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Chris Keathley / @ChrisKeathley / SOLID code isn’t Flexible

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So, I’ve been taking a break

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No content

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No content

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Y o This Talk

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This talk isn’t really about SOLID

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This talk is about building systems with less stuff

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Single Responsibility Open/Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Interface Segregation Principle Dependency Inversion Principle

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Single Responsibility Open/Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Interface Segregation Principle Dependency Inversion Principle What is this in s er vice of?

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No one ever got fired for adopting an acronym

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Software Design is *really hard*.

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How do we make it easy to change software?

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How do we make it easy to change software? How do we add new functionality without changing any existing code?

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Lets Talk About: Fundamental Ideals Deep Layers vs Shallow Layers Things are better together Allowing for extension

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Lets Talk About: Fundamental Ideas Deep Layers vs Shallow Layers Things are better together Allowing for extension

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Premise 1 Software Design is about managing complexity

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HTTP Client

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HTTP Client Socket Management

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HTTP Client Socket Management SSL

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HTTP Client Socket Management SSL Connection Pooling

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HTTP Client Socket Management SSL Connection Pooling h1.1 vs h2

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HTTP Client Socket Management SSL Connection Pooling h1.1 vs h2 Parsing http payloads

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HTTP Client Socket Management SSL Connection Pooling h1.1 vs h2 Parsing http payloads Essential C om pl ex ity

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Total Complexity Sum(essential complexity * interaction points)

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Total Complexity Sum(essential complexity * interaction points) Most often in the f or m of dependent code

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Dependencies Change h er e… Module A Module B Means Change h er e

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Premise 2 All code has a cost. Anything we add to the system should add significant value.

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Lets Talk About: Fundamental Ideas Deep Layers vs Shallow Layers Things are better together Allowing for extension

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Lets Talk About: Fundamental Ideas Deep Layers vs Shallow Layers Things are better together Allowing for extension

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Lets Talk About: Fundamental Ideas Deep Layers vs Shallow Layers Things are better together Allowing for extension

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Total Complexity Sum(essential complexity * interaction points)

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Total Complexity Sum(essential complexity * 0)

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Encapsulation Not just f or y ou r state!

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Encapsulati o API

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Encapsulati o Shall ow lay e API

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Encapsulati o Deep er Lay e API

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Encapsulati o Best Case API

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HTTP Client

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HTTP Client TCP Y ou sh ou ld on ly have to see this stuff Not this…

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HTTP Client TCP MyOtherServiceClient Fuse Regulator

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HTTP Client TCP MyOtherServiceClient Fuse Regulator Gen er al Specific

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HTTP Client TCP MyOtherServiceClient Fuse Regulator Gen er al Specific M or e Reusable Less Reusable

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Examples MapSet Jason Network Protocols Persistent Term

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Red Flags Excessive passthrough or defdelegates Layered modules that share similar apis or functions Changes impacting multiple dependencies Pushing specific details into lower levels decreases reuse

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Lets Talk About: Fundamental Ideas Deep Layers vs Shallow Layers Things are better together Allowing for extension

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Lets Talk About: Fundamental Ideas Deep Layers vs Shallow Layers Things are better together Allowing for extension

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Handler Web Request Ecto Cache

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Handler Web Request Ecto Cache Wh er e do these go?

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How much of this is reusable?

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Who knows how to make these decisions?

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Handler Web Request Ecto Cache

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Handler Web Request Ecto Cache Is this still reusable?

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Handler Ecto Cache Can I use this functi on ? Background Task

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Handler Ecto Cache Are we g oi ng to need to tune this? Background Task

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Push specific logic upwards. Pull complexity downwards.

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Handler Ecto Cache Background Task

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Handler Ecto Cache Background Task

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Delete passthrough modules

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Handler Ecto Wrapper defmodule EctoWrapper do def one(query), do: def all(query), do: Repo.all(query) end

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Handler Ecto

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Remove modules that provide little value

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def get_posts(id) do case :fuse.check(:service) do :ok -> case call_service(id) do {:ok, result} -> :ok = Cache.put(id, result) {:ok, result} {:error, error} -> :fuse.melt(:service) {:error, error} end :blown -> cached = Cache.get(id) if cached do {:ok, result} else {:error, error} end end end

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def get_posts(id) do case :fuse.check(:service) do :ok -> case call_service(id) do {:ok, result} -> :ok = Cache.put(id, result) {:ok, result} {:error, error} -> :fuse.melt(:service) {:error, error} end :blown -> cached = Cache.get(id) if cached do {:ok, result} else {:error, error} end end end H ow does this s er vice int er act with the cache?

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def get_posts(id) do case :fuse.check(:service) do :ok -> case call_service(id) do {:ok, result} -> :ok = Cache.put(id, result) {:ok, result} {:error, error} -> :fuse.melt(:service) {:error, error} end :blown -> cached = Cache.get(id) if cached do {:ok, result} else {:error, error} end end end Finding a bug means reading the functi o

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def get_posts(id) do case :fuse.check(:service) do :ok -> case call_service(id) do {:ok, result} -> :ok = Cache.put(id, result) {:ok, result} {:error, error} -> :fuse.melt(:service) {:error, error} end :blown -> cached = Cache.get(id) if cached do {:ok, result} else {:error, error} end end end This is a “C om plete” Functi o

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Every function should do one thing and do it completely

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Each function should add value and provide reuse.

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A function’s signature should be much simpler than its implementation.

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Lets Talk About: Fundamental Ideas Deep Layers vs Shallow Layers Things are better together Allowing for extension

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Lets Talk About: Fundamental Ideas Deep Layers vs Shallow Layers Things are better together Allowing for extension

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Polymorphism Inversion of Control &

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Enum S er i ou sly the best module ev e

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Enum Enum er able things go in Functi on s that op er ate on items

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Polymorphism in Elixir Functions Protocols Behaviours

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defmodule Animal do def speak(f) do f.() end end dog = fn -> "bark" end cat = fn -> "Worship me you lowly human" end Animal.speak(dog) Animal.speak(cat)

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Mentat.fetch(:posts_cache, :key, fn key -> case Service.get_posts(key) do {:ok, resp} -> {:commit, resp} {:error, e} -> {:ignore, e} end end)

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Polymorphism in Elixir Functions Protocols Behaviours

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Controller Web Request Other Service

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Controller Web Request Other Service Can we mock this ou t?

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defprotocol MyService do def get_posts(impl) end

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defprotocol MyService do def get_posts(impl) end defmodule MyService.HTTP do defstruct :url, :fuse defimpl MyService do def get_posts(%{url: url, fuse: fuse}) do case :fuse.check(fuse) do :ok -> Req.get(url) :blown -> {:error, Error.unavailable("Service is down")} end end end end

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defprotocol MyService do def get_posts(impl) end defmodule MyService.Mock do defstruct fake_response: %{} defimpl MyService do def get_posts(%{fake_response: fake_response}) do fake_response end end end

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real = %MyService.HTTP{} fake = %MyService.Mock{} MyService.get_posts(real)

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Controller Web Request Other Service

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Controller Web Request Other Service Inject the s tr uct into the plug c on n

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defmodule MyApp.Posts do def index(conn, _params) do service = conn.private[:service] MyService.get_posts(service) end end

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Polymorphism in Elixir Functions Protocols Behaviours

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Machinery Behaviour

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Machinery Behaviour Behavi ou rs ar e g oo d when y ou c on tr ol the machin er y arou nd them

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Lets Talk About: Fundamental Ideas Deep Layers vs Shallow Layers Things are better together Allowing for extension

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Don’t forget to ask “why”.

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Chris Keathley / @ChrisKeathley / Thanks!