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Embracing Change or 
 Bracing for Change Fostering a Culture of Continuous 
 Improvement in Product Teams Emily Webber / @ewebber /

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Hello. I’m Emily @EWEBBER

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Write down:
 What is the vision for your team if everything was as good as it could be @EWEBBER

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@EWEBBER Ideas Code Data MEASURE LEARN BUILD The Lean startup

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@EWEBBER The Scientific method Ask a question Do background 
 research Construct a
 hypothesis Test your 
 hypothesis Analyse data 
 and draw 

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Because I think [this] is true I think that doing [this] will mean [this will happen] And I will know [like this] @EWEBBER

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Why aren’t your team already embracing change? @EWEBBER

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Photo from @EWEBBER

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Photo from @EWEBBER “This is just how we do
 things around here”

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Five reasons people 
 resist change @EWEBBER

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Photo by Jethro Taylor @EWEBBER “Uncertainty can cause more stress than inevitable pain”

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Photo by Jethro Taylor @EWEBBER Get into the habit 
 of changing

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Photo by Jake Edwards @EWEBBER Change means 
 learning new skills

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Photo by Jake Edwards @EWEBBER Be willing to support people learning new skills

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Photo by Aaron Silvers @EWEBBER A condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness, arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure 
 to succeed. Learned helplessness

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Photo by Aaron Silvers @EWEBBER Create a safe to fail environment

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@EWEBBER It could mean throwing away their hard work

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@EWEBBER Build on what 
 already exists

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Photo by Nancy Kamergorodsky @EWEBBER They don’t understand the reason for change

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Photo by Nancy Kamergorodsky @EWEBBER Have a vision for the future state

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Evolution vs revolution @EWEBBER

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@EWEBBER Satir Change Curve /

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AVOID CHAOS (unless you need a revolution) @EWEBBER

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@EWEBBER Understand the direction of challenge Grasp the current condition Establish the next target condition Experiment towards the target condition Planning phase Executing phase Improvement Kata

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Because I think [this] is true I think that doing [this] will mean [this will happen] And I will know [like this] @EWEBBER

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Photo by Elaine with Grey Cats @EWEBBER

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Telling @EWEBBER

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Questioning @EWEBBER

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Identifying what to change @EWEBBER

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On a regular basis the team get together to reflect on how they work together and find ways to improve The Agile Retrospective @EWEBBER

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@EWEBBER Have you been part of a retrospective? within the last 6 months within the last 3 months within the last month within the last 2 weeks

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Photo by J Marks Dodds The 30 second retrospective @EWEBBER

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@EWEBBER 1. What is the next improvement for your team? 2. What one change can you make towards it? 3. How will you know it’s worked?

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@EWEBBER 1. What is the next improvement for your team? 2. What one change can you make towards it? 3. How will you know it’s worked?

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@EWEBBER Lots of ideas at

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Some other 
 techniques @EWEBBER

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• map out your pain points • review your blockers • #retro slack channel • one to ones • five whys @EWEBBER

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Remember… @EWEBBER

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Change is hard @EWEBBER

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Understand what direction you are 
 heading in @EWEBBER

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Use experimentation and the scientific method @EWEBBER

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Make small changes @EWEBBER

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Get into the habit of experimenting @EWEBBER

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Embrace change, don’t brace for change @EWEBBER

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Thank you. Emily Webber @ewebber /