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Primum non nocere Lindsay Holmwood

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Being good internet citizens

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“Be nice”

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No content

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Don’t disrupt the service for others

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Your own private DoS max out bandwidth max out the app take out a database

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Don’t incur costs

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Don’t create (unnecessary) work

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Logs exhaust storage

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Don’t break the law

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Telecommunications Offences and Other Measures Act (No. 2) 2004 Section 474.6 (5) A person is guilty of an offence if: (a) the person uses or operates any apparatus or device (whether or not it is comprised in, connected to or used in connection with a telecommunications network); and (b) this conduct results in hindering the normal operation of a carriage service supplied by a carriage service provider. Penalty: Imprisonment for 2 years.

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Be mindful of organisational factors

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Government services

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Strategies for your scrapers

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Set a user agent

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a = a.user_agent_alias = 'My Scraper'

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Capture and replay responses

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scraper website scraper capture scraper capture

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Testing tools do this already

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require 'webmock' include WebMock::API WebMock.enable! WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: %r{}) stub_request(:get, %r{\.php\? date=.*&l=\w+&sort=title}). with(:body => "



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Test for failure, latency

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require 'webmock' include WebMock::API WebMock.enable! WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: %r{}) stub_request(:get, %r{\.php\? date=.*&l=\w+&sort=title}). to_return { |request| sleep(rand(0.0..1.0)) { :body => "


", :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' } } }

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Use a cache

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Intercept and serve a previously fetched document

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Squid & Nginx

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agent = agent.set_proxy 'localhost', 8000

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Roll your own

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page = get(url, cache: true)

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def get(url, opts={}) options = { :cache => true }.merge!(opts) @agent ||= case # Cache bypass when !options[:cache] page = @agent.get(url) # Cache hit when cached?(url) cache_fetch(url) # Cache miss else page = @agent.get(url) cache_store(url, page.body.to_s) end end

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def cached?(url) cache_path(url).exist? end def cache_fetch(url) body = cache_path(url).read Nokogiri::HTML(body) end

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def cache_store(url, content) cache_path(url).open('w') {|f| f << content} unless cached?(url) Nokogiri::HTML(content) end def cache_path(url) base ='cache') hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(url) directory = base.join(hash[0]) directory.mkpath unless directory.join(hash[1..-1]) end

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Rate limit requests

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intentionally introduce a delay to web requests

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serve errors

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introduce delays

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In the proxy Nginx

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In the proxy HAProxy

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In the scraper Backoff: linear exponential middleware

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Development vs Production

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Limit impact during development

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Doesn’t apply in production

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Eventually you have to interact with the real thing

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“Be nice”

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Don’t disrupt the service for others

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Don’t incur costs

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Don’t create (unnecessary) work

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Be mindful of organisational factors

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I’m Lindsay

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❤ Thank you!