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Deploy like a boss

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Introducing Boss

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What is your deployment strategy?

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What is boss? A lightweight deployment tool made on top of fabric. Fabric is a SSH based remote execution tool Combines the exibility of fabric and deployment strategy inspired by Capistrano.

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It let's you deploy your app Like a Boss

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What does it offer? Zero-downtime deployment (like Capistrano) Generic remote source deployment Platform independant Well supported platforms: Web: targetted for web/frontend projects eg: React/Angular/Static les etc. Node: NodeJS project Generic: Remote Source (Platform independant)

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Boss in the wild Backbone Traktivity Super Loan Club North Seatle Network OPTO (Dinube) OnTarget

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Inspira on Capistrano Fabric Now CLI Heroku cli up

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Roadmap 1.0.0 ‐ Stable Release - More Presets: - Docker deployment - WAR (Java) deployments - Web Deployment to S3 - Clean CLI UI/UX - Inference (Inferex) - CLI - Deployments

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Roadmap Next (Future Release) - Python 3 support - Fabric Independence with same public API

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Contributors so far Kabir Baidhya Shirish Raj Shirakar Shreya Dahal Sanjeev Kumar Pandit Others (Hacktoberfest)

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Ge ng Started $ pip install -U boss-cli==1.0.0-alpha.6 And check: Blog Posts / Tutorials coming soon.

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Contribu ons Feature Development Tests Documentation Bug Fixes Suggestions

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