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@MoOx Post CSS era 1 Des feuilles de styles préprocessés aux CSS Modules @MoOx

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@MoOx @MoOx Développeur Front-end Freelance 2

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@MoOx 3

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@MoOx 4 { Putain de code ! … } @MoOx

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@MoOx 5

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@MoOx Écrire du CSS en 2010 ? 7

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@MoOx 8

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@MoOx Pourquoi le CSS c’était pas marrant ? 9

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@MoOx Pas de variables / constantes 10

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@MoOx Pas (vraiment) de fonctions 11

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@MoOx Ré-utilisabilité difficile ? 12

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@MoOx @import 13

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@MoOx HTTP 1 14

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@MoOx HTTP 1 15 … NOPE

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@MoOx héritage, composition 16

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@MoOx héritage, composition 17 … NOPE

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@MoOx 19

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@MoOx @import $var + / * - color 20

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@MoOx 21

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@MoOx 22

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@MoOx @mixins ? 23 @mixin block() { border: 1px solid #000; background: url(whatever.jpg) } .class { @include block(); background: red; }

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@MoOx @mixins ? 24 @mixin block() { border: 1px solid #000; background: url(whatever.jpg) } .class { @include block(); background: red; } /* BAM */

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@MoOx @extends 25

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@MoOx 26

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@MoOx 27 .product .single_add_to_cart_button, .cart .button, input.checkout-button.alt.button, .shipping- calculator-form .button, .multistep_step .button, #place_order.button, .single- product .single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt, .woocom merce a.button, .woocommerce button.button, .woocommerce input.button, .woocommerce #respond input#submit, .woocommerce #content input.button, .woocommerce-page a.button, .woocommerce-page button.button, .woocommerce-page input.button, .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit, .woocommerce-page #content input.button { background-color: #605f5e; }

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@MoOx 28 Cascading shit .product .single_add_to_cart_button, .cart .button, input.checkout-button.alt.button, .shipping- calculator-form .button, .multistep_step .button, #place_order.button, .single- product .single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt, .woocom merce a.button, .woocommerce button.button, .woocommerce input.button, .woocommerce #respond input#submit, .woocommerce #content input.button, .woocommerce-page a.button, .woocommerce-page button.button, .woocommerce-page input.button, .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit, .woocommerce-page #content input.button { background-color: #605f5e; }

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@MoOx & nesting ? 29

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@MoOx #sidebar ul ul li a { } .sidebar-link { } 30

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@MoOx 31 #sidebar ul ul li a { } .sidebar-link { try: again; }

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@MoOx Specificity shit 32 #sidebar ul ul li a { } .sidebar-link { try: again; }

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@MoOx 33 Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair

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@MoOx Frameworks ? 34

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@MoOx selector = global (class) name 35

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@MoOx selector = global (class) name 36

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@MoOx scoping 37

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@MoOx scoping 38 … NOPE

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@MoOx dependency management 39

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@MoOx dependency management 40 … NOPE

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@MoOx Entre le langage CSS et les préprocesseurs CSS… 41

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@MoOx 43

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@MoOx Les problèmes de CSS 45 - Tous est global - Scope des styles / Isolation - Conflits de spécificité - Trop de choses imprévisibles - Pas de gestion des dépendances - Supprimer du code inutile

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@MoOx Les préprocesseurs CSS ne résolvent pas ces problèmes 46

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@MoOx 47 #sidebar ul li a { color: blue; display: block; padding: 1em; }

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@MoOx #sidebar ul li a { color: blue; display: block; padding: 1em; } 48

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@MoOx 49 /* BAM */ #sidebar ul li a { color: blue; display: block; padding: 1em; }

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@MoOx Une interface utilisateur se découpe en composants 50

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@MoOx Pourquoi de pas coder ainsi ? 51

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@MoOx 52 /* BAM */ #sidebar ul li a { color: blue; display: block; padding: 1em; }

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@MoOx 53 /* BEM */ .Component-link { color: blue; display: block; padding: 1em; }

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@MoOx BEM 54

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@MoOx 55 .Block [-element [--modifier]]

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@MoOx 56 .Block { } .Block--modifier { } .Block-element { } .Block-element--modifier { }

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@MoOx Block = Composant 57

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@MoOx .Button { } .Button--large { } .Button-icon { } .Button-icon--small { } BEM / CSS 58

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@MoOx … Cliquez-ici !

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@MoOx Les problèmes de CSS 60 - Tous est global - Scope des styles / Isolation - Conflits de spécificité - Trop de choses imprévisibles - Pas de gestion des dépendances - Supprimer du code inutile

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@MoOx YAY ! 61

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@MoOx 62

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@MoOx My 2 cents un élément HTML = un Block 63

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@MoOx Avec BEM il nous manque quoi ? 64

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@MoOx 66

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@MoOx @custom-property (>vars) 67 :root { --lineHeight: 3rem } p { margin-bottom: calc(var(--lineHeight) * 2); }

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@MoOx @custom-media queries 68 @custom-media --large-viewport (width >= 60rem); @media (--large-viewport) { /* styles for large viewport */ }

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@MoOx 69 body { background: gray(255, .4) linear-gradient( color(rebeccapurple alpha(50%)), hwb(0, 20%, 40%), color(hwb(0, 20%, 40%, .5) lightness(+10%)), color(#9d9c tint(40%)) ) } color()

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@MoOx 70 Et plein d’autres trucs • Nouveaux sélecteurs • Nouvelles fonctions • Même le nesting • …

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@MoOx Sucre syntaxique 71

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@MoOx Myth Polyfill CSS 72

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@MoOx Myth basé sur Rework 73

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@MoOx Evolution des pré-processeurs CSS 75 0 17,5 35 52,5 70 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

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@MoOx 76

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@MoOx Evolution des pré-processeurs CSS 77 0 17,5 35 52,5 70 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

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@MoOx @tj (Stylus) créé Rework 79

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@MoOx CSS > AST 80

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@MoOx AST = Objet manipulable 81 Abstract Syntax Tree

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@MoOx CSS > AST > CSS 82

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@MoOx Autoprefixer 83

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@MoOx Evolution de Rework 84 0 15 30 45 60 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

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@MoOx 85

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@MoOx Autoprefixer pas content 86

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@MoOx 87 Autoprefixer fork Rework

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@MoOx PostCSS 88

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@MoOx ✅ CSS > AST > CSS 89

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@MoOx @import postcss from "postcss" postcss([ plugin1, plugin2 ]) .process(css) .then((result) => console.log(result.css)) Utilisation de PostCSS 90

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@MoOx Plugin PostCSS 91 function (css) { css.walkDecls((decl) => { decl.value = decl.value .replace( /\d+rem/, (rem) => 16 * parseFloat(rem) + ‘px' ) }) }) }

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@MoOx Un écosystème digne de Grunt 92

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@MoOx Un écosystème digne de Grunt 93

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@MoOx 94

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@MoOx 95

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@MoOx 96 :root { --mainColor: #ffbbaaff; } @custom-media --small (width <= 30rem); @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6; .post-article :--heading { color: color( var(--mainColor) blackness(+20%) ); } @media (--small) { .post-article :--heading { margin-top: 0; } }

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@MoOx 97 postcss- :root { --mainColor: #ffbbaaff; } @custom-media --small (width <= 30rem); @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6; .post-article :--heading { color: color( var(--mainColor) blackness(+20%) ); } @media (--small) { .post-article :--heading { margin-top: 0; } }

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@MoOx 98 postcss- :root { --mainColor: #ffbbaaff; } @custom-media --small (width <= 30rem); @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6; .post-article :--heading { color: color( var(--mainColor) blackness(+20%) ); } @media (--small) { .post-article :--heading { margin-top: 0; } }

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@MoOx 100 @define-mixin social-icon $network $color { &.is-$network { background: $color; } } .social-icon { @mixin social-icon twitter #55acee; @mixin social-icon facebook #3b5998; padding: 10px 5px; @media (max-width: 640px) { padding: 0; } } Sass like with PostCSS

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@MoOx 102 @define-mixin social-icon $network $color { &.is-$network { background: $color; } } .social-icon { @mixin social-icon twitter #55acee; @mixin social-icon facebook #3b5998; padding: 10px 5px; @media (max-width: 640px) { padding: 0; } } PreCSS

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@MoOx Gestions des assets 104

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@MoOx Grunt, Gulp… 105

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@MoOx C’est la fête aux “task runners” 106

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@MoOx 107 – Every body using a task runner “Let’s make another task for that”

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@MoOx grunt-mysql-dump 112

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@MoOx grunt-mysql-dump 113

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@MoOx Gulp 114 plus dans l’esprit Unix

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@MoOx 115 | |

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@MoOx ES6 116 JavaScript évolue

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@MoOx ES6 117 ES2015

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@MoOx 6to5 > babel 118

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@MoOx 6to5 > babel > babel-* 121

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@MoOx 122

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@MoOx 123 ▶︎

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@MoOx Transpileurs entrée > tambouille > sortie 124

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@MoOx Transpileurs entrée > tambouille > sortie 125 CSS CSS JS JS MD HTML

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@MoOx Comment utilise-t-on ça au quotidien ? 126

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@MoOx Grunt ? Gulp ? 127

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@MoOx .Component { background: url(../../…) } 128

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@MoOx 129 ../.. ? ../ ? ./ ? .Component { background: url(../../…) }

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@MoOx Grunt ? Gulp ? 131 … NOPE

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@MoOx 132

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@MoOx 133 $ npm i -D webpack

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@MoOx var myModule = require("./my-module.js") var myStyles = require("./my-module.css") var mySVG = require(“./my-module.svg") @import “./normalize.css”; body { background: url(landscape.jpg) } 134 @MoOx Webpack

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@MoOx 135

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@MoOx Bundle via des “loaders” 136

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@MoOx js/webpack/premier-exemple/ 137 q=webpack+boilerplate

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@MoOx Apps, site web… Même combat… 138

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@MoOx var myModule = require("./my-module.js") var myStyles = require("./my-module.css") var mySVG = require(“./my-module.svg") @import “./normalize.css”; body { background: url(landscape.jpg) } 140

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@MoOx 141 var myModule = require("./my-module.js") var myStyles = require("./my-module.css") var mySVG = require(“./my-module.svg") @import “./normalize.css”; body { background: url(landscape.jpg) }

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@MoOx 142 var myModule = require("./my-module.js") var myStyles = require("./my-module.css") var mySVG = require(“./my-module.svg") @import “./normalize.css”; body { background: url(landscape.jpg) }

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@MoOx var myStyles ? WTF ? 143

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@MoOx 144

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@MoOx 145

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@MoOx .org-Block-element { } 146

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@MoOx .org-Block-element { } 147

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@MoOx var styles = require(“./styles.css”) // { element: "element_f34f7fa0" } // …

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@MoOx Finalement on fait de simple objet de styles ? 149

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@MoOx Pourquoi pas des STYLES INLINE ?! 150

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@MoOx Exemple react-native-web 151

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@MoOx Exemple react-native-web 152 By @necolas auteur de Normalize.css

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@MoOx import React, { Image, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native-web' const Title = ({ children }) => {children} const Summary = ({ children }) => ( {children} ) class App extends React.Component { render() { return ( React Native Web Build high quality web apps using React ) }, }) 153

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@MoOx const styles = StyleSheet.create({ row: { flexDirection: 'row', margin: 40 }, image: { height: 40, marginRight: 10, width: 40, }, text: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center' }, title: { fontSize: '1.25rem', fontWeight: 'bold' }, subtitle: { 154

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@MoOx CSS Modules 155 Inline styles autoprefixer media queries (server-side rendering) utilisation (react-)native extensibilité ultra-facile

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@MoOx Faites votre choix selon vos besoins ! 156

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@MoOx Des questions ? 157 N’hésitez pas, je suis là pour ça

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