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PRACTICES stairwell stairwell castle towers stairwell castle towers stairwell stairwell stairwell stairwell Content SCS6079 Digital Practices MA Digital Media & Society DIGITAL → Assessment Support Session

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DIGITAL PRACTICES THIS WEEK. — briefing recap — project goals your project briefs — reminders on content production — finalising your site — feedback on your projects — recap on requested topics project work checklist criteria and project goals considerations for final project

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DIGITAL PRACTICES REMINDER: admin link your site URL → your ADMIN URL → see info on our site — WP site info page: →

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DIGITAL PRACTICES ASSESSMENT SUPPORT SESSION ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ! WARNING ! The following slides are very text-heavy. AS REQUESTED: Confirmation details and reminders of vital project aspects.

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DIGITAL PRACTICES clarifying official documentation SCS6079 Digital Practices Assessment Handbook Website Project This refers to the website itself, the end product of your project work, and is to be submitted via link inside the project documentation. 2,500 words = content text of website Focus is on a good website that delivers the positive message of your brief. Word count will be checked only if your site is poor/weak and fails to deliver the core criteria of the brief. IN SUMMARY: ✦ 50% focus on your content, clear content structure with well written text and effective use of media ✦ 50% focus on your website, its structure and interface set up effectively within WordPress (for example: your use of pages and categories/posts + presentation of links)

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DIGITAL PRACTICES PROJECT GOALS & CRITERIA — to create a site which aims to help people — to produce and edit appropriate content for online consumption — to deliver a website designed for a select target group — to ensure that the site performs well [accessibility / loading speed / responsive design] — to submit a project document, including site plan and rationale Your brief is…

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DIGITAL PRACTICES PROJECT GOALS & CRITERIA — shows a clear goal/mission: to support people for the common good — presents well structured content which is easy to access — features text that is well written and free of errors — shows content designed for a specific target audience, phrasing reflects suitable tone — includes media content which is accessible (e.g. alternative text for images) — presents any quoted / sourced content only with clear references — loads fast and performs well — is responsive with layout, including all media, adapting to different viewport widths Your site…

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DIGITAL PRACTICES project deliverable #1 stairwell where next? setting Colour scheme Theme choice Typography content structure target group site plan deliverable 1 add to project documentation ✦ phrasing in keeping with tone/language of main copy/text ✦ show your site’s final content structure ✦ accepted formats: tree chart / nested list / spreadsheet ✦ welcome optional addition: mind map of initial ideas

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DIGITAL PRACTICES project deliverable #2 TEXT stairwell stairwell castle towers stairwell castle towers stairwell stairwell stairwell stairwell PHOTOS website deliverable 2 ✦ remove all default content and links! including edits on the privacy policy page ✦ text checks for spelling/grammar/punctuation ✦ ALL external content referenced appropriately! partial text quotes as well as all other media ✦ accessibility check: alternative text for images!

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DIGITAL PRACTICES project deliverable #3 NOTE: this is the 500 word document to be submitted via MOLE by deadline. TO INCLUDE/DISCUSS: content structure target group setting Colour scheme Theme choice Typography project documentation deliverable 3 ✦ the URL of your website ✦ your approach to your chosen project brief; if you wrote your own brief - include this as well. ✦ your chosen target group and their typical profile ✦ your site’s IA / site plan + text to explain structure (how does the site structure make your content accessible and easy to use) ✦ your reasoning for the design / choice of theme Include full-page screenshots of each page of your website as appendix. In case there’s a technical issue at the time of assessment, preview of your final site is still possible. TIP

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DIGITAL PRACTICES OWN YOUR DATA / YOUR RESPONSIBILITY — publishing to the public domain — ownership and data protection — third party services and legal agreements Be clear on data regulations UK regulations till now: Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 From May 25th 2018 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

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DIGITAL PRACTICES GDPR & PRIVACY PAGE create policy page install and configure plugin check and test! ↗ view demo:

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DIGITAL PRACTICES REMINDER: CONTENT & REFERENCING quote all content is unique and original (i.e. not a translated/transcribed version of someone else's publication) all content written and edited by you (small parts of the content can be quoted from external sources but your own original content must outweigh their proportion in each post/page substantially) re: content confirm the permission of use, either via open license or under certain conditions always cite the appropriate references for all quoted sources provide references and links as required by the license of the material used re: sourced content ↗ view demo:

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DIGITAL PRACTICES REMINDER: Content-out approach stairwell stairwell content creation editing for target group & context 1 TEXT stairwell stairwell castle towers stairwell castle towers stairwell stairwell stairwell stairwell PHOTOS content review / revision site planning for content structure 2 design for layout, type and presentation of all media 3

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DIGITAL PRACTICES REMINDER: INCLUSIVE DESIGN physical sensory cognitive physical sensory cognitive physical sensory cognitive listen to lm summary Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a, pede. Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor mauris sit amet orci. Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis. Morbi in sem quis dui placerat ornare. Pellentesque odio nisi, euismod in, pharetra a, ultricies in, diam. Sed arcu. Cras consequat. transcript

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DIGITAL PRACTICES FINALISING TEXTUAL CONTENT — spellcheck all content — check for grammar and punctuation — check for phrasing — online apps: useful tools for automated checks — read your text out loud to check on readability — ask others to proof-read and give feedback

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DIGITAL PRACTICES REMINDER: OPTIMISE FOR SPEED ✔ image edited for final presentation on site ✔ image resized to fit layout, i.e. saved as largest size required ✔ final file saved for web, reducing file weight while keeping highest quality possible Never upload a file as-is, always check and optimise! Bear in mind that images are heavy and will slow down the loading time of your webpage. Only resizing and optimising will help lower the file size.

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image caption: image title, date, creator For accessibility and user experience, as well as for SEO benefit, always edit the image details after upload! alternative text: summary of image content description: detailed description of image content ✔ DIGITAL PRACTICES REMINDER: INCLUSIVE DESIGN add text alternatives

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DIGITAL PRACTICES working with backup.temp.tar.gz SERVER / SETTINGS TEMPLATES / DESIGN gif js php jpg svg css CONTENT / DATABASE TEXT stairwell stairwell castle towers stairwell castle towers stairwell stairwell stairwell stairwell PHOTOS } BACKUP ! BACKUP ! BACKUP ! BACKUP ! BACKUP ! BACKUP ! BACKUP ! OTHER CONTENT stairwell stairwell castle towers stairwell castle towers stairwell stairwell stairwell stairwell PHOTOS +

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DIGITAL PRACTICES project considerations project backup TIP: ✦ keep a copy of all content in editable format as backup ✦ save original as well as optimised images ✦ save all text as text files offline ✦ make note of the link to your chosen theme, and keep a copy of all theme files as backup TEXT stairwell stairwell castle towers stairwell castle towers stairwell stairwell stairwell stairwell PHOTOS js jpg svg php gif css THEME

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DIGITAL PRACTICES Prisca Schmarsow [email protected]