Slide 56
Slide 56 text
● FIG / FIG 3.0
○ The PHP-FIG: Past, Present & Future - podcast with a few FIG members
○ Why PHP-FIG matters - by Evert Pot
○ FIG 3.0 Proposal - by Larry Garfield
○ The TL;DR of FIG 3.0 - by Michael Cullum
○ Michael Cullum Talks About PHP FIG, PSR & Symfony - with Michael Cullum
○ Phil Sturgeon Talks About API Development, PHP-FIG, PHP Books And The Future Of PHP -
with Phil Sturgeon
○ PHP FIG: Breaking down the Boundaries - by Michael Cullum (video here)
● PSR-0
○ Is PSR-0 Shortsighted, or are you? - by Phil Sturgeon
○ Composer and PSR-0: Friends, Not Relatives - by Phil Sturgeon