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Swift Smart KeyPath
 Better Key-Value Coding for Swift iOS@Taipei 艾倫倫 Ni

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What is Smart KeyPath?

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What is Smart KeyPath? \UIView.frame

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\UIView.frame BackSlash

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\UIView.frame Dot

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\UIView.frame BaseType

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\UIView.frame BaseType PropertyName

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Proposal: SE-0161 Implemented (Swift 4) Defer way to get / set property With type information (#keyPath( ) only return ‘Any’)
 Applicable to any type (#keyPath( ) only applicable to NSObjects) \UIView.frame

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Proposal: SE-0161 Implemented (Swift 4) Defer way to get / set property With type information (#keyPath( ) only return ‘Any’)
 Applicable to any type (#keyPath( ) only applicable to NSObjects) let keyPath = \UIView.frame view[keyPath: keyPath] \UIView.frame

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Proposal: SE-0161 Implemented (Swift 4) Defer way to get / set property With type information (#keyPath( ) only return ‘Any’)
 Applicable to any type (#keyPath( ) only applicable to NSObjects) let keyPath = \UIView.frame view[keyPath: keyPath] \UIView.frame

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Proposal: SE-0161 Implemented (Swift 4) Defer way to get / set property With type information (#keyPath( ) only return ‘Any’)
 Applicable to any type (#keyPath( ) only applicable to NSObjects) let keyPath = \UIView.frame view[keyPath: keyPath] let frame = view[keyPath: path] \UIView.frame

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Proposal: SE-0161 Implemented (Swift 4) Defer way to get / set property With type information (#keyPath( ) only return ‘Any’)
 Applicable to any type (#keyPath( ) only applicable to NSObjects) let keyPath = \UIView.frame view[keyPath: keyPath] let frame = view[keyPath: path] \UIView.frame //frame: CGRect

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Proposal: SE-0161 Implemented (Swift 4) Defer way to get / set property With type information (#keyPath( ) only return ‘Any’)
 Applicable to any type (#keyPath( ) only applicable to NSObjects) let keyPath = \UIView.frame view[keyPath: keyPath] let frame = view[keyPath: path] struct User { var id: Int } \UIView.frame //frame: CGRect

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Proposal: SE-0161 Implemented (Swift 4) Defer way to get / set property With type information (#keyPath( ) only return ‘Any’)
 Applicable to any type (#keyPath( ) only applicable to NSObjects) let keyPath = \UIView.frame view[keyPath: keyPath] let frame = view[keyPath: path] struct User { var id: Int } \ \UIView.frame //frame: CGRect

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KeyPath \UIView.frame \UIView.frame.size

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AnyKeyPath PartialKeyPath KeyPath WritableKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath

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KeyPath WritableKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath

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KeyPath WritableKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath read only

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KeyPath WritableKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath read only read / write (variable)

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KeyPath WritableKeyPath ReferenceWritableKeyPath read only read / write (variable) read / write (variable/constant) Class only

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\UIView.frame.size \UIView.frame.width

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\UIView.frame.size \UIView.frame.width -> ReferenceWritableKeyPath

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\UIView.frame.size \UIView.frame.width -> ReferenceWritableKeyPath -> KeyPath

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\UIView.frame.size \UIView.frame.width struct User { var id: Int } -> ReferenceWritableKeyPath -> KeyPath

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\UIView.frame.size \UIView.frame.width struct User { var id: Int } -> ReferenceWritableKeyPath -> KeyPath -> WritableKeyPath \

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struct Ticket { var price: Int } let tickets = [Int](0...5) .compactMap{ Ticket(price: $0) } // [ {price 0}, ..., {price 5} ]

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extension Array { } func sum (of keyPath: KeyPath) -> T { return reduce(0, {$0 += $1[keyPath: keyPath]} ) }

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extension Array { } func sum (of keyPath: KeyPath) -> T { return reduce(0, {$0 += $1[keyPath: keyPath]} ) } tickets.sum(of: \.price) // 15

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extension Array { } func sorted (_ keyPath: KeyPath, by comparation: (T, T) -> Bool) -> [Element] { return sorted(by: { comparation($0[keyPath: keyPath], $1[keyPath: keyPath]) }) }

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extension Array { } func sorted (_ keyPath: KeyPath, by comparation: (T, T) -> Bool) -> [Element] { return sorted(by: { comparation($0[keyPath: keyPath], $1[keyPath: keyPath]) }) } tickets.sorted(\.price, by: >) // {price 5}, ..., {price 1}

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extension Array { } func calculate (_ keyPath: KeyPath, with operation: (T, T) -> T) -> T? { guard !isEmpty else { return nil } var copy = self let initValue = copy.removeFirst()[keyPath: keyPath] return copy.reduce(initValue, { operation($0, $1[keyPath: keyPath]) }) }

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extension Array { } func calculate (_ keyPath: KeyPath, with operation: (T, T) -> T) -> T? { guard !isEmpty else { return nil } var copy = self let initValue = copy.removeFirst()[keyPath: keyPath] return copy.reduce(initValue, { operation($0, $1[keyPath: keyPath]) }) } tickets.calculate(\.price, with: +) // 15

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tickets.sorted(\.price, by: >) tickets.calculate(\.price, with: +) tickets.sum(of: \.price)

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tickets.sorted(\.price, by: >) tickets.calculate(\.price, with: +) tickets.sum(of: \.price) tickets.reduce(0, { $0 + $1.price })

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Property Validation

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let pswdField: UITextField = .init() pswdField.text = "1234" pswdField .check(\.text, with: { $0?.isEmpty == false }) .check(\.text, with: { $0?.count ?? 0 >= 6 }) .check(\.text, with: { $0 != "123456" }) .validate() // false

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protocol Validation: NSObject { }

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extension Validation { var currentResult: Bool? { get { return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociaKeys.currResult) as? Bool } set { objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociaKeys.currResult, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)} } } extension NSObject: Validation { fileprivate struct AssociaKeys { static var currResult = "currResult" } } protocol Validation: NSObject { }

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func check(_ target: KeyPath, with condition: (T) -> Bool) -> Self { if currentResult == false { return self } else { self.currentResult = condition(self[keyPath: target]) return self } } protocol Validation: NSObject { } extension Validation { }

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func check(_ target: KeyPath, with condition: (T) -> Bool) -> Self { if currentResult == false { return self } else { self.currentResult = condition(self[keyPath: target]) return self } } func validate() -> Bool { if let validate = currentResult { currentResult = nil print(validate) return validate } else { return true } } protocol Validation: NSObject { } extension Validation { }

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let pswdField: UITextField = .init() pswdField .check(\.text, with: { $0?.isEmpty == false }) .check(\.text, with: { $0?.count ?? 0 >= 6 }) .check(\.text, with: { $0 != "123456" }) .validate()

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let pswdField: UITextField = .init() pswdField .check(\.text, with: { $0?.isEmpty == false }) .check(\.text, with: { $0?.count ?? 0 >= 6 }) .check(\.text, with: { $0 != "123456" }) .check(\.frame.size.width, with: { $0 >= 100 }) .validate()

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Property Validation

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Property Validation Second Case

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let pswdField: UITextField = .init() pswdField .check(\.text, with: { $0?.isEmpty == false }) .check(\.text, with: { $0?.count ?? 0 >= 8 }) .check(\.text, with: { $0 != "123456" }) // do something else ... pswdField.text = "123456" // do something else again … pswdField.validate() // false

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struct ValidationStash { var condition: (T) -> Bool var keypath: KeyPath } protocol Validation: class { associatedtype ClassType associatedtype ValueType var stashes: [ValidationStash ]? { set get } } extension Validation { func check( _ target: KeyPath, with condition: @escaping (ValueType? ) -> Bool) -> Self { //... } func validate() -> Bool { //... } }

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struct ValidationStash { var condition: (T) -> Bool var keypath: KeyPath } protocol Validation: class { associatedtype ClassType associatedtype ValueType var stashes: [ValidationStash ]? { set get } } extension Validation { func check( _ target: KeyPath, with condition: @escaping (ValueType? ) -> Bool) -> Self { //... } func validate() -> Bool { //... } }

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func check( _ target: KeyPath, with condition: @escaping (ValueType? ) -> Bool) -> Self { let model = ValidationStash(condition: condition, keypath: target) if var array = stashes { array.append(model) stashes = array } else { stashes = [model] } return self }

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func validate() -> Bool { for stash in stashes ?? [] { guard let self = self as? ClassType else { continue } let target = self[keyPath: stash.keypath] let result = stash.condition(target) if result == false { return result } } return true }

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extension UITextField: Validation { typealias ClassType = UITextField typealias ValueType = String var stashes: [ValidationStash]? { get { return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.array) as? [ValidationStash] } set { objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.array, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)} } fileprivate struct AssociatedKeys { static var array = “AssociatedKeys_array" } }

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userField.validate() // false pswdField.validate() // true let userField: UITextField = .init() userField .check(\.text, with: { $0?.isEmpty == false }) .check(\.text, with: { $0?.count ?? 0 >= 8 }) .check(\.text, with: { $0 != "123456" }) let pswdField: UITextField = .init() pswdField .check(\.text, with: { $0?.isEmpty == false }) .check(\.text, with: { $0?.count ?? 0 >= 6 }) .check(\.text, with: { $0 != "123456" }) userField.text = "123456" pswdField.text = "demo123456"

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userField.validate() // false pswdField.validate() // true let userField: UITextField = .init() userField .check(\.text, with: { $0?.isEmpty == false }) .check(\.text, with: { $0?.count ?? 0 >= 8 }) .check(\.text, with: { $0 != "123456" }) let pswdField: UITextField = .init() pswdField .check(\.text, with: { $0?.isEmpty == false }) .check(\.text, with: { $0?.count ?? 0 >= 6 }) .check(\.text, with: { $0 != "123456" }) userField.text = "123456" pswdField.text = "demo123456"

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userField.validate() // false pswdField.validate() // true let userField: UITextField = .init() userField .check(\.text, with: { $0?.isEmpty == false }) .check(\.text, with: { $0?.count ?? 0 >= 8 }) .check(\.text, with: { $0 != "123456" }) let pswdField: UITextField = .init() pswdField .check(\.text, with: { $0?.isEmpty == false }) .check(\.text, with: { $0?.count ?? 0 >= 6 }) .check(\.text, with: { $0 != "123456" }) userField.text = "123456" pswdField.text = "demo123456"

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Fluent AutoLayout

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var label = UILabel() .set(\.text, to: "Hello World.") .set(\.font, to: .systemFont(ofSize: 14)) .set(\.lineBreakMode, to: .byWordWrapping) .set(\.numberOfLines, to: 0) .set(\.textColor, to: .darkGray) func set(_ keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath, to value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: keyPath] = value return self } Reference: keypaths

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var label = UILabel() .set(\.text, to: "Hello World.") .set(\.font, to: .systemFont(ofSize: 14)) .set(\.lineBreakMode, to: .byWordWrapping) .set(\.numberOfLines, to: 0) .set(\.textColor, to: .darkGray) func set(_ keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath, to value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: keyPath] = value return self } Reference: keypaths Easy to implement Fluent Interface!

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var label = UILabel() .set(\.text, to: "Hello World.") .set(\.font, to: .systemFont(ofSize: 14)) .set(\.lineBreakMode, to: .byWordWrapping) .set(\.numberOfLines, to: 0) .set(\.textColor, to: .darkGray) func set(_ keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath, to value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: keyPath] = value return self } Reference: keypaths Easy to implement Fluent Interface! -> Self -> Self -> Self -> Self -> Self

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descLabel .translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false let constraints = [ descLabel.widthAnchor .constraint(equalTo: view.widthAnchor, multiplier: 0.9, constant: 10), descLabel.heightAnchor .constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: view.heightAnchor), descLabel.centerYAnchor .constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor, constant: 0), descLabel.centerXAnchor .constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor, constant: 0) ] NSLayoutConstraint.activate(constraints)

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nameLabel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false nameLabel.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.widthAnchor) .isActive = true nameLabel.heightAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: view.heightAnchor).isActive = true nameLabel.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor).isActive = true nameLabel.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor).isActive = true

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nameLabel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false nameLabel.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.widthAnchor, multiplier: 0.2, constant: 10).isActive = true nameLabel.heightAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: view.heightAnchor, multiplier: 0.2).isActive = true nameLabel.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true nameLabel.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true

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nameLabel .setAnchor(\.widthAnchor, .equal, to: view.widthAnchor) .setAnchor(\.heightAnchor, .greaterThanOrEqual, to: view.heightAnchor) .setAnchor(\.topAnchor, .equal, to: view.topAnchor) .setAnchor(\.centerXAnchor, .equal, to:view.centerXAnchor)

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nameLabel .setAnchor(\.widthAnchor, .equal, to: view.widthAnchor, constant: 10, multiplier: 0.2) .setAnchor(\.heightAnchor, .greaterThanOrEqual, to: view.heightAnchor, multiplier: 0.2) .setAnchor(\.topAnchor, .equal, to: view.topAnchor) .setAnchor(\.centerXAnchor, .equal, to:view.centerXAnchor)

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let topConstraint = label.setConstraint(\.topAnchor, .equal, to: view.topAnchor) nameLabel .setAnchor(\.widthAnchor, .equal, to: view.widthAnchor, constant: 10, multiplier: 0.2) .setAnchor(\.heightAnchor, .greaterThanOrEqual, to: view.heightAnchor, multiplier: 0.2) .setAnchor(\.topAnchor, .equal, to: view.topAnchor) .setAnchor(\.centerXAnchor, .equal, to:view.centerXAnchor)

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( _ keyPath: KeyPath, _ relation: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation, to anchor: LayoutType, ) -> NSLayoutConstraint { translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false return constraint } constant: CGFloat = 0, multiplier: CGFloat? = nil, priority: UILayoutPriority = .required if let multiplier = multiplier, //... } else { //... } @discardableResult func setConstraint let constraint: NSLayoutConstraint constraint.priority = priority constraint.isActive = true , AnchorType>

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( _ keyPath: KeyPath, _ relation: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation, to anchor: LayoutType, ) -> NSLayoutConstraint { translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false return constraint } constant: CGFloat = 0, multiplier: CGFloat? = nil, priority: UILayoutPriority = .required if let multiplier = multiplier, //... } else { //... } @discardableResult func setConstraint let constraint: NSLayoutConstraint constraint.priority = priority constraint.isActive = true , AnchorType>

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( _ keyPath: KeyPath, _ relation: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation, to anchor: LayoutType, ) -> NSLayoutConstraint { translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false return constraint } constant: CGFloat = 0, multiplier: CGFloat? = nil, priority: UILayoutPriority = .required if let multiplier = multiplier, //... } else { //... } @discardableResult func setConstraint let constraint: NSLayoutConstraint constraint.priority = priority constraint.isActive = true , AnchorType>

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( _ keyPath: KeyPath, _ relation: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation, to anchor: LayoutType, ) -> NSLayoutConstraint { translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false return constraint } constant: CGFloat = 0, multiplier: CGFloat? = nil, priority: UILayoutPriority = .required if let multiplier = multiplier, //... } else { //... } @discardableResult func setConstraint let constraint: NSLayoutConstraint constraint.priority = priority constraint.isActive = true , AnchorType>

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if let multiplier = multiplier, let dimension = self[keyPath: keyPath] as? NSLayoutDimension, let anchor = anchor as? NSLayoutDimension { //... } else { //... } to anchor: LayoutType, constant: CGFloat = 0, multiplier: CGFloat? = nil, priority: UILayoutPriority = .required @discardableResult ( _ keyPath: KeyPath, _ relation: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation, to anchor: LayoutType, ) -> NSLayoutConstraint { translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false constant: CGFloat = 0, multiplier: CGFloat? = nil, priority: UILayoutPriority = .required @discardableResult func setConstraint let constraint: NSLayoutConstraint constraint.priority = priority constraint.isActive = true , AnchorType>

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if let multiplier = multiplier, let dimension = self[keyPath: keyPath] as? NSLayoutDimension, let anchor = anchor as? NSLayoutDimension { //... } else { //... } to anchor: LayoutType, constant: CGFloat = 0, multiplier: CGFloat? = nil, priority: UILayoutPriority = .required @discardableResult ( _ keyPath: KeyPath, _ relation: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation, to anchor: LayoutType, ) -> NSLayoutConstraint { translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false constant: CGFloat = 0, multiplier: CGFloat? = nil, priority: UILayoutPriority = .required @discardableResult func setConstraint let constraint: NSLayoutConstraint constraint.priority = priority constraint.isActive = true , AnchorType>

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if let multiplier = multiplier, let dimension = self[keyPath: keyPath] as? NSLayoutDimension, let anchor = anchor as? NSLayoutDimension { switch relation { //NSLayoutDimension //... } } else { switch relation { //NSLayoutAnchor //... } }

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switch relation { //NSLayoutDimension case .equal: constraint = dimension .constraint(equalTo: anchor, multiplier:multiplier, constant: constant) case .greaterThanOrEqual: constraint = dimension .constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: anchor, multiplier: multiplier, constant: constant) case .lessThanOrEqual: constraint = dimension .constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo: anchor, multiplier: multiplier, constant: constant) }

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switch relation { //NSLayoutAnchor case .equal: constraint = self[keyPath: keyPath] .constraint(equalTo: anchor, constant: constant) case .greaterThanOrEqual: constraint = self[keyPath: keyPath] .constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: anchor, constant: constant) case .lessThanOrEqual: constraint = self[keyPath: keyPath] .constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo: anchor, constant: constant) }

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@discardableResult , AnchorType>( ) -> Self { setConstraint(keyPath, relation, to: anchor, constant: constant, multiplier: multiplier, priority: priority) return self } _ keyPath: KeyPath, _ relation: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation, to anchor: LayoutType, constant: CGFloat = 0, multiplier: CGFloat? = nil, priority: UILayoutPriority = .required func setAnchor

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@discardableResult , AnchorType>( ) -> Self { setConstraint(keyPath, relation, to: anchor, constant: constant, multiplier: multiplier, priority: priority) return self } _ keyPath: KeyPath, _ relation: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation, to anchor: LayoutType, constant: CGFloat = 0, multiplier: CGFloat? = nil, priority: UILayoutPriority = .required func setAnchor

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nameLabel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false nameLabel.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.widthAnchor, multiplier: 0.2, constant: 10) .isActive = true nameLabel.heightAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: view.heightAnchor, multiplier: 0.2).isActive = true nameLabel.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true nameLabel.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true descLabel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false descLabel.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.widthAnchor, multiplier: 0.9, constant: 10) .isActive = true descLabel.heightAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: view.heightAnchor) .isActive = true descLabel.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true descLabel.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true

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nameLabel .setAnchor(\.widthAnchor, .equal, to: view.widthAnchor, constant: 10, multiplier: 0.2) .setAnchor(\.heightAnchor, .greaterThanOrEqual, to: view.heightAnchor, multiplier: 0.2) .setAnchor(\.centerXAnchor, .equal, to: view.centerXAnchor) .setAnchor(\.topAnchor, .equal, to: view.topAnchor) descLabel .setAnchor(\.widthAnchor, .equal, to: view.widthAnchor, multiplier: 0.2) .setAnchor(\.heightAnchor, .greaterThanOrEqual, to: view.heightAnchor) .setAnchor(\.centerXAnchor, .equal, to: view.centerXAnchor) .setAnchor(\.centerYAnchor, .equal, to: view.centerYAnchor)

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• Swift KeyPath is a defer way to get / set property with Type safety

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• Swift KeyPath is a defer way to get / set property with Type safety • Better Key-Value Coding for Swift (Compared with #KeyPath( ) )

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• Swift KeyPath is a defer way to get / set property with Type safety • Better Key-Value Coding for Swift • Create interface more flexible than ever (Compared with #KeyPath( ) )

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• Swift KeyPath is a defer way to get / set property with Type safety • Better Key-Value Coding for Swift • Create interface more flexible than ever (Compared with #KeyPath( ) ) • Easy to implement Fluent Interface!

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WWDC17 - What's New in Foundation Proposal: SE-0161 Proposal SE-0252 Introduction to Swift Keypaths - Benedikt Terhechte The underestimated power of KeyPaths - Vincent Pradeilles FluentInterface Builder, Fluent Interface and classic builder and-classic-builder-d16ad3e98f6c Reference

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Proposal SE-0249 KeyPathKit - Vincent Pradeilles The power of key paths in Swift - Sundell Using Swift KeyPaths for Beautiful User Preferences - Kane preferences-c83c2f7ea7be More Information

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活動時間: 每週⼆ pm: 7:30 ~ 10:00 活動地點:建國北路⼆段1號5樓 ( 辦公室 ) (感謝 提供場地)

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Thanks for your attention.