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Under the Covers of DynamoDB Matt Wood Principal Data Scientist @mza

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1. Getting started 2. Data modeling 3. Partitioning 4. Replication & Analytics Overview 5. Customer story: Localytics

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Getting started 1

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DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service. Store and retrieve any amount of data. Serve any level of request traffic.

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Without the operational burden.

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Consistent, predictable performance. Single digit millisecond latency. Backed on solid-state drives.

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Flexible data model. Key/attribute pairs. No schema required. Easy to create. Easy to adjust.

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Seamless scalability. No table size limits. Unlimited storage. No downtime.

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Durable. Consistent, disk only writes. Replication across data centers and availability zones.

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Without the operational burden.

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Focus on your app.

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Two decisions + three clicks = ready for use

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Two decisions + three clicks = ready for use Primary keys Level of throughput

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Two decisions + three clicks = ready for use Primary keys Level of throughput

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Provisioned throughput. Reserve IOPS for reads and writes. Scale up for down at any time.

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Pay per capacity unit. Priced per hour of provisioned throughput.

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Write throughput. Size of item x writes per second $0.0065 for 10 write units

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Consistent writes. Atomic increment and decrement. Optimistic concurrency control: conditional writes.

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Transactions. Item level transactions only. Puts, updates and deletes are ACID.

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Read throughput. Strong or eventual consistency

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Read throughput. Strong or eventual consistency Provisioned units = size of item x reads per second $0.0065 per hour for 50 units

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Read throughput. Strong or eventual consistency Provisioned units = size of item x reads per second $0.0065 per hour for 100 units 2

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Read throughput. Strong or eventual consistency Same latency expectations. Mix and match at ‘read time’.

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Provisioned throughput is managed by DynamoDB.

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Data is partitioned and managed by DynamoDB.

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Indexed data storage. $0.25 per GB per month. Tiered bandwidth pricing:

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Reserved capacity. Up to 53% for 1 year reservation. Up to 76% for 3 year reservation.

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Authentication. Session based to minimize latency. Uses the Amazon Security Token Service. Handled by AWS SDKs. Integrates with IAM.

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Monitoring. CloudWatch metrics: latency, consumed read and write throughput, errors and throttling.

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Libraries, mappers and mocks. ColdFusion, Django, Erlang, Java, .Net, Node.js, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby

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Data modeling 2

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id = 100 date = 2012-05-16-09-00-10 total = 25.00 id = 101 date = 2012-05-15-15-00-11 total = 35.00 id = 101 date = 2012-05-16-12-00-10 total = 100.00

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id = 100 date = 2012-05-16-09-00-10 total = 25.00 id = 101 date = 2012-05-15-15-00-11 total = 35.00 id = 101 date = 2012-05-16-12-00-10 total = 100.00 Table

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id = 100 date = 2012-05-16-09-00-10 total = 25.00 id = 101 date = 2012-05-15-15-00-11 total = 35.00 id = 101 date = 2012-05-16-12-00-10 total = 100.00 Item

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id = 100 date = 2012-05-16-09-00-10 total = 25.00 id = 101 date = 2012-05-15-15-00-11 total = 35.00 id = 101 date = 2012-05-16-12-00-10 total = 100.00 Attribute

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Where is the schema? Tables do not require a formal schema. Items are an arbitrarily sized hash.

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Indexing. Items are indexed by primary and secondary keys. Primary keys can be composite. Secondary keys are local to the table.

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ID Date Total

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ID Date Total Hash key

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ID Date Total Hash key Range key Composite primary key

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ID Date Total Hash key Range key Secondary range key

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Programming DynamoDB. Small but perfectly formed API.

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CreateTable UpdateTable DeleteTable DescribeTable ListTables Query Scan PutItem GetItem UpdateItem DeleteItem BatchGetItem BatchWriteItem

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CreateTable UpdateTable DeleteTable DescribeTable ListTables Query Scan PutItem GetItem UpdateItem DeleteItem BatchGetItem BatchWriteItem

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CreateTable UpdateTable DeleteTable DescribeTable ListTables Query Scan PutItem GetItem UpdateItem DeleteItem BatchGetItem BatchWriteItem

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Conditional updates. PutItem, UpdateItem, DeleteItem can take optional conditions for operation. UpdateItem performs atomic increments.

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One API call, multiple items BatchGet returns multiple items by key. Throughput is measured by IO, not API calls. BatchWrite performs up to 25 put or delete operations.

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CreateTable UpdateTable DeleteTable DescribeTable ListTables Query Scan PutItem GetItem UpdateItem DeleteItem BatchGetItem BatchWriteItem

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Query vs Scan Query returns items by key. Scan reads the whole table sequentially.

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Query patterns Retrieve all items by hash key. Range key conditions: ==, <, >, >=, <=, begins with, between. Counts. Top and bottom n values. Paged responses.

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Mapping relationships. E X A M P L E 1 :

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Players user_id = mza location = Cambridge joined = 2011-07-04 user_id = jeffbarr location = Seattle joined = 2012-01-20 user_id = werner location = Worldwide joined = 2011-05-15

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Players user_id = mza location = Cambridge joined = 2011-07-04 user_id = jeffbarr location = Seattle joined = 2012-01-20 user_id = werner location = Worldwide joined = 2011-05-15 Scores user_id = mza game = angry-birds score = 11,000 user_id = mza game = tetris score = 1,223,000 user_id = werner location = bejewelled score = 55,000

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Players user_id = mza location = Cambridge joined = 2011-07-04 user_id = jeffbarr location = Seattle joined = 2012-01-20 user_id = werner location = Worldwide joined = 2011-05-15 Scores Leader boards user_id = mza game = angry-birds score = 11,000 user_id = mza game = tetris score = 1,223,000 user_id = werner location = bejewelled score = 55,000 game = angry-birds score = 11,000 user_id = mza game = tetris score = 1,223,000 user_id = mza game = tetris score = 9,000,000 user_id = jeffbarr

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Players user_id = mza location = Cambridge joined = 2011-07-04 user_id = jeffbarr location = Seattle joined = 2012-01-20 user_id = werner location = Worldwide joined = 2011-05-15 user_id = mza game = angry-birds score = 11,000 user_id = mza game = tetris score = 1,223,000 user_id = werner location = bejewelled score = 55,000 Scores game = angry-birds score = 11,000 user_id = mza game = tetris score = 1,223,000 user_id = mza game = tetris score = 9,000,000 user_id = jeffbarr Leader boards Query for scores by user

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Players user_id = mza location = Cambridge joined = 2011-07-04 user_id = jeffbarr location = Seattle joined = 2012-01-20 user_id = werner location = Worldwide joined = 2011-05-15 Scores Leader boards user_id = mza game = angry-birds score = 11,000 user_id = mza game = tetris score = 1,223,000 user_id = werner location = bejewelled score = 55,000 game = angry-birds score = 11,000 user_id = mza game = tetris score = 1,223,000 user_id = mza game = tetris score = 9,000,000 user_id = jeffbarr High scores by game

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Storing large items. E X A M P L E 2 :

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Unlimited storage. Unlimited attributes per item. Unlimited items per table. Maximum of 64k per item.

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message_id = 1 part = 1 message = message_id = 1 part = 2 message = message_id = 1 part = 3 joined = Split across items.

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message_id = 1 message = message_id = 2 message = message_id = 3 message = Store a pointer to S3.

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Time series data E X A M P L E 3 :

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event_id = 1000 timestamp = 2013-04-16-09-59-01 key = value event_id = 1001 timestamp = 2013-04-16-09-59-02 key = value event_id = 1002 timestamp = 2013-04-16-09-59-02 key = value Hot and cold tables. April March event_id = 1000 timestamp = 2013-03-01-09-59-01 key = value event_id = 1001 timestamp = 2013-03-01-09-59-02 key = value event_id = timestamp = key =

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April March February January December

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Archive data. Move old data to S3: lower cost. Still available for analytics. Run queries across hot and cold data with Elastic MapReduce.

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Partitioning 3

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Uniform workload. Data stored across multiple partitions. Data is primarily distributed by primary key. Provisioned throughput is divided evenly across partitions.

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To achieve and maintain full provisioned throughput, spread workload evenly across hash keys.

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Non-Uniform workload. Might be throttled, even at high levels of throughput.

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Distinct values for hash keys. B E S T P R A C T I C E 1 : Hash key elements should have a high number of distinct values.

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user_id = mza first_name = Matt last_name = Wood user_id = jeffbarr first_name = Jeff last_name = Barr user_id = werner first_name = Werner last_name = Vogels user_id = simone first_name = Simone last_name = Brunozzi ... ... ... Lots of users with unique user_id. Workload well distributed across hash key.

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Avoid limited hash key values. B E S T P R A C T I C E 2 : Hash key elements should have a high number of distinct values.

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status = 200 date = 2012-04-01-00-00-01 status = 404 date = 2012-04-01-00-00-01 status 404 date = 2012-04-01-00-00-01 status = 404 date = 2012-04-01-00-00-01 Small number of status codes. Unevenly, non-uniform workload.

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Model for even distribution. B E S T P R A C T I C E 3 : Access by hash key value should be evenly distributed across the dataset.

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mobile_id = 100 access_date = 2012-04-01-00-00-01 mobile_id = 100 access_date = 2012-04-01-00-00-02 mobile_id = 100 access_date = 2012-04-01-00-00-03 mobile_id = 100 access_date = 2012-04-01-00-00-04 ... ... Large number of devices. Small number which are much more popular than others. Workload unevenly distributed.

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mobile_id = 100.1 access_date = 2012-04-01-00-00-01 mobile_id = 100.2 access_date = 2012-04-01-00-00-02 mobile_id = 100.3 access_date = 2012-04-01-00-00-03 mobile_id = 100.4 access_date = 2012-04-01-00-00-04 ... ... Sample access pattern. Workload randomized by hash key.

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Replication & Analytics 4

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Seamless scale. Scalable methods for data processing. Scalable methods for backup/restore.

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Amazon Elastic MapReduce. Managed Hadoop service for data-intensive workflows.

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create external table items_db (id string, votes bigint, views bigint) stored by 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler' tblproperties ("" = "items", "dynamodb.column.mapping" = "id:id,votes:votes,views:views");

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select id, likes, views from items_db order by views desc;

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Mohit Dilawari Director of Engineering @mdilawari DynamoDB @ Localytics

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About Localytics 84 • Mobile App Analytics Service • 750+ Million Devices and over 20,000 Apps • Customers Include: …and many more.

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About the Development Team 85 • Small team of four managing entire AWS infrastructure - 100 EC2 Instances • Experts in BigData • Leveraging Amazon's service has been the key to our success • Large scale users of: • SQS • S3 • ELB • RDS • Route53 • Elastic Cache • EMR …and of course DynamoDB

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Why DynamoDB? 86 Set it and Forget it

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Our use-case: Dedup Data 87 • Each datapoint includes a globally unique ID • Mobile traffic over 2G/3G will upload periodic duplicate data • We accept data up to a 28 day window

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First Design for Dedup table 88 Unique ID: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa333333333333333 Table Name = dedup_table ID aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa111111111111111 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa222222222222222 "Test and Set" in a single operation aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa333333333333333

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Optimization One - Data Aging 89 • Partition by Month • Create new table day before the month • Need to keep two months of data

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Optimization One - Data Aging 90 Unique ID: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb333333333333333 Check Previous month: Table Name = March2013_dedup ID aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa111111111111111 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa222222222222222 Not Here!

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Optimization One - Data Aging 91 Unique ID: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb333333333333333 Test and Set in current month: Inserted Table Name = April2013_dedup ID bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb111111111111111 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb222222222222222 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb333333333333333

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Optimization Two 92 • Reduce the index size - Reduces costs • Each item has a 100 byte overhead which is substantial • Combine multiple IDs together to one record • Split each ID into two halves o First half is the key. Second Half is added to the set

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Optimization Two - Use Sets 93 Unique ID: ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc999999999999999 Prefix Values aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [111111111111111, 222222222222222, 333333333333333] bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb [444444444444444, 555555555555555, 666666666666666] ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc [777777777777777, 888888888888888, ] ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 999999999999999

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Optimization Three - Combine Months 94 • Go back to a single table Prefix March2013 April2013 aaaaaaaaaa... [111111111111111, 22222222222... [1212121212121212, 3434343434.... bbbbbbbbbb... [444444444444444, 555555555.... [4545454545454545, 6767676767..... ccccccccccc... [777777777777777, 888888888... [8989898989898989, 1313131313.... One Operation 1. Delete February2013 Field 2. Check ID in March2013 3. Test and Set into April 2013

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Recap 95 Compare Plans for 20 Billion IDs per month Plan Storage Costs Read Costs Write Costs Total Savings Naive (after a year) $8400 0 $4000 $12400 Data Age $900 $350 $4000 $5250 57% Using Sets $150 $350 $4000 $4500 64% Multiple Months $150 0 $4000 $4150 67%

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96 Thank You @mdilawari

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1. Getting started 2. Data modeling 3. Partitioning 4. Replication & Analytics Summary 5. Customer story: Localytics

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Free tier.

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Thank you! @mza