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⾃⼰紹介 JIERONG LI (李) ▸ 株式会社ゆめみ ▸ iOSエンジニア ▸ KMMでAndroid開発キャッチアップ ▸ 永遠にリリースできず個⼈開発 ▸

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COVERED SESSIONS ▸ SwiftUI Accessibility: Beyond the basics ▸ Bring accessibility to charts in your app

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CUSTOM VIEW IMPLEMENTATION SegmentedControl( selectedSegmentIndex: $selectedSegmentIndex ) { HStack { Image(systemName: "tray.full") Text("Inbox") Spacer() Text("\(tasks.count)") } HStack { Image(systemName: "archivebox") Text("Done") } }

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CUSTOM VIEW ACCESSIBILITY PREVIEW ▸ Inbox Icon ▸ Label: Inbox Full ▸ Traits: .isImage ▸ Inbox Text ▸ Label: Inbox ▸ Traits: .isStaticText ▸ Count ▸ Label: 5 ▸ Traits: .isStaticText ▸ Done Icon ▸ Label: Archive ▸ Traits: .isImage ▸ Done Text ▸ Label: Done ▸ Traits: .isStaticText

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CUSTOM VIEW EXPECTED ▸ Inbox ▸ Label: Inbox 5 ▸ Traits: .isButton 
 .isSelected ▸ Done ▸ Label: Done ▸ Traits: .isButton

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CUSTOM VIEW BELOW IOS 15 SegmentedControl( selectedSegmentIndex: $selectedSegmentIndex ) { HStack { Image(systemName: "tray.full") Text("Inbox") Spacer() Text("\(tasks.count)") } ... }

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CUSTOM VIEW BELOW IOS 15 SegmentedControl( selectedSegmentIndex: $selectedSegmentIndex ) { HStack { Image(systemName: "tray.full") Text("Inbox") Spacer() Text("\(tasks.count)") } .accessibilityElement(children: .ignore) ... }

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CUSTOM VIEW BELOW IOS 15 SegmentedControl( selectedSegmentIndex: $selectedSegmentIndex ) { HStack { Image(systemName: "tray.full") Text("Inbox") Spacer() Text("\(tasks.count)") } .accessibilityElement(children: .ignore) .accessibility(label: Text(“\(tasks.count)”)) ... }

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CUSTOM VIEW BELOW IOS 15 SegmentedControl( selectedSegmentIndex: $selectedSegmentIndex ) { HStack { Image(systemName: "tray.full") Text("Inbox") Spacer() Text("\(tasks.count)") } .accessibilityElement(children: .ignore) .accessibility(label: Text(“\(tasks.count)”)) .accessibility(addTraits: selectedSegmentIndex == 0 ? [.isButton, .isSelected] : [.isButton] ) ... }

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CUSTOM VIEW IOS 15 AND ABOVE SegmentedControl( selectedSegmentIndex: $selectedSegmentIndex ) { HStack { Image(systemName: "tray.full") Text("Inbox") Spacer() Text("\(tasks.count)") } HStack { Image(systemName: "archivebox") Text("Done") } }

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CUSTOM VIEW IOS 15 AND ABOVE SegmentedControl( selectedSegmentIndex: $selectedSegmentIndex ) { HStack { Image(systemName: "tray.full") Text("Inbox") Spacer() Text("\(tasks.count)") } HStack { Image(systemName: "archivebox") Text("Done") } } .accessibilityRepresentation { Picker("", selection: $selectedSegmentIndex) { Text("Inbox \(tasks.count)").tag(0) Text("Done").tag(1) } .pickerStyle(.segmented) }

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EXTERNAL VIEW (CHARTVIEW) BELOW IOS 15 BarChart() .data(\.value)) .chartStyle(chartStyle) 🤷

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EXTERNAL VIEW (CHARTVIEW) IOS 15 AND ABOVE BarChart() .data(\.value)) .chartStyle(chartStyle)

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EXTERNAL VIEW (CHARTVIEW) IOS 15 AND ABOVE BarChart() .data(\.value)) .chartStyle(chartStyle) .accessibilityChildren { HStack { ForEach(dataSet) { data in Rectangle() .accessibilityLabel(data.label) .accessibilityValue("\(data.value)") } } }

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ROTOR IOS 15 AND ABOVE VStack { ForEach(lines) { line in Text(line.content) } } .accessibilityRotor("Titles") { ForEach(lines) { line in if line.isTitle { AccessibilityRotorEntry( line.content, id: ) } } }

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ROTOR IOS 15 AND ABOVE VStack { ForEach(lines) { line in Text(line.content) } } .accessibilityRotor(.headings) { ForEach(lines) { line in if line.isTitle { AccessibilityRotorEntry( line.content, id: ) } } }

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CONTROL FOCUS @ACCESSIBILITYFOCUSSTATE @AccessibilityFocusState var isFocused: Bool

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CONTROL FOCUS @ACCESSIBILITYFOCUSSTATE struct NotificationBanner: View { @Binding var notification: Notification? @State var timer: Timer? @AccessibilityFocusState var isNotificationFocused: Bool var body: some View { content .accessibilityFocused(isNotificationFocused) } func startTimer() { timer = Timer.scheduledTimer( withTimeInterval: 3, repeats: true) { _ in if !isNotificationFocused { notification = nil } } } }

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AUDIO GRAPH AXCHART protocol AXChart: NSObjectProtocol { var accessibilityChartDescriptor: AXChartDescriptor? { get set } }

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AUDIO GRAPH AXCHART protocol AXChart: NSObjectProtocol { var accessibilityChartDescriptor: AXChartDescriptor? { get set } } class AXChartDescription: NSObject { convenience init( title: String? = nil, summary: String? = nil, xAxis: AXDataAxisDescriptor, yAxis: AXNumericDataAxisDescriptor? = nil, additionalAxes: [AXDataAxisDescriptor] = [], series: [AXDataSeriesDescriptor] ) ... }

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