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ZendCon Bradley Holt, Developer Advocate Wednesday, October 25, 2017 Offline Sync for Progressive Web Apps

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organic growth by Steve Jurvetson, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0). The Web Platform

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W3C HTML5 Logo (CC BY 3.0).

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Mobile First & the Mobile Web Screen size visualisation by Orde Saunders, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

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Evergreen by Basheer Tome, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0). Evergreen Browsers

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mettalic weave by Joel Ormsby, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0). Polyfills

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By Diseño Web Valencia, via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0).

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Percentage of Web Pages Loaded by Firefox Using HTTPS

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Web or Mobile App? iPhone 4 - Bottom View with Bumper by William Hook, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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Progressive Web Apps (or how to have your cake and eat it too) German Chocolate Cake by Kimberly Vardeman, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

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Progressive Web Apps A Progressive Web App provides both the discoverability of a web app and the reliable, fast, and engaging user experience of a native mobile app

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"I don’t want the web to equal native; I want the web to surpass it. I, for one, would prefer a reality where my home screen isn’t filled with the icons of startups and companies that have fulfilled the criteria of the gatekeepers. But a home screen filled with the faces of people who didn’t have to ask anyone’s permission to publish? That’s what I want!" –Jeremy Keith Adactio: Journal—Progressing the web | Jeremy Keith by Matthew Oliphant, on Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0).

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Geolocation API Network Information API IndexedDB WebRTC API Push API Notifications API Device Orientation API Screen Orientation API Permissions API Proximity API Pointer Lock API Vibration API Payment Request API Battery Status API Ambient Light Sensor API Service Worker API IBM Design Icons by International Business Machines Corporation (CC BY 4.0).

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Offline First Progressive Web Apps must be Offline First in order to provide a reliable, fast, and engaging user experience regardless of network connectivity No Signal by Steve Hodgson, on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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speed 3 by Monkieyes, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0). Zero Latency Access to Content & Data

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Offline, Online & ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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The Next Billion Internet Users the galaxy by tommy@chau, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

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Cache content & assets with Service Workers Service Workers fetch diagram by Mozilla Contributors (CC-BY-SA 2.5).

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IndexedDB Use IndexedDB or localForage (a polyfill that uses WebSQL or localStorage if IndexedDB is not supported) to make application data available while offline

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Technological devices design created by D3images - | Texture 94 by Ellen van Deelen, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0). Sync is Hard

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IBM Cloudant Apache CouchDB PouchDB

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"CouchDB’s superpower is sync. Sometimes I even try to explain it to people by saying, 'CouchDB isn’t a database; it’s a sync engine.' It’s a way of efficiently transferring data from one place to another, while intelligently managing conflicts and revisions. It’s very similar to Git. When I make that analogy, the light bulb often goes off." –Nolan Lawson PouchDB & CouchDB: An interview with Nolan Lawson – CouchDB Blog

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Apache CouchDB An open source document database featuring an HTTP API, JSON documents, clustering capabilities for horizontal scalability, and peer-to-peer replication

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PouchDB An open source JavaScript database that syncs with anything that implements the CouchDB Replication Protocol

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IBM Cloudant A fully-managed database-as-a-service (DBaaS) based on Apache CouchDB with additional full text and geospatial search capabilities

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Apache CouchDB Devices by Darwin Laganzon, on Pixabay (CC0 Public Domain). | Cloud by Raphael Silva, on Pixabay (CC0 Public Domain). PouchDB Browser-to- Cloud Sync

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userdb-d76846 userdb-905cec userdb-adc95b userdb-c082f2 userdb-730bba userdb-c3d3e5 userdb-a1ec1f userdb-85a327 userdb-9b9aba userdb-85bcfe userdb-da3d25 One Database Per User database by Tim Morgan, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0). userdb-43ecb5 userdb-8a5dfa

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Apache CouchDB Devices by Darwin Laganzon, on Pixabay (CC0 Public Domain). | Cloud by Raphael Silva, on Pixabay (CC0 Public Domain). PouchDB

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Summary Build on the web platform with Progressive Web Apps Offline First makes for a reliable, fast, and engaging user experience Cache URL-addressable resources and content with Service Workers Store app data in PouchDB to easily sync your Offline First data Use Hoodie as the backend for your multi-user Offline First app

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Tiny Steps by Jim Whimpey, on Flickr (CC BY 2.0). Progressive Web Apps, Progressively

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Progressive Web Apps, Progressively Ensure your website is mobile friendly Improve an existing website Create a native app-like experience Leverage the web platform

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Progressive Web Apps, Progressively •  Implement responsive web design •  Ensure cross-browser compatibility •  Test and improve web performance Ensure your website is mobile friendly Improve an existing website Create a native app-like experience Leverage the web platform

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Progressive Web Apps, Progressively Ensure your website is mobile friendly •  Use an SSL/TLS certificate (Let's Encrypt is your friend) •  Add a Web App Manifest (name, author, icon, description, etc.) •  Use a Service Worker to make your app cache-first Improve an existing website Create a native app-like experience Leverage the web platform

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Progressive Web Apps, Progressively Ensure your website is mobile friendly Improve an existing website •  Provide instant page transitions with a single-page (client-rendered) app •  Minimize time-to-interactive with the PRPL pattern •  Use a local database (IndexedDB, localForage, or PouchDB) Create a native app-like experience Leverage the web platform

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Progressive Web Apps, Progressively Ensure your website is mobile friendly Improve an existing website Create a native app-like experience •  Ensure that each page can be addressed via a URL •  Implement server-side rendering for users without JavaScript •  Build a hybrid mobile app with a tool like Ionic or Apache Cordova Leverage the web platform

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Shopping List Offline First Demo Apps (work in progress) A series of demo Progressive Web Apps, hybrid mobile apps, native mobile apps, and a desktop app—each built using a different stack

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Offline Camp From the Catskill Mountains, to the Central Coast of California, to Berlin, we're building the Offline First community, one campfire at a time Image credit: Aaron Ross

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Get Involved in the Offline First Community! §  Join the Offline First Slack team: §  Follow @OfflineCamp on Twitter §  Read the Offline Camp Medium publication: §  Join us at an upcoming Offline Camp:

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Further Reading and Resources §  Offline Sync for Progressive Web Apps – IBM Watson Data Lab §  Voice of InterConnect – IBM Watson Data Lab §  Deploying the Hoodie Tracker demo app to IBM Bluemix §  Hoodie documentation on storing data with IBM Cloudant §  Offline Camp Medium publication §  Offline First resources §  Offline First on YouTube §  Maureen McElaney Presents Go Offline First to Save The World at JSConf EU 2017 §  Make&Model (consultancy specializing in user experience design for Offline First apps) §  Neighbourhoodie Software (IBM Business Partner specializing in architecting Offline First apps)

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