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Click to add title Click to add subtitle

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Why Windows?

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Kent Beck!!!

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No emoji

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Welcome To Rails Conf!!!

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Aaron Patterson

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Ruby Central

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Thank You!!! <3

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Cat photos

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Extreme Programming

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Last Year: Thought Leader in Training

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I Graduated!!

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Degree in Thought Leadering from Online University

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Trolling DHH

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"TDD is dead"

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SOA is dead

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Turbo Links 3: RJS

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I should announce something.

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Action Fanny Pack

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Performance! vroom!!!

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Rails 5?

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Adequate Development

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Automatic Parallel Testing

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Data Base Test Process Test Process Test Process

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Data Base Test Process Test Process Test Process Data Base Data Base Data Base

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Caching Compiled Views

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Today: lazy compile

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Get lock Template Compiled? Compile Save Unlock Writes to memory

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Threaded Servers: lock

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Forking servers: waste memory

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Too many templates!

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Rendering with Locals

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Template source eval(" local_variable = variables_hash[:local_variable] # rest of the template ")

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Integration Tests

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Controller Test class ControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase test "index" do get :index assert_equal 200, response.status end end

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Integration Test class IntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "index" do get '/documents' assert_equal 200, response.status end end

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Why do we write controller tests?

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Because integration tests are slow?

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If tests are slow, is the website slow?

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Rails 5?: Fast Tests

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Controller / Integration: What’s the difference?

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Controller: no middleware

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Integration: has middleware

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Rails 5?: Delete controller tests *We won’t actually delete them

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Why So Slow?

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How slow?

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Benchmark Benchmark.ips do |bm| 'INDEX: Integration Test' do Minitest.run_one_method(IntegrationTest, 'test_index') end 'INDEX: Functional Test' do Minitest.run_one_method(ControllerTest, 'test_index') end! end Controller Integration Compare

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Result Calculating ------------------------------------- INDEX: Integration Test 15.000 i/100ms INDEX: Functional Test 39.000 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- INDEX: Integration Test 158.019 (± 8.2%) i/s - 795.000 INDEX: Functional Test 390.853 (± 9.0%) i/s - 1.950k Comparison: INDEX: Functional Test: 390.9 i/s INDEX: Integration Test: 158.0 i/s - 2.47x slower Comparison

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What is slow?

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Controller Bottleneck Minitest.run_one_method(ControllerTest, 'test_index') :cpu, out: 'stackprof.dump') do 3000.times do Minitest.run_one_method(ControllerTest, 'test_index') end end

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CPU time vs Wall time

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`sleep` is slow, but doesn’t use CPU

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View Stack $ stackprof stackprof.dump

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Stack ================================== Mode: cpu(1000) Samples: 3280 (0.00% miss rate) GC: 134 (4.09%) ================================== TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 3146 (95.9%) 1740 (53.0%) Minitest::Runnable.on_signal 483 (14.7%) 483 (14.7%) Dependencies#search_for_file 207 (6.3%) 191 (5.8%) SQLite3::Database#prepare 95 (2.9%) 95 (2.9%) Inflector#underscore 47 (1.4%) 46 (1.4%) TestRequest#initialize

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53.0% in Minitest::Runnable.on_signal

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on_signal def self.on_signal name, action # :nodoc: supported = SIGNALS[name] old_trap = trap name do if old_trap.respond_to? :call end if supported yield ensure trap name, old_trap if supported end

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on_signal def self.on_signal name, action yield end

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Results ================================== Mode: cpu(1000) Samples: 4246 (0.00% miss rate) GC: 386 (9.09%) ================================== TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 220 (5.2%) 185 (4.4%) SQLite3::Database#prepare 148 (3.5%) 131 (3.1%) TestRequest#initialize 113 (2.7%) 113 (2.7%) Event#initialize 105 (2.5%) 105 (2.5%) PerThreadRegistry#instance

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50% faster!

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Time the process $ time ruby benchmark.rb real 0m12.358s user 0m11.732s sys 0m0.498s $ time ruby benchmark.rb real 0m12.055s user 0m11.462s sys 0m0.475s Before After

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CPU bound

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Wall should be similar to CPU

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Stack (CPU) ================================== Mode: cpu(1000) Samples: 3280 (0.00% miss rate) GC: 134 (4.09%) ================================== TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 3146 (95.9%) 1740 (53.0%) Minitest::Runnable.on_signal 483 (14.7%) 483 (14.7%) Dependencies#search_for_file 207 (6.3%) 191 (5.8%) SQLite3::Database#prepare 95 (2.9%) 95 (2.9%) Inflector#underscore 47 (1.4%) 46 (1.4%) TestRequest#initialize

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Stack (WALL) ================================== Mode: wall(1000) Samples: 8797 (0.11% miss rate) GC: 535 (6.08%) ================================== TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 286 (3.3%) 286 (3.3%) PerThreadRegistry#instance 233 (2.6%) 233 (2.6%) Formatter#non_recursive 336 (3.8%) 227 (2.6%) Class#class_attribute 209 (2.4%) 209 (2.4%) NonConcurrentCacheBackend#[] 198 (2.3%) 198 (2.3%) ActiveRecord::Base.logger

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Even profilers have bugs!

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Something useful

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Integration test profiles.

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Stack (WALL) ================================== Mode: wall(1000) Samples: 20168 (2.95% miss rate) GC: 1247 (6.18%) ================================== TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 6401 (31.7%) 5622 (27.9%) block in Module#delegate 495 (2.5%) 495 (2.5%) PerThreadRegistry#instance 341 (1.7%) 341 (1.7%) NonConcurrentCacheBackend#[] 317 (1.6%) 317 (1.6%) Set#include?

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Calling `delegate` is slow.

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Patch - delegate :url_for, :optimize_routes_generation?, to: '@_routes' + def url_for(options) + @_routes.url_for(options) + end + + def optimize_routes_generation? + @_routes.optimize_routes_generation? + end +

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Check our progress

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2.47x slower

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Result Calculating ------------------------------------- INDEX: Integration Test 23.000 i/100ms INDEX: Functional Test 37.000 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- INDEX: Integration Test 251.487 (±12.7%) i/s - 1.242k INDEX: Functional Test 365.112 (±11.0%) i/s - 1.813k Comparison: INDEX: Functional Test: 365.1 i/s INDEX: Integration Test: 251.5 i/s - 1.45x slower Comparison

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2.47x to 1.45x

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Verify $ time ruby test.rb real 0m26.821s user 0m25.277s sys 0m0.903s $ time ruby test.rb real 0m16.632s user 0m15.709s sys 0m0.638s Before After

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Even profilers have bugs

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Always measure

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Verify results

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Today: 10% slower

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But faster than controller tests in previous versions

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Soup two Nuts Performance

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bin stub source code #!/Users/aaron/.rbenv/versions/ruby-trunk/bin/ruby # # This file was generated by RubyGems. # # The application 'bundler' is installed as part of a gem, and # this file is here to facilitate running it. # # some unimportant stuff happens here! gem 'bundler', version load Gem.bin_path('bundler', 'bundle', version)

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What does `gem` do?

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Finds a gemspec

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Puts a path on $LOAD_PATH

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Load Path Manipulation > x = $LOAD_PATH.dup; nil => nil > gem 'bundler' => true > $LOAD_PATH - x => ["/Users/aaron/.rbenv/versions/ruby-trunk/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/ bundler-1.9.2/lib"]

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What Happens When File is Required?

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Is File in $LOAD_PATH? Load it! Is file in Gemspec? Add gemspec to $LOAD_PATH

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RubyGems performance

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Test Methodology

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Require One File And Increase Gems

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Activate one Gem And Increase Gems

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time to require one file Time in seconds 0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 Number of Gems on the system 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 best worst

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allocations to require one file Number of allocations 0 22500 45000 67500 90000 Number of Gems on the system 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 best worst

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time to activate one gem Time in seconds 0 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 Number of Gems on the system 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 best worst

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allocations to activate one gem Number of allocations 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Number of Gems on the system 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

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Bundler Performance

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Test Method

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One Gem in Gemfile Increase Gems on System

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Increase Gems in Gemfile Constant Gems on System

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Vary System Gems

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`bundle update` with one gem Time in Seconds 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Number of Gems on the system 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

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`bundle exec` with one gem Time in Seconds 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Number of Gems on the system 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

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Vary Gems in Gemfile

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`bundle exec` time Time in seconds 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 Number of gems in the gemfile 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 y = 0.0008x + 1.4603 R² = 0.1323

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Bundle Exec Time Breakdown (ms) Other? 750 Spec Load 710

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`bundle update` time Time in Seconds 0 17.5 35 52.5 70 Number of Gems in the Gemfile 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 y = 0.6984x2 - 2.9466x + 13.856 R² = 0.999

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Thanks Excel

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R Code - Fit curve > bundler <- read.csv(file="~/bundle_test/ run_bundle_updats.csv",head=TRUE,sep=",") > fit2 <- lm(bundler$time ~ poly(bundler$gems, 2, raw = TRUE)) > xx <- seq(0, 1000, length=11) > plot(bundler$gems, bundler$time) > lines(xx, predict(fit2, data.frame(x = xx)), col="red")

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R Code - Coefficients > coefficients(fit2) (Intercept) poly(bundler$gems, 2, raw = TRUE)1 poly(bundler$gems, 2, raw = TRUE)2 1.160827e+01 -1.549806e-02 6.984136e-05 > summary(fit2)$r.squared [1] 0.9989536 >

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Make Predictions > second_order <- function(newdist, model) { + coefs <- coef(model) + res <- coefs[1] + (coefs[2] * newdist) + (coefs[3] * newdist^2) + return(res) + } > second_order(0, fit2) (Intercept) 11.60827 > second_order(10000, fit2) (Intercept) 6840.763 empty gemfile 10k gemfile

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How to Fix?

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What do we know?

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bin stub source code #!/Users/aaron/.rbenv/versions/ruby-trunk/bin/ruby # # This file was generated by RubyGems. # # The application 'bundler' is installed as part of a gem, and # this file is here to facilitate running it. # # some unimportant stuff happens here! gem 'bundler', version load Gem.bin_path('bundler', 'bundle', version) gem name

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Gemfile.lock GEM specs: pkg0 (1) PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES pkg0 gem name and version!

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Spec loading code today def get_spec name spec_cache = Dir[File.join(dir, "*.gemspec")] spec_cache.find { |spec| == name } end

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bundle -v against 100k gems [aaron@TC rubygems (master)]$ time GEM_HOME=`pwd`/100k_gems GEM_PATH=`pwd`/100k_gems ruby -I lib 100k_gems/bin/bundle -v Bundler version 1.9.4 real 0m50.045s user 0m15.815s sys 0m11.967s

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Spec loading code I want def get_spec name spec_cache = Dir[File.join(dir, "#{name}-*.gemspec")] spec_cache.find { |spec| == name } end

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bundle -v against 100k gems [aaron@TC rubygems (specs)]$ time GEM_HOME=`pwd`/100k_gems GEM_PATH=`pwd`/100k_gems ruby -I lib 100k_gems/bin/bundle -v Bundler version 1.9.4 real 0m0.632s user 0m0.479s sys 0m0.124s

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Still O(n)

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I think we can make it O(1)

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Future Work: Make `require` O(1)

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Don’t recalculate static data

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Take measurements

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Question intuitions

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I have stickers!

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