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Head of Vietnam Office
Daisuke Takei
14 year professional career at Mitsui & Co., Ltd,
including cross-border trading business and
business development with start-ups to push the
digitalization of traditional industry.
Joined CADDi in Oct/2021 to lead the
globalization of the platform and moves to
CADDi Vietnam from Apr/2022
MBA from IE Business School (Spain)
Cities lived in the past : Tokyo, Brisbane,
Houston, Madrid, HCMC
Successful software development and program
management manager with 20+ years of
experience in network service, digital rights
management, blockchain, and network software,
being in a global working environment, including
two times eight years experience of overseas
After my experience as a Customer Service
Consultant at an Apparel company, I had more
than 8 years at a Manufacturing company,
working as an Oversea Business Department
Director to manage oversea business projects
from conception to execution, including
establishing subsidiary, import & export luxury
cosmetic, headhunting Vietnamese engineer
Joined CADDi from Jan 2022 and be a member
of VO, incharge of talent acquisition, HRM and
building the foundation of the new company.
Head of Vietnam Engineering
Kenichi Sato
HR / Corporate adiministrator
Aki Fujimoto