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Booting Up Hiring and Growing Boot Camp Graduates # Eric Weinstein # RailsConf 2016 # Kansas City, MO # 4 May 2016

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Part 0: Hello

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About Me eric_weinstein = { employer: 'Hulu', git_hub: 'ericqweinstein', twitter: 'ericqweinstein', website: '' } 30% off with RAILSCONF2016!

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Where Are We Going? • The One Big Mistake We Keep Making • A Survey of the Field • What We Should Be Looking For • Believe in Improvement • A Holistic Model for Continual Growth

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Part 1: Hiring

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@talk.lie? # => true

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@talk.lie? # => false @talk.fib? # => true

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Ye Olde Traditione • Computing Science • Graphs && trees • Whiteboarding • Java/C++

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That One Big Mistake I Mentioned We confused “Is this person good at what they do?” with “Is this person good at computing science?”

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A Survey of the Field

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What These Students Learn • Hint: not computing science! • Curricula vary a bit from boot camp to boot camp, but we can speak in meaningful generalities • Server-side web development (Ruby/Rails) • Client-side web development (JavaScript) • Software development tools (git, deployment, &c)

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What I Look For • Ability to write nontrivial programs • Adaptability to new and changing requirements • Ability to work well with others • Passionate about learning • Self-awareness • Interviews != performance:

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We’re Hiring!

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Part 2: Growing

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First: You Can Grow The belief that you can improve your abilities results in better performance than if you believe you either “have it” or you don’t. “Is Math a Gift? Beliefs That Put Females at Risk” (Carol S. Dweck, Stanford) Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Ibid.)

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The Plan • You don’t have to know everything • Start Monday • Lightning talks • Workshops/Lunch & learns • Accountabilibuddies

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You Don’t Have to Know Everything • You literally can’t, anyway • Teaching someone something is an ideal way to learn it • The destination is for tomorrow; focus on today

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Start Monday

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⚡ Talks • Technical, nontechnical, in-house, meetups, conferences: the sky’s the limit • Remember: teaching something is a great way to learn it!

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Workshops/Lunch & Learns • Git: f124d779ea23347b2216 • ES6: b8dea7cbb5b6aa4ecf6b • FP: d8cb53cf8d0f31fb19b6 • Data Structures & Algorithms for the Web: https://

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Accountabilibuddies Credit: South Park, “Cartman Sucks”

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TL;DPA • Write down who you’re actually looking for • Believe in improvement • Be the change you want to see in the company

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No content

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Questions? @ericqweinstein 30% off with RAILSCONF2016!