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The Design Philosophy of

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• Web-based (not “enterprisy”) • Embedded workflow engine (ruote). • Distributed architecture • with on demand EC2 provisioning. • communicates with message queue. Kuroko1

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kuroko-console RabbitMQ kuoko-worker workflow engine worker process EC2 API launch exec command web interface web workflow Kuroko1 Overview

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kuroko-console RabbitMQ kuoko-worker workflow engine worker process EC2 API launch exec command web interface web workflow Kuroko1 Pitfalls × × × × × × × × × ×

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• It’s really hard to isolate the problem in a distributed environment. • “Programmable” means programming is always needed. • Nothing is reliable except MySQL. Lessons from Kuroko1

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There is data inconsistency between the actual state and the stored state. Lessons from Kuroko1 (cont.)

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State management is a key factor.

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• Monolithic is the best. • Data oriented, not process oriented. • Monitor as possible. Kuroko2

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Monolithic Architecture kuroko-console kuoko-worker workflow engine worker process exec command web interface DB

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Kuroko2 Job State job_definitions job_instances tokens noop noop noop noop /0-noop A job definition A launched job A job state

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it do engine.process(token) expect(token.path).to eq '/0-noop' engine.process(token) expect(token.path).to eq '/1-noop' engine.process(token) expect(token).to be_finished expect(Kuroko2::Token.all.count).to eq 0 end

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Kuroko2 Execution State kuroko-worker kuroko-console executions workflow-processor command-executor exec command

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loop do execution = Execution.unstarted.take() execution.touch(:started_at) execute_shell( execution.update(exit_status: exit_status, finished_at: Time.current) execution.finish() end

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kuroko-worker kuroko-console executions workflow-processor command-executor exec command Kuroko2 Pitfalls × × ×

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Kuroko2 Worker Processes command-executor kill process monitor process shell process exec command

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def check_assignment_delay(exec_no_pid) if exec_no_pid.started_at < 1.minutes.ago Kuroko2::Notifications .not_assigned(exec_no_pid, @hostname).deliver_now exec_no_pid.touch(:mailed_at) end end

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def check_process_absence(execution) begin Process.kill(0, rescue Errno::EPERM true rescue Errno::ESRCH if Execution.exists?( notify_process_absence(execution) end end end

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• /v1/stats/waiting_execution • /v1/stats/instance Kuroko2 Monitoring API

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• State management is a key factor: • monolithic is the best. • data oriented, not process oriented. • monitor as possible. Kuroko2

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