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Reaching Millions of Girls with Girl Effect Codie Roelf & Jamie Hewland ScaleConf 8 March 2019

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Introduction, Girl Effect, and Springster 01

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Codie Roelf Jamie Hewland Site Reliability Engineer @jayhewland Back-end Engineer @ItsCodieee

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We build open- source, scalable platforms that allow anyone with a mobile phone to access vital information and essential services— putting wellbeing in the palm of their hands. Our Technologies

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Girl Effect builds youth brands and mobile platforms to empower girls to change their lives.

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67 countries 16 languages 16m users

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This talk is about the many things we did to reach these users

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This talk is about the many things we did to reach these users —there was no silver bullet

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The Molo Platform Shared tools for publishing mobisites 02

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The Molo Platform • Community features • Profiles, comments, polls, surveys, tips, reaction questions • Focus on user-generated content • Many sites of the same shape but with heavy customisation • Skins/CSS • Plugins • Internationalisation • Content

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Internet of Good Things Unicef Tuneme UNFPA BabyCenter Johnson & Johnson

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The year is 2014… • Facebook launches Free Basics • Simultaneous launch in many countries • Localisation + URL for each country • Incubator with 100 new sites all built with Molo

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Countries 0 20 40 60 80 December February April June Launched countries "Priority countries"

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Hosting many sites Scale by replicating 03

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web01 Nginx Molo PostgreSQL The Internet M Funder Project Server/VM 1:n 1:1

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Puppet Configuration management web01 M web02 M web03 M web04 M Replicate The Internet

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web01 Supervisor Nginx web02 db02 web03 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M db01

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Hoped to automate our problems away with container orchestration • Easy, replicable deployments • Resource-aware scheduling • Health checks & failover

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Peak containers • Johannesburg Mesos/Marathon cluster peaks at 30 worker nodes • ~255GB RAM, 120 cores, ~900 containers • Bare-metal Hetzner hosts • VMs on self-managed XenServer • Shared with other services (not just Springster or Molo sites) • Team of 4 SREs

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Reducing the number of sites Mo’ containers mo’ problems 04

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E_TOO_MANY_APPS • Could run many sites/containers easily and quickly • Running many similar sites as completely separate services • Big maintenance overhead for content managers

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CMS Application x 67

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CMS Application x 15

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CMS Application x 15

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Benefits • Cost efficiencies • Less content errors • Less frustration for content managers • User expectation management

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Consolidation Core Infrastructure 05

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Core Infrastructure Girl Effect wanted to consolidated their services on one platform • AWS-hosted • Shared container infrastructure • Centralise data and auth for GDPR

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Moving to AWS • Made much easier by Docker • Adopted Spinnaker for improved CD • Heavier use of AWS services including emerging services • High-availability

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GitHub Docker Hub Travis CI Mesosphere DC/OS

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Common base images springster molo-bootstrap django-bootstrap python-base python:slim Developers Product: Source code, app settings SRE Best practices: Webserver config, users/groups, init Upstream

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Multiple channels Keeping Springster relevant 06

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Then Now Community School Church Newspaper Magazine Television Radio Google
 Websites Facebook Messenger Twitter Instagram YouTube WhatsApp

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more access to more information, more often and faster than ever before

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• Large quantity of high-quality content in our CMS • Need to rearchitect our system to deliver content on more than just mobi-sites • Want swappable front-ends for different channels Bringing Springster to new channels

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CMS Application WhatsApp Web app KaiOS

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Reassessing open source • Everything does is open source • Have to always keep up with changes in OSS communities • Balance between custom/differentiated code & leveraging tools in ecosystem

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vs. vs. Mesosphere DC/OS Molo Wagtail Kubernetes

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Conclusions Lessons learned 07

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Lessons learned • Scaling can happen in different, unpredictable ways • Flexibility and ability to adapt are often critical • Incremental consolidation/optimisation can come later • Balance building your own system vs using what’s available

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Thank you. @ItsCodieee/@jayhewland @praekeltorg/@girleffect