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I know jQuery. Now what? Remy Sharp • @rem

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7 years ago...

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7 years ago... Actually, me 7 years ago...

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$ =

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Ajax Grokage Ajax + me WAT?

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function getXmlHttpRequest() { var xhr; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { xhr = false; } } } return xhr; } // disclaimer: John's jQuery version is a lot more elegant!

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Back to the Future

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var $ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document); Element.prototype.on = Element.prototype.addEventListener; $('#somelink')[0].on('touchstart', handleTouch);

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When I use jQuery

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No mustard cu ing: I include jQuery.

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if (querySelector in document && localStorage in window && addEventListener in window) { // bootstrap the JavaScript app }

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Quick 'n Dirty

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Sans jQuery

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$('input').on('change', function () { var value = $(this).attr('value'); alert('The new value is' + value); });

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$('input').on('change', function () { var value = this.value; alert('The new value is' + value); });

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$('a').attr('href') a.getAttribute('href') a.href

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document.body.className = 'hasJS';

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body.className += ' hasJS'

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body.classList.add('foo', 'bar')

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body.classList.contains(''); // SyntaxError: DOM Exception 12 :(

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el.dataset.user = JSON.stringify(user); el.dataset.score = score;

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function request(type, url, opts, callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (typeof opts === 'function') { callback = opts; opts = null; }, url); // serialise post data if (type === 'POST' && opts) { // } xhr.onload = function () { callback(JSON.parse(xhr.response)); }; xhr.send(opts ? fd : null); } var get = request.bind(this, 'GET'); var post = request.bind(this, 'POST');

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function request(type, url, opts, callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (typeof opts === 'function') { callback = opts; opts = null; }, url); // serialise post data if (type === 'POST' && opts) { // } xhr.onload = function () { callback(JSON.parse(xhr.response)); }; xhr.send(opts ? fd : null); } var get = request.bind(this, 'GET'); var post = request.bind(this, 'POST'); xhr.onload = function () { callback(JSON.parse(xhr.response)); };

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function request(type, url, opts, callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (typeof opts === 'function') { callback = opts; opts = null; }, url); // serialise post data if (type === 'POST' && opts) { // } xhr.onload = function () { callback(JSON.parse(xhr.response)); }; xhr.send(opts ? fd : null); } var get = request.bind(this, 'GET'); var post = request.bind(this, 'POST');

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•CORS •Progress events •Upload progress events •Different posting types •Using FormData

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Style & animation

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CSS > JS (for CSS, duh)

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Bad: .css

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Good: .addClass

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Gooderer: .className

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If it's native to the browser, let the browser get on with it's job.

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setInterval VS. requestAnimationFrame

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setInterval requestAnimationFrame

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rAF > setInterval

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CSS animations also uses rAF scheduling

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Translate =

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el.on("webkitTransitionEnd", ended); el.on("transitionend", ended); Note the the lowercase 'e' on 'end'...

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And yes, there are plugins. 1. jQuery-Animate-Enhanced 2. jQuery.Transit

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jQuery plugin. Just because.

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$.fn.fitText = function( kompressor, options ) { // Setup options var compressor = kompressor || 1, settings = $.extend({ 'minFontSize' : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 'maxFontSize' : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }, options); return this.each(function(){ // Store the object var $this = $(this); // Resizer() resizes items based on the object width divided by the compressor * 10 var resizer = function () { $this.css('font-size', Math.max(Math.min($this.width() / (compressor*10), parseFloat(settings.maxFontSize)), parseFloat(settings.minFontSize))); }; // Call once to set. resizer(); // Call on resize. Opera debounces their resize by default. $(window).on('resize orientationchange', resizer); }); };

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$.fn.fitText = function( kompressor, options ) { // Setup options var compressor = kompressor || 1, settings = $.extend({ 'minFontSize' : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 'maxFontSize' : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }, options); return this.each(function(){ // Store the object var $this = $(this); // Resizer() resizes items based on the object width divided by the compressor * 10 var resizer = function () { $this.css('font-size', Math.max(Math.min($this.width() / (compressor*10), parseFloat(settings.maxFontSize)), parseFloat(settings.minFontSize))); }; // Call once to set. resizer(); // Call on resize. Opera debounces their resize by default. $(window).on('resize orientationchange', resizer); }); }; 1. extend

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$.fn.fitText = function( kompressor, options ) { // Setup options var compressor = kompressor || 1, settings = $.extend({ 'minFontSize' : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 'maxFontSize' : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }, options); return this.each(function(){ // Store the object var $this = $(this); // Resizer() resizes items based on the object width divided by the compressor * 10 var resizer = function () { $this.css('font-size', Math.max(Math.min($this.width() / (compressor*10), parseFloat(settings.maxFontSize)), parseFloat(settings.minFontSize))); }; // Call once to set. resizer(); // Call on resize. Opera debounces their resize by default. $(window).on('resize orientationchange', resizer); }); }; 1. extend 2. each

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$.fn.fitText = function( kompressor, options ) { // Setup options var compressor = kompressor || 1, settings = $.extend({ 'minFontSize' : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 'maxFontSize' : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }, options); return this.each(function(){ // Store the object var $this = $(this); // Resizer() resizes items based on the object width divided by the compressor * 10 var resizer = function () { $this.css('font-size', Math.max(Math.min($this.width() / (compressor*10), parseFloat(settings.maxFontSize)), parseFloat(settings.minFontSize))); }; // Call once to set. resizer(); // Call on resize. Opera debounces their resize by default. $(window).on('resize orientationchange', resizer); }); }; 1. extend 2. each 3. width

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$.fn.fitText = function( kompressor, options ) { // Setup options var compressor = kompressor || 1, settings = $.extend({ 'minFontSize' : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 'maxFontSize' : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }, options); return this.each(function(){ // Store the object var $this = $(this); // Resizer() resizes items based on the object width divided by the compressor * 10 var resizer = function () { $this.css('font-size', Math.max(Math.min($this.width() / (compressor*10), parseFloat(settings.maxFontSize)), parseFloat(settings.minFontSize))); }; // Call once to set. resizer(); // Call on resize. Opera debounces their resize by default. $(window).on('resize orientationchange', resizer); }); }; 1. extend 2. each 3. width 4. css

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$.fn.fitText = function( kompressor, options ) { // Setup options var compressor = kompressor || 1, settings = $.extend({ 'minFontSize' : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 'maxFontSize' : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }, options); return this.each(function(){ // Store the object var $this = $(this); // Resizer() resizes items based on the object width divided by the compressor * 10 var resizer = function () { $this.css('font-size', Math.max(Math.min($this.width() / (compressor*10), parseFloat(settings.maxFontSize)), parseFloat(settings.minFontSize))); }; // Call once to set. resizer(); // Call on resize. Opera debounces their resize by default. $(window).on('resize orientationchange', resizer); }); }; 1. extend 2. each 3. width 4. css 5. on

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if (options === undefined) { options = {}; } if (options.minFontSize === undefined) { options.minFontSize = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } if (options.maxFontSize === undefined) { options.maxFontSize = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } .extend becomes init default options

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// assuming polyfill or IE9+ nodes.forEach(function (node) { // where we used `this`, we now use `node` // ... }) .each becomes regular loop

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var resizer = function () { var width = node.clientWidth; // ... }; .width becomes .clientWidth property Note: clientWidth != .width() - but will do for our solution

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// assuming polyfill or IE9+ window.addEventListener('resize', resizer, false); .on becomes .addEventLister Polyfill: h ps://

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Idea: Why not use PE to support jQuery?

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Recap querySelectorAll for DOM navigation Think about when to use jQuery / a library Ditch document.ready Use this.value Try .classList Really grok ajax No more JavaScript animations Maybe no-jQuery first?

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Your turn.