75

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Multi-Lang Protocol (1) Storm supports Python through the multi-lang protocol. JSON protocol Works via shell-based components Communicate over STDIN and STDOUT Clean, UNIX-y. Can use CPython, PyPy; no need for Jython or Py4J. Kinda quirky, but also relatively simple to implement. 39 of 75

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Multi-Lang Protocol (2) Each component of a "Python" Storm topology is either: ShellSpout ShellBolt Java implementations speak to Python via light JSON. There's one sub-process per Storm task. If p = 8, then 8 Python processes are spawned. 40 of 75

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Multi-Lang Protocol (3) INIT: JVM => Python >JSON XFER: JVM => JVM >Kryo DATA: JVM => Python >JSON EMIT: Python => JVM >JSON XFER: JVM => JVM >Kryo ACK: Python => JVM >JSON BEAT: JVM => Python >JSON SYNC: Python => JVM >JSON 41 of 75

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Storm as Infrastructure Thought: Storm should be like Cassandra/Elasticsearch. "Written in Java, but Pythonic nonetheless." Need: Python as a first-class citizen. Must also fix "Javanonic" bits (e.g. packaging). 43 of 75

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streamparse overview 44 of 75

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Enter streamparse Initial release Apr 2014; one year of active development. 600+ stars on Github, was a trending repo in May 2014. 90+ mailing list members and 5 new committers. 3 engineers maintaining it. Funding from DARPA. (Yes, really!) 45 of 75

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streamparse CLI sparse provides a CLI front-end to streamparse, a framework for creating Python projects for running, debugging, and submitting Storm topologies for data processing. After installing the lein (only dependency), you can run: pip install streamparse This will offer a command-line tool, sparse. Use: sparse quickstart 46 of 75

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Running and debugging You can then run the local Storm topology using: $ sparse run Running wordcount topology... Options: {:spec "topologies/wordcount.clj", ...} #

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Submitting to remote cluster Single command: $ sparse submit Does all the following magic: Makes virtualenvs across cluster Builds a JAR out of your source code Opens reverse tunnel to Nimbus Constructs an in-memory Topology spec Uploads JAR to Nimbus 48 of 75

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streamparse supplants 49 of 75

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Let's Make a Topology! 50 of 75

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Word Stream Spout (Storm DSL) {"word-spout" (python-spout-spec options "spouts.words.WordSpout" ; class (spout) ["word"] ; stream (fields) ) } 51 of 75

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Word Stream Spout in Python import itertools from streamparse.spout import Spout class Words(Spout): def initialize(self, conf, ctx): self.words = itertools.cycle(['dog', 'cat', 'zebra', 'elephant']) def next_tuple(self): word = next(self.words) self.emit([word]) Emits one-word tuples from endless generator. 52 of 75

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Word Count Bolt (Storm DSL) {"word-count-bolt" (python-bolt-spec options {"word-spout" ["word"]} ; input (grouping) "bolts.wordcount.WordCount" ; class (bolt) ["word" "count"] ; stream (fields) :p 2 ; parallelism ) } 53 of 75

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Word Count Bolt in Python from collections import Counter from streamparse.bolt import Bolt class WordCount(Bolt): def initialize(self, conf, ctx): self.counts = Counter() def process(self, tup): word = tup.values[0] self.counts[word] += 1 self.log('%s: %d' % (word, self.counts[word])) Keeps word counts in-memory (assumes grouping). 54 of 75

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BatchingBolt for Performance from streamparse.bolt import BatchingBolt class WordCount(BatchingBolt): secs_between_batches = 5 def group_key(self, tup): # collect batches of words word = tup.values[0] return word def process_batch(self, key, tups): # emit the count of words we had per 5s batch self.emit([key, len(tups)]) Implements 5-second micro-batches. 55 of 75

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streamparse config.json { "envs": { "0.8": { "user": "ubuntu", "nimbus": "", "workers": ["", ""], "log_path": "/var/log/ubuntu/storm", "virtualenv_root": "/data/virtualenvs" }, "vagrant": { "user": "ubuntu", "nimbus": "vagrant.local", "workers": ["vagrant.local"], "log_path": "/home/ubuntu/storm/logs", "virtualenv_root": "/home/ubuntu/virtualenvs" } } } 56 of 75

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sparse options $ sparse help Usage: sparse quickstart sparse run [-o ]... [-p ] [-t

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pykafka preview 58 of 75

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Apache Kafka "Messaging rethought as a commit log." Distributed tail -f. Perfect fit for Storm Spouts. Able to keep up with Storm's high-throughput processing. Great for handling backpressure during traffic spikes. 59 of 75

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pykafka We have released pykafka. NOT to be confused with kafka-python. Upgraded internal Kafka 0.7 driver to 0.8.2: SimpleConsumer and BalancedConsumer Consumer Groups with Zookeeper Pure Python protocol implementation C protocol implementation in works (via librdkafka) 60 of 75

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Questions? I'm sprinting on a Python Storm Topology DSL. Hacking on Monday and Tuesday. Join me! streamparse:'s hiring: Find me on Twitter: That's it! 61 of 75

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Appendix 62 of 75

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Storm and Spark Together 63 of 75

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Overall Architecture 64 of 75

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Multi-Lang Impl's in Python (Storm, 2010) Petrel (AirSage, Dec 2012) streamparse (, Apr 2014) pyleus (Yelp, Oct 2014) Plans to unify IPC implementations around pystorm. 65 of 75

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Other Related Projects lein - Clojure dependency manager used by streamparse flux - YAML Topology runner Clojure DSL - Topology DSL, bundled with Storm Trident - Java "high-level" DSL, bundled with Storm streamparse uses lein and a simplified Clojure DSL. Will add a Python DSL in 2.x. 66 of 75

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Topology Wiring def wire(spout, bolts=[]): """Wire the components together in a pipeline. Return the spout coroutine that kicks it off.""" last, target = None, None for bolt in reversed(bolts): step = bolt_coroutine(bolt) if last is None: last = step continue else: step = bolt_coroutine(bolt, target=last) last = step return spout_coroutine(spout, target=last) 67 of 75

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Streams, Grouping, Parallelism (still pseudocode) class WordCount(Topology): spouts = [ WordSpout( name="word-spout", out=["word"], p=2) ] bolts = [ WordCountBolt( name="word-count-bolt", from=WordSpout, group_on="word", out=["word", "count"], p=8) ] 68 of 75

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Storm is "Javanonic" Ironic term one of my engineers came up with for a project that feels very Java-like, and not very "Pythonic". 69 of 75

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Storm Java Quirks Topology Java builder API (eek). Projects built with Maven tasks (yuck). Deployment needs a JAR of your code (ugh). No simple local dev workflow built-in (boo). Storm uses Thrift interfaces (shrug). 70 of 75

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Multi-Lang Protocol The multi-lang protocol has the full core: ack fail emit anchor log heartbeat tuple tree 71 of 75

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Kafka and Multi-consumer 72 of 75

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Kafka Consumer Groups 73 of 75

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Bolts for Real-Time ETL 74 of 75

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streamparse projects 75 of 75