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Domain Driven Desig n kinda

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Life Goals

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Domain Driven Design

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...kinda ๐Ÿ™ˆ

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Product Hunt favored Domain Driven Desig n

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โ€œDomain-driven design (DDD) is the concept that the structure and language of software code (classes, methods, functions, variables).โ€ What is Domain Driven Design?

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What problems does DDD solve? โ€œDevelopers are too wrapped up with technology and trying to solve problems using technology rather than careful thought and designโ€ 1

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What problems does DDD solve? โ€œThe database is given too much priority, and most discussions about the solutions center around the database and a data model rather than business processes and operations.โ€ 2

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What problems does DDD solve? โ€œDevelopers donโ€™t give proper emphasis to naming objects and operations according to the business purpose that they fi ll.โ€ 3

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What problems does DDD solve? โ€œApplication logic is disjointed and hard to follow. It is hard to see an overview of the application featuresโ€ 4

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What are the issues with traditional DDD? โ€œIn order to help maintain the model as a pure and helpful language construct, the team must typically implement a great deal of isolation and encapsulation within the domain model. Which overcomplicates the system.โ€ 1

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What are the issues with traditional DDD? โ€œRails and Node doesn't fi t very well with DDD mindset. DDD comes from Java and similar languages.โ€ 2

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What are the issues with traditional DDD? โ€œA lot of DDD practices are focused on consultancy model and are used for model complicated business processes.โ€ 3

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Product Hunt favored Domain Driven Desig n

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What is Domain Driven Design ?

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Ubiquitous Language โ€œA language structured around the domain model and used by all team members to connect all the activities of the team with the software.โ€

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Ubiquitous Language โ€œThere are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.โ€ -- Phil Karlton

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Ubiquitous Language app/models/use.rb ๐Ÿ™ˆ

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Ubiquitous Language app/models/use.rb ๐Ÿคฎ

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Ubiquitous Language app/models/stack_item.rb ๐Ÿ‘

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Ubiquitous Language app/model/founder_club/member.rb ๐Ÿ‘

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Domains โ€œA sphere of knowledge, in fl uence, or activity. The subject area to which the user applies a program is the domain of the software;โ€

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Domain Types ๐ŸŽ‚ Core domain โ€จ ๐Ÿฐ Supporting sub domain โ€จ ๐Ÿง Generic sub domain

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Domain Types ๐ŸŽ‚ Core domain โ€จ ๐Ÿฐ Supporting sub domain โ€จ ๐Ÿง Generic sub domain โ€จ ๐Ÿฅฎ Utilities (infrastructure) sub domain

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Domain Types ๐ŸŽ‚ Core domain - Post, User, Ship โ€จ ๐Ÿฐ Supporting sub domain - Collections, Discussions โ€จ ๐Ÿง Generic sub domain - Votes, Comments, Seo โ€จ ๐Ÿฅฎ Utilities - External, ExecSQL, HandleRaceCondition

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What is PH Code Domain

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Moderation Voting Comments Posts Collections Maker Goals Sharing Seo Discussions Ask Ship Mentors Founder Club Golden Kitty Maker Fest Topics Stories Spam Newsletter Noti fi cations Metrics Users Payments Activity Feed Jobs

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Moderation Voting Comments Posts Collections Maker Goals Sharing Seo Discussions Ask Ship Mentors Founder Club Golden Kitty Maker Fest Topics Stories Spam Newsletter Noti fi cations Metrics Users Payments Activity Feed Jobs Core Feature Generic Context Map

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Moderation Voting Comments Posts Collections Maker Goals Sharing Seo Discussions Ask Ship Mentors Founder Club Golden Kitty Maker Fest Topics Stories Spam Newsletter Noti fi cations Metrics Users Payments Activity Feed Jobs Core Feature Generic Context Map Utilities

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Bounded Context โ€œA semantic contextual boundary. This means that within the boundary each component of the software model has a speci fi c meaning and does speci fi c things.โ€

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...kinda ๐Ÿ™ˆ

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Admin Other Bounded Context Utilities Bounded Context (Domain) Models Services Jobs GraphQL Mutations Resolvers Types

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defmodule Hello.Accounts do @moduledoc """ The Accounts context. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Hello.Repo alias Hello.Accounts.User @doc """ Returns the list of users. ## Examples iex> list_users() [%User{}, ...] """ def list_users do Repo.all(User) end ... end

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Showcase 1โ€จ Feature Domain

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/app/domain/โ€จ /app/domain/founder_club.r b /app/domain/founder_club/*.rb

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FounderClub.join_waitlist(user:) โ€จ FounderClub.join(user:) FounderClub.request_access(user:, code:) FounderClub.deliver_waitlist_invite(invite:) FounderClub.plan_for(code:) โ€จ FounderClub.subscribe(user:, subscription_id:) FounderClub.claim_deal(user:, deal:) FounderClub.claimed_deals_by(user:) FounderClub.deals_available_to(user:) FounderClub.create_referral_code(user:, email:) FounderClub.destroy_referral_code(user:, email:) โ€จ FounderClub.referrals_of(user:) โ€จ โ€จ FounderClub.active_subscription?(user) FounderClub.list_subscriptions โ€จ FounderClub.transfer_subscription(from:, to:)

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FounderClub::Admin::DealForm โ€จ FounderClub::Policy โ€จ FounderClub::MailerInfo ๐Ÿคท

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FounderClub.admin_deal_form โ€จ FounderClub.policy โ€จ FounderClub.mail_info ๐Ÿค”

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module FounderClub extend self โ€จ def admin_deal_form โ€จ FounderClub::Admin::DealForm โ€จ end โ€จ โ€จ def policy โ€จ FounderClub::Policy โ€จ end โ€จ โ€จ def mailer_info FounderClub::MailerInfo โ€จ end โ€จ end ๐Ÿค”

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Showcase 2โ€จ Generic Domain

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Sharing.text_for(post) โ€จ Sharing.text_for(post, current_user: user) โ€จ Sharing.image_for(post) โ€จ Sharing.image_for_comment(comment, highlighted_text: 'Awesome')

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module Sharing extend self def text_for(subject, current_user: nil) generator =, subject) if generator.method(:call).arity == 1 else, current_user: current_user) end end def image_for(subject) generator =, subject) end def image_for_comment(comment, highlighted_text:), highlighted_text: highlighted_text) end endd

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Domain Event โ€œA domain object that de fi nes an event (something that happens). A domain event is an event that domain experts care about.โ€

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Domain Event != Event Souring

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Kitty Event s

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Design Patterns ๐Ÿš— Entity โ€จ ๐Ÿš• Value Object โ€จ ๐Ÿš™ Aggregate ๐ŸšŒ Repository ๐ŸšŽ Facade ๐Ÿš Factory ๐Ÿšš Service โ€จ ๐Ÿš› Presenter

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Design Patterns ๐Ÿš— Entity โ€จ ๐Ÿš• Value Object โ€จ ๐Ÿš™ Aggregate ๐ŸšŒ Repository ๐ŸšŽ Facade ๐Ÿš Factory ๐Ÿšš Service โ€จ ๐Ÿš› Presenter

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Design Patterns ๐Ÿš— Entity โ€จ ๐Ÿš• Value Object โ€จ ๐Ÿš™ Aggregate ๐ŸšŒ Repository ๐ŸšŽ Facade ๐Ÿš Factory ๐Ÿšš Service โ€จ ๐Ÿš› Presenter

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module Share::Subject extend self def call(subject:, current_profile: ) subject_class ='::', '' ) share = "Share::Subjects::#{subject_class}".constantiz e share.generate subject, current_profil e end end

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module Share extend self def message_for(subject, current_profile: nil ) subject_class ='::', '' ) share = "Share::Subjects::#{subject_class}".constantiz e share.generate subject, current_profil e end end

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module Share extend self def message_for(subject, current_profile: nil ) subject_class ='::', '' ) share = "Share::Message::#{subject_class}".constantiz e share.generate subject, current_profil e end end

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module Share extend self def message_for(subject, current_profile: nil ) share = Utils.module_for(subject, in: Share::Message ) share.generate subject, current_profil e end end ๐Ÿ’ก

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Whats next...

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... any ideas? ๐Ÿ’ก ๐Ÿ˜…

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