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Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx Cloud Native Virtual Summit featuring Kubernetes, April 1st 2020 @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware 2 #whoami Mario-Leander Reimer Chief Software Architect QAware GmbH Yes, this is me!

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware Cloud-native DevEx today? 3 Spec Design Test Integrate Operate Develop Deploy

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware Cloud-native DevEx today! 4 Spec Design Test Integrate Operate Develop Deploy Docker K8S JSON YAML AWS NFA CI/CD More
 YAML Even More YAML Agile Tracing M etrics More Stuff Eve More Eve More Eve More

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware How do you organise and enable technology teams for fast flow and high productivity? 5

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware Too much cognitive load will become a bottleneck for fast flow and high productivity. • Intrinsic Cognitive Load - relates to fundamental aspects and knowledge in the problem space (e.g. used languages, APIs, frameworks, micro architecture) • Extraneous Cognitive Load - relates to the environment (e.g. deployment, configuration, console commands) • Germane Cognitive Load - relates to specific aspects of the business domain (aka. „value added“ thinking and learning) 6

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware Minimize intrinsic cognitive load (by training, peer programming, standards, languages, …) 7

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware Eliminate extraneous cognitive load (automate, automate, standardize, automate, automate, …) 8

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware Use the right tools for the job! 9 Getty Images Liliboas kustomize Skaffold Tilt Draft Buildpacks

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware 10 Code & Demos

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware — Streamlined Kubernetes Development • • Draft targets the "inner loop" of a developer's workflow: as you hack on code, but before code is committed to version control. • Developed and backed by Microsoft Azure • Two simple commands: draft create and draft up • Language Support: support for 8 language packs built-in: .NET, GO, Node, PHP, Java (Maven, Gradle), Python and Ruby. • Draft detects language and generates a Dockerfile and Helm Chart with the best practices for that language. 11

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware What are Cloud-native Buildpacks? • Buildpacks were first introduced by Heroku in 2011. Since then, adopted by Cloud Foundry and other PaaS. • CNCF Project initiated by Pivotal and Heroku in January 2018 • Buildpacks are pluggable, modular tools to translate source code into OCI images • Reduces the operational burden on devs • Support enterprise operators who manage apps at scale • Several default build packs and option to build custom packs. 12

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware Kubernetes native configuration management • • A template-free way to customize your application configuration • Now, built into kubectl as apply -k • Try 13

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware Fast. Repeatable. Simple. Local Kubernetes development. • • Handles the workflow for building, pushing and deploying an app • Watches local file system. Continuously triggers build & deploy on code changes • Allows to synchronize static resources without rebuilding the image • Support for different environments with Profiles, Env Vars Templates and kube-context activation 14

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware The Scaffold Workflow in a Nutshell 15

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// Cloud Native Virtual Summit // Ways Towards a YAML-less Cloud-native DevEx // @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware — Stressless Local Kubernetes Development • • Automatically handles all the expert tricks for working in a K8s development environment • Fire up and manage complex microservice constellations • Watches your file system and update servers in seconds • Streams logs, events, and pod changes so that it can show you the problem when something breaks • Provides console HUD and nice Web UI 16

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Mario-Leander Reimer Chief Software Architect, QAware GmbH [email protected] &