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UNSCARED GIT gussan (Yoshihide Taniguchi) with little handling Terminal

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‣ revision control and source code management system ‣ has all history of changes with no network access ‣ source codes are controlled centrally to a repository ‣ branch concept Git is ... ?

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‣ able to making isolated space from others use branch master branch branch B branch A history changes in B isn’t reflected to A reflect changes in A branch to a master branch reflect changes in B branch master branch has both changes by A and B changes in A isn’t reflected to B

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No content

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‣ collaborative development supporting service for projects using git ‣ in our company ... ‣ manage and share problems / new idea ... etc about projects ‣ review and discuss about contents members coded / created ‣ assessment for engineer’s grade ... and more! Github is ... ?

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Development track get latest codes from a repository make isolated environment from others (branching) edit / add files (developing) reflect changes to a repository git git git repeat bit by bit till developing is complete merge branch to master branch deploy github

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Development track get latest codes from a repository make isolated environment from others (branching) edit / add files (developing) reflect changes to a repository git git git repeat bit by bit till developing is complete merge branch to master branch deploy github TODAY TOMORROW

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‣ interacting with a computer using commands ‣ renaming/copying files, configuring OS, editing documents, ... a lot more ‣ basically, we use git from a terminal Terminal ex ) ls -a command option

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‣ get latest source codes from a repository ‣ to do before development ‣ commit changes ‣ push changes to a repository how to using Git (day1)

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‣ get latest source codes from a repository ‣ to do before development ‣ commit changes ‣ push changes to a repository how to using Git (day1)

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‣ first, cloning a project from a git repository ‣ get latest changes in a project already have get latest source codes git clone git pull (on master branch)

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‣ get latest source codes from a repository ‣ to do before development ‣ commit changes ‣ push changes to a repository how to using Git (day1)

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‣ make and switch new branch ( if you not have yet ) ‣ switch existing branch to do before developing git checkout -b (branch name you want to naming) git checkout (branch name you want to switch)

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‣ get latest source codes from a repository ‣ to do before development ‣ commit changes ‣ push changes to a repository how to using Git (day1)

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‣ add changed files ‣ commit added files ‣ push committed files to repository commit / push git add . git commit -m “(simple explanation about this committing)” git push origin (name of branch you editing) ex. ) “added a new logo image file”

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‣ pull request ‣ confliction of changes ‣ deploy master branch to the server how to using Git (day2) github git webistrano