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What beginners teach us Selena Deckelmann @selenamarie Data Architect, Mozilla Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tons more at: Tuesday, May 13, 14

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“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind, there are few.” -Shunryu Suzuki Tuesday, May 13, 14

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I am a beginner teacher Tuesday, May 13, 14

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full of possibility Tuesday, May 13, 14

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the one thing... Next time you answer a beginner’s question Tuesday, May 13, 14

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take a moment and consider... How will the beginner feel when they hear your answer? Tuesday, May 13, 14

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I’ve been involved in FOSS Since 1995 Tuesday, May 13, 14

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PyLadies Get women who code together In September 2012, I joined... Tuesday, May 13, 14

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our first project... A Coursera Class Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Walk away or Figure out how to teach? Tuesday, May 13, 14

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beginners: Open to possibility and overwhelmed by choice Tuesday, May 13, 14

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TMTOWTDI the best part of beginners mind adventure, possibility, inclusive Tuesday, May 13, 14

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or... Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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our job as teacher is to answer... “What do I do next?” Tuesday, May 13, 14

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And to consider: How do people feel while they’re taking the next step? Tuesday, May 13, 14

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What does learning how to program feel like? Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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When experience is a dead end Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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When PyLadies succeeds Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Slide 35 text - April 19, 2013 Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Slide 37 text - April 19, 2013 Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Engineering experiences Tuesday, May 13, 14

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“The unwritten first chapter” Big goals Early wins In-person connections Cultivate a learning environment Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Tools for engineering great beginner experiences Tuesday, May 13, 14

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From Hacker School: No “Well, Actually...” No Feigning Surprise Tuesday, May 13, 14

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pairing best teachers are those that just learned Tuesday, May 13, 14

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1:3 ratio instruction to doing Tuesday, May 13, 14

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listen carefully learn from how students rephrase and ask questions Tuesday, May 13, 14

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PyLadiesPDX 250 women 1-2 meetings per week Tuesday, May 13, 14

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• New skills • Peer support • Structure and routine • Confidence What PyLadies say they get: Tuesday, May 13, 14

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teaching people to review code the way Tuesday, May 13, 14

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PostgreSQL is intimidating. Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Slide 49 text wiki/Reviewing_a_Patch Tuesday, May 13, 14

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“You don't have to ask for permission...” Tuesday, May 13, 14

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• Submission review (skills needed: patch, English comprehension) • Usability review (skills needed: test-fu, ability to find and read spec) • Feature test (skills needed: patch, configure, make, pipe errors to log) Tuesday, May 13, 14

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• Performance review (skills needed: ability to time performance) • Coding review (skills needed: guideline comparison, experience with portability issues, minor C-reading skills) • Architecture review (skills needed: experience with whole-PostgreSQL- project architecture) Tuesday, May 13, 14

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• Review review (skills needed: ability to follow the Review A Patch documentation) Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Key skill: code reading Tuesday, May 13, 14

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“[N]on-trivial change should be discussed (potentially before the code is even written) on the pgsql- hackers list before being submitted as a patch.” Tuesday, May 13, 14

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“Design your interface first.” Tuesday, May 13, 14

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“Follow the style of the adjacent code!” Tuesday, May 13, 14

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So, code reading. Tuesday, May 13, 14

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How have I benefited and what have I learned from teaching? Tuesday, May 13, 14

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write better code write better docs gain perspective Tuesday, May 13, 14

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recruit diverse members to your communities Tuesday, May 13, 14

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and... Tuesday, May 13, 14

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an informed public Tuesday, May 13, 14

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Julie Horvath’s blog post Tuesday, May 13, 14

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“I didn’t grow up thinking I could do anything I wanted to.” Tuesday, May 13, 14

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I see this every day teaching adults. Tuesday, May 13, 14

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People don’t know what’s possible. Tuesday, May 13, 14

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make a better world! Tuesday, May 13, 14

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teach! <3 Tuesday, May 13, 14

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What beginners teach us Selena Deckelmann @selenamarie Data Architect, Mozilla Tuesday, May 13, 14

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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. All photos are © by owners. PyLadies photos shared with permission. Tuesday, May 13, 14