Your way into Open Source
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Michelle Sanver
A code-passionate colourful geek.
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No content
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No content
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About ProTalk
Videos about PHP!
In fact.... If you want to see this talk again
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About ProTalk
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About ProTalk
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Who are you?
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Contribute to my talk
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“The promise of open source is better quality, higher
reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to
predatory vendor lock-in.” - opensource.org
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Better Quality
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Higher Reliability
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More Flexibility
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Lower Cost
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End to predatory vendor lock-in
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Convinced Yet?
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Before we get started...
Top3: Lineke an Kim
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Before we get started...
Top3: Kim
It’s ok to get it wrong
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Before we get started...
Top3: Kim
You might not get an immediate response
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Before we get started...
Top3: Kim
Don't be afraid to ask for a task to be assigned to you
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Before we get started...
Top3: Lineke
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Before we get started...
Top3: Lineke
Passion & Usability
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Before we get started...
Top3: Lineke
The development process
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Contributing to Open Source
In 10 steps
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Step 1: Choose The Project
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Step 1: Choose The Project
Be phpassionate about it
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Step 1: Choose The Project
(ab)use github!
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Step 1: Choose The Project
Search! :)
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Step 1: Choose The Project
What are your ‘friends’ doing?
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Step 1: Choose The Project
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Step 1: Choose The Project
Check the commit history
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Step 1: Choose The Project
Your Skills
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Step 1: Choose The Project
Erm... License?
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Questions and Pointers
Step 1: Choose The Project
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Step 2: Install The Project
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Step 2: Install The Project
Fork It
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Step 2: Install The Project
Clone It
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Step 2: Install The Project
Using vagrant
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Step 2: Install The Project
Ruby, Vagrant,
Oracle VirtualBox
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Step 2: Install The Project
$ vagrant up
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Step 2: Install The Project
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Step 2: Install The Project
• Fork the protalk repository
• Use git clone to get your fork on your local
• Run ant - this will install all dependencies,
clear the cache and run tests
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Step 2: Install The Project
• Make sure the app/cache and app/logs
directories are writable by the webserver
• Create the database and change the
parameters.ini in app/config to set the
database connection details
• Run the command "app/console
doctrine:schema:create" to create the
database tables
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Step 2: Install The Project
• Import the doc/db/seed_data.sql in your
database for initial data
• Creating a admin user for the backend can
be done by running this command: "app/
console fos:user:create
[email protected] password --
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Do you like vagrant now?
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Step 2: Install The Project
Questions and Pointers