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Hugo Conf 22 Demystifying I18n with Hugo • @jonyablonski

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Hugo Conf 22 Designer. Developer. Creator of Laws of UX. That’s me

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Hugo Conf 22

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Hugo Conf 22 +

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Hugo Conf 22 How do I get started with internationalizing my website?

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Hugo Conf 22 Photo by mishal ibrahim

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Hugo Conf 22 ( Basic2 Conten Redirect2 ' Fine-Tuning WHAT WE‘LL COVER

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Hugo Conf 22 Basics

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Hugo Conf 22 Let’s start with configuration

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Hugo Conf 22 config.toml

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Hugo Conf 22 Next, let’s add the right HTML tags

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Hugo Conf 22 Baseof.html

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Hugo Conf 22 That’s the basics!

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Hugo Conf 22 Content

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Hugo Conf 22 Now let’s get organized

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Hugo Conf 22 content directory with language-specific files

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Hugo Conf 22 content directory output

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Hugo Conf 22 Now let’s add that translated content

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Hugo Conf 22 General translated content

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Hugo Conf 22 What about text that’s global (e.g. nav links)?

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Hugo Conf 22 i18n translation configuration files

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Hugo Conf 22 i18n string reference

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Hugo Conf 22 Let’s move on to redirects

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Hugo Conf 22 Redirects

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Hugo Conf 22 Let’s direct folks to the right place

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Hugo Conf 22 netlify.toml

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Hugo Conf 22 netlify.toml

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Hugo Conf 22 netlify.toml

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Hugo Conf 22 We’re almost done!

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Hugo Conf 22 Fine-Tuning

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Hugo Conf 22 ️ How do I make CSS adjustments between languages?

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Hugo Conf 22 Logical Properties

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Hugo Conf 22 English banners

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Hugo Conf 22 Arabic banners

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Hugo Conf 22 .banner__container { height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; } .banner__graphic { padding: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); max-width: 24rem; margin-left: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); } :dir(rtl) .banner__graphic { margin-left: 0; margin-right: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); }

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Hugo Conf 22 .banner__container { height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; }

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Hugo Conf 22 .banner__graphic { padding: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); max-width: 24rem; margin-left: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); }

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Hugo Conf 22 :dir(rtl) .banner__graphic { margin-left: 0; margin-right: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); }

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Hugo Conf 22 .banner__container { height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; } .banner__graphic { padding: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); max-width: 24rem; margin-inline: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); } Directionally-aware left/right margin

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Hugo Conf 22 Less code. Easier maintenance. Better performance.

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Hugo Conf 22

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Hugo Conf 22 Logical property support on

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Hugo Conf 22 Logical property support on 92.71% Global Support (unprefixed)

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Hugo Conf 22 How do I get CSS Logical Properties prefixed?

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Hugo Conf 22 + PostCSS Autoprefixer

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Hugo Conf 22 $ npm i postcss-cli && autoprefixer "browserlists": ["last 3 versions"] package.json

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Hugo Conf 22 $ npm i postcss-cli && autoprefixer "browserlists": ["last 3 versions"] package.json

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Hugo Conf 22 $ npm i postcss-cli && autoprefixer "browserlists": ["last 3 versions"] package.json Determines which prefixes get applied

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Hugo Conf 22 module.exports = { plugins: [ require('autoprefixer')() ] }; postcss.config.js

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Hugo Conf 22 {{ $styles := resources.Get "css/app.css" | toCSS | postCSS (dict "config" "postcss.config.js") | minify }} postcss.config.js

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Hugo Conf 22 {{ $styles := resources.Get "css/app.css" | toCSS | postCSS (dict "config" "postcss.config.js") | minify }} layouts/partials/styles.html

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Hugo Conf 22 -webkit-margin-inline: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); -moz-margin-inline: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); -ms-margin-inline: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); -o-margin-inline: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); margin-inline: calc(var(--base-spacing) * 2); Prefixed logical properties

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Hugo Conf 22 Pick fonts that are specific to the language * Pro tip

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Hugo Conf 22 IBM Plex Arabic

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Hugo Conf 22 :root:lang(en) { --base-font-family: 'IBM Plex Sans', Sans-Serif; --secondary-font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace; } :root:lang(ar) { --base-font-family: 'IBM Plex Sans Arabic', Sans-Serif; --secondary-font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace; }

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Hugo Conf 22 :root:lang(en) { --base-font-family: 'IBM Plex Sans', Sans-Serif; --secondary-font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace; } Default (english)

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Hugo Conf 22 :root:lang(en) { --base-font-family: 'IBM Plex Sans', Sans-Serif; --secondary-font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace; }

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Hugo Conf 22 :root:lang(ar) { --base-font-family: 'IBM Plex Sans Arabic', Sans-Serif; --secondary-font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace; } Arabic

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Hugo Conf 22 :root:lang(ar) { --base-font-family: 'IBM Plex Sans Arabic', Sans-Serif; --secondary-font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace; }

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Hugo Conf 22 What about giving users the ability to manually switch languages?

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Hugo Conf 22 Laws of Ux Language switcher

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Hugo Conf 22

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Hugo Conf 22

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Hugo Conf 22

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Hugo Conf 22

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Hugo Conf 22 Arabic Edition of

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Hugo Conf 22 Thank you