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Agenda - Introductions - Why? - What is SQLCipher? - Android & Room Integration - iOS & CoreData Integration

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Yuta Takanashi - Android Engineer - Joined LINE in 2020 @shiita_0903 [email protected] - iOS Engineer - Joined LINE in 2017 @brevansio [email protected] Bruce Evans

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Why? - E2EE (LINE Letter Sealing) covers in-transit data but not local data - User Privacy - Legal Issues

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What is SQLCipher?

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SQLCipher and Room

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Using SQLite Database in Android - Provide an abstraction layer over SQLite - Less boilerplate code by code generation - Room is strongly recommended instead of low-level API High-level API(AndroidX Room) Low-level API(BOESPJEEBUBCBTFTRMJUF) - Powerful API - Require a great deal of time and effort to use

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Using SQLite Database in Android - Provide an abstraction layer over SQLite - Less boilerplate code by code generation - Room is strongly recommended instead of low-level API High-level API(AndroidX Room) Low-level API(BOESPJEEBUBCBTFTRMJUF) - Powerful API - Require a great deal of time and effort to use

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A problem found during use

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Library versions during problem Library name Version Room 2.3.0 SQLCipher 4.4.3

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem

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Classes in SQLCipher - Encapsulates compilation of SQL statement and release of the compiled statement object OFUTRMDJQIFSEBUBCBTF42-JUF$PNQJMFE4RM TRMJUF@TUNU - An object in native code - Represents a single SQL statement OFUTRMDJQIFSEBUBCBTF42-JUF4UBUFNFOU - A pre-compiled statement that can be reused - The statement can return 1x1 result sets 42-JUF$PNQJMFE4RM 42-JUF4UBUFNFOU TRMJUF@TUNU 1 1 1 1

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteCompiledSql

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteCompiledSql

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteCompiledSql

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteCompiledSql

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteCompiledSql

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem SFMFBTF4RM4UBUFNFOU is called when 42-JUF4UBUFNFOU is closed (42-JUF4UBUFNFOU manages 42-JUF$PNQJMFE4RM) GJOBMJ[F in 42-JUF$PNQJMFE4RM is called

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem SFMFBTF4RM4UBUFNFOU is called when 42-JUF4UBUFNFOU is closed (42-JUF4UBUFNFOU manages 42-JUF$PNQJMFE4RM) GJOBMJ[F in 42-JUF$PNQJMFE4RM is called

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteCompiledSql

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteCompiledSql

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteCompiledSql

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteCompiledSql

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The cause of the SQLCipher problem net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteCompiledSql

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The cause of the Room problem

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The cause of the Room problem Generated code from DAO function with @Query - INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE query - Pass a collection of parameters to a query

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The cause of the Room problem

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The cause of the Room problem

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The cause of the Room problem

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The cause of the Room problem

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The cause of the Room problem

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The cause of the Room problem

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The cause of the Room problem

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The cause of the Room problem

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The cause of the Room problem

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Summary of causes 42-JUF$PNQJMFE4RM that isn't closed is released in GJOBMJ[F - DB lock can't be acquired in time - Some generated code by Room doesn't call DMPTF

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Handling in LINE Android application We considered two workarounds for usage of Room - Use low-level API instead of Room - Use @RawQuery instead of @Query

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Use low-level API instead of Room Generated code has problem, so replace it with low-level API

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query Generated code with @RawQuery calls close()

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query Generated code with @RawQuery calls close()

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query Generated code with @RawQuery calls close()

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query Generated code with @RawQuery calls close()

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query The parameter of the function with @RawQuery

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query The parameter of the function with @RawQuery

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query The parameter of the function with @RawQuery

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query The parameter of the function with @RawQuery

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query The return value of the function with @RawQuery

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query The return value of the function with @RawQuery

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query The return value of the function with @RawQuery

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Use @RawQuery instead of @Query

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Handling in LINE Android application We considered two workarounds for usage of Room - Use low-level API instead of Room - Use @RawQuery instead of @Query

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Summary of Android side - Specific conditions on Room and SQLCipher cause an exception - We decided to use a workaround with @RawQuery - We should use room better than low-level API

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SQLCipher and CoreData

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Using a Custom NSPersistentStore

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Using a Custom NSPersistentStore

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Using a Custom NSPersistentStore

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Using a Custom NSPersistentStore

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Importing SQLCipher - Must add ALL the linker flags - MUST be linked instead of SQLite

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Creating a New Database

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Creating a New Database

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Creating a New Database

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Creating a New Database

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Creating Entity Tables

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Creating Entity Tables

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Creating Entity Tables

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Creating Entity Tables

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Creating Entity Tables

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Creating Entity Tables

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Creating Relationship Tables

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Creating Relationship Tables

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Creating Relationship Tables

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Creating Indexes

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Creating Indexes

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Creating Indexes

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Creating Indexes

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Converting NSManagedObject into NSManagedObjectID

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Converting NSManagedObject into NSManagedObjectID

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Converting NSManagedObject into NSManagedObjectID

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Converting NSManagedObject into NSManagedObjectID

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Fetching and Saving

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Fetch NSManagedObjectIDs

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Fetch NSManagedObjectIDs

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Fetch NSManagedObjectIDs

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Fetch NSManagedObjectIDs

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Loading Attributes

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Querying Attributes

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Querying Attributes

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Querying Attributes

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Loading Relationships

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toOne Relationships

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toOne Relationships

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toMany Relationships

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iOS Summary - Setup - Database Creation - Converting IDs - Fetching and Saving

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Summary - Introductions - Why? - What is SQLCipher - Android & Room Integration - iOS & CoreData Integration

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Thank you