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Elixir Update from the core team May 2022

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Andrea Leopardi @whatyouhide Elixir core team, engineer for 

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Recap Every 6 months (May, Nov) Non-breaking versions (1.x)

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1.13 December 2021 Focused on developer experience

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1.13 Semantic recompilation mix xref improvements Code.Fragment Formatter plugins

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1.13 defmodule MixMarkdownFormatter do @behaviour Mix.Tasks.Format def features(_opts) do [sigils: [:M], extensions: [".md", ".markdown"]] end def format(contents, opts) do # ... end end

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1.13 # In .formatter.exs [ plugins: [MixMarkdownFormatter], inputs: [...] ]

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No content

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June 2022 Requires OTP 23+ 1.14

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PartitionSupervisor 1.14

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Application supervisor Bottleneck process 1.14

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Application supervisor Bottleneck process 1.14 PartitionSupervisor Bottleneck process Bottleneck process

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children = [ {PartitionSupervisor, child_spec: {ErrorReporter, []}, name: Reporters} ] 1.14

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def report_error(err) do {:via, PartitionSupervisor, {Reporters, self()}}, err ) end 1.14

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Slicing with steps 1.14

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1.14 1..10//2

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1.14 Enum.slice(~w(a b c d e f g h), 1..4//2) #=> ["b", "d"]

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Expression-based inspection 1.14

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1.14 IO.inspect(Version.parse!("1.0.0")) #=> #Version<1.0.0> Before:

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1.14 IO.inspect(Version.parse!("1.0.0")) #=> Version.parse!("1.0.0") Now:

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1.14 Version Version.Requirement MapSet Date.Range

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1.14 __repr__ Python's

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Improved errors in binary construction* 1.14 *thanks Erlang!

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1.14 In OTP 25 (part of EEP 54)

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1.14 int = 1 bin = "foo" int <> bin ** (ArgumentError) argument error

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1.14 int = 1 bin = "foo" int <> bin ** (ArgumentError) construction of binary failed: segment 1 of type 'binary': expected a binary but got: 1

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