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AAkira @_a_akira Kotlin Conf2018報告会 - Kotlin 1.3新機能-

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About me @_a_akira AAkira CyberAgent, Inc. Akira Aratani !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345

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New Type Inference and Related Language Features Svetlana Isakova Svetlana Isakova has worked on the Kotlin language at JetBrains. She’s co-authored the book Kotlin in Action and now is a Developer Advocate, where she spends her time teaching Kotlin and speaking at conferences worldwide.

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Agenda • Experimental features • Contracts • New type Inference

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λΠτϧ Experimental features

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Experimental features Purpose To let new features be tried by early adopters 
 as soon as possible

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Experimental features Tools > Kotlin > Enable migrations detection (experimental)

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Experimental features Migration tool

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Experimental features experimentalの機能を使う場合はgradleに追加するする必要がある kotlin { 
 experimental { coroutines 'enable' } }

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Experimental features import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.* import kotlinx.coroutines.* ˣ 1.2 1.3

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Experimental features 自分でExperimental APIを作ることも可能 @Experimental annotation class ShinyNewAPI

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Experimental features // Ϋϥεʹ΋෇͚ΒΕΔ @ShinyNewAPI class Foo {} // ؔ਺ʹ΋෇͚ΒΕΔ @ShinyNewAPI fun = ""

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Experimental features @ShinyNewAPI fun doSomething() { val foo = Foo() } @ShinyNewAPI fun main() { doSomething() }

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Experimental features @ShinyNewAPI fun doSomething() { val foo = Foo() } @ShinyNewAPI fun main() { doSomething() } 1.3からmain関数の引数はオプションになった

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Experimental features @ShinyNewAPI fun doSomething() { val foo = Foo() } @ShinyNewAPI fun main() { doSomething() }

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Experimental features @UseExperimental(ShinyNewAPI::class) fun doSomething() { val foo = Foo() } 
 fun main() { doSomething() }

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Experimental features @UseExperimental(ShinyNewAPI::class) fun doSomething() { val foo = Foo() } 
 fun main() { doSomething() }

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$POUSBDUT Contracts

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Kotlin Puzzler Kotlin1.2で実行する場合 fun main(args: Array) { var hoge: Int? run { hoge = 46 } println(hoge) } // a) 46 // b) NullPointerException // c) null // d) Will not compile

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Kotlin Puzzler Kotlin 1.3より前では実行出来ない fun main(args: Array) { var hoge: Int? run { hoge = 46 } println(hoge) } // a) 46 // b) NullPointerException // c) null // d) Will not compile

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Kotlin Puzzler fun main(args: Array) { var hoge: Int? run { hoge = 46 } println(hoge) } // a) 46 // b) NullPointerException // c) null // d) Will not compile コンパイラは初期化されているのか、判断出来ない 
 printの部分で “variable hoge must be initialized”

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Contracts // 1.3 inline fun run(block: () -> R): R { contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) } return block() } // 1.2
 public inline fun run(block: () -> R): R = block()

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Contracts // 1.3 inline fun run(block: () -> R): R { contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) } return block() } // 1.2
 public inline fun run(block: () -> R): R = block()

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Contracts • can be implicitly changed • can implicitly break code depending on it なぜコンパイラはrun内で代入されたhogeがnon-nullなのを理解出来ないのか

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Contracts // 1.3 inline fun run(block: () -> R): R { contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) } return block() } // 1.2
 public inline fun run(block: () -> R): R = block() コンパイラに一度だけ実行されるという情報を

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Contracts Kotlin 1.3では実行可能 fun main(args: Array) { var hoge: Int? run { hoge = 46 } println(hoge) }

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Contracts Kotlin 1.3より前では実行出来ない fun main(args: Array) {
 val s : String? = "" if(!s.isNullOrEmpty()) { s.first() }

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Contracts Kotlin 1.3より前では実行出来ない fun main(args: Array) {
 val s : String? = "" if(!s.isNullOrEmpty()) { s.first() }
 } sがnot nullだとはコンパイラは理解出来ない

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Contracts 1.3でのisNullOrEmptyの実装 public inline fun CharSequence?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean { contract { returns(false) implies (this@isNullOrEmpty != null) } return this == null || this.length == 0 }

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Contracts 1.3でのisNullOrEmptyの実装 public inline fun CharSequence?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean { contract { returns(false) implies (this@isNullOrEmpty != null) } return this == null || this.length == 0 } return falseの時に
 isNullOrEmpty != nullの情報を

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Contracts Kotlin 1.3では実行可能 fun main(args: Array) {
 val s : String? = "" if(!s.isNullOrEmpty()) { s.first() }

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Contracts 自作も可能 @ExperimentalContracts private inline fun CharSequence?.hoge(): Boolean { contract { returns(false) implies (this@hoge != null) } return this == null || this.length == 0 }
 @ExperimentalContracts fun main() { var a: String? = "abc" if (!a.hoge()) { println(a.first()) } }

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自作も可能 Contracts @ExperimentalContracts private inline fun CharSequence?.hoge(): Boolean { contract { returns(false) implies (this@hoge != null) } return this == null || this.length == 0 }
 @ExperimentalContracts fun main() { var a: String? = "abc" if (!a.hoge()) { println(a.first()) } } contractもExperimentalContracts annotationが必要

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Contracts @UseExperimental(ExperimentalContracts::class) private inline fun CharSequence?.hoge(): Boolean { contract { returns(false) implies (this@hoge != null) } return this == null || this.length == 0 } fun main() { var a: String? = "abc" if (!a.hoge()) { println(a.first()) } } UseExperimentalで書き換え可能

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Contracts @UseExperimental(ExperimentalContracts::class) private inline fun CharSequence?.hoge(): Boolean { contract { returns(false) implies (this@hoge != null) } return this == null || this.length == 0 } fun main() { var a: String? = "abc" if (!a.hoge()) { println(a.first()) } } ここでも、UseExperimental annotationが使える UseExperimentalで書き換え可能

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Contracts @UseExperimental(ExperimentalContracts::class) private inline fun CharSequence?.hoge(): Boolean { contract { returns(false) implies (this@hoge != null) } return this == null || this.length == 0 } fun main() { var a: String? = "abc" if (!a.hoge()) { println(a.first()) } } annotationが不要

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Contracts • run, let, with, apply, also, takeIf, takeUnless, synchronized • isNullOrEmpty, isNullOrBlank, • kotlin.test: assertTrue, assertFalse, assertNotNull • check, checkNotNull, require, requireNotNull Contractが追加されたメソッド達

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/FXUZQFJOGFSFODF New type inference

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New type inference kotlin { 
 experimental { newInference 'enable' } }

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New type inference • SAM conversions for Kotlin functions • Better inference for builders • Better inference for call chains • Better inference for intersection types

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public interface Action { void execute(T target); } SAM conversions .java fun handleInput(handler: Action) { ... } fun main() { handleInput(Action { target -> println(target) 
 }) } .kt

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public interface Action { void execute(T target); } SAM conversions .java fun handleInput(handler: Action) { ... } fun main() {
 handleInput { println(it) } } .kt 1.3からはこう書ける

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SAM conversions val obs = Observable.just(100) Observable.just(1) .zipWith(obs, BiFunction { a, b -> a + b }) .subscribe { } RxJava2から第二引数でlamda式が使えなくなっていた
 => RxKotlin( で回避していた

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SAM conversions val obs = Observable.just(100) Observable.just(1) .zipWith(obs) { a, b -> a + b } .subscribe { } RxKotlinを使わなくても良くなった!

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Inference for builder lambdas val seq = sequence { yield(42) print("hoge") yield(4) } Kotlin1.3から型パラメータが不要

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Inference for builder lambdas Kotlin1.3から型パラメータが不要 val seq = sequence { yield(42) print("hoge") yield(4) }

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Inference for builder lambdas fun buildList( init: MutableList.() -> Unit ): List { return mutableListOf().apply(init) } fun main() { val list = buildList { add(1) add(2) } } もちろん自分でも定義可能

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Inference for builder lambdas @UseExperimental(ExperimentalTypeInference::class) fun buildList( @BuilderInference init: MutableList.() -> Unit ): List { return mutableListOf().apply(init) } fun main() { val list = buildList { add(1) add(2) } } BuilderInference annotationを使う

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Inference for builder lambdas @UseExperimental(ExperimentalTypeInference::class) fun buildList( @BuilderInference init: MutableList.() -> Unit ): List { return mutableListOf().apply(init) } fun main() { val list = buildList { add(1) add(2) } } BuilderInference annotationを使う

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Inference for builder lambdas @UseExperimental(ExperimentalTypeInference::class) fun buildList( @BuilderInference init: MutableList.() -> Unit ): List { return mutableListOf().apply(init) } fun main() { val list = buildList { add(1) add(2) } } これによって1.3より前で

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Inference for builder lambdas @UseExperimental(ExperimentalTypeInference::class) fun buildList( @BuilderInference init: MutableList.() -> Unit ): List { return mutableListOf().apply(init) } fun main() { val list = buildList { add(1) add(2) } } Intを省略可能

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Inference for call chains fun createMap(): Map = MapBuilder() .put("answer", 42) .build() MapBuilderは自分で定義した関数? (発表資料ままです) Kotlin 1.2: One call is analyzed at a time
 Kotlin 1.3: A call chain is analyzed

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Inference for call chains fun createMap() = MapBuilder() .put("answer", 42) .build() Kotlin1.3からは全体で評価されるので型定義を省略可能

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Intersection types interface Foo interface Bar fun hoge(thing: T) where T : Foo, T : Bar { println(thing) } fun better() { val something: Better = Better.A if (something is Foo && something is Bar) { hoge(something) // Foo & Bar } } sealed class Better { object A : Better() object B : Better(), Foo object C : Better(), Foo, Bar }

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Intersection types interface Foo interface Bar fun hoge(thing: T) where T : Foo, T : Bar { println(thing) } fun better() { val something: Better = Better.A if (something is Foo && something is Bar) { hoge(something) // Foo & Bar } } sealed class Better { object A : Better() object B : Better(), Foo object C : Better(), Foo, Bar }

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Intersection types interface Foo interface Bar fun hoge(thing: T) where T : Foo, T : Bar { println(thing) } fun better() { val something: Better = Better.A if (something is Foo && something is Bar) { hoge(something) // Foo & Bar } } sealed class Better { object A : Better() object B : Better(), Foo object C : Better(), Foo, Bar } somethingは Foo & Barと判定しているが…

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Intersection types interface Foo interface Bar fun hoge(thing: T) where T : Foo, T : Bar { println(thing) } fun better() { val something: Better = Better.A if (something is Foo && something is Bar) { hoge(something) // Compile error } } sealed class Better { object A : Better() object B : Better(), Foo object C : Better(), Foo, Bar } Kotlin1.2まではコンパイルエラーだった

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Intersection types interface Foo interface Bar fun hoge(thing: T) where T : Foo, T : Bar { println(thing) } fun better() { val something: Better = Better.A if (something is Foo && something is Bar) { hoge(something) // Foo & Bar } } sealed class Better { object A : Better() object B : Better(), Foo object C : Better(), Foo, Bar } 1.3からはコンパイル可

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4VNNBSZ Summary

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Summary • Experimentalの役割がより明確に • Kotlin1.3は痒かったところに手が届く
 - Contracts
 - SAM
 - Inference • KotlinConf 凄く良かった
 個人的にはKotlin Nativeを激推ししていきたい

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AAkira @_a_akira Have a nice Kotlin