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Tips on How to Prepare for the IGCSE Exams With YCIS Shanghai

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IGSCE Exams In an effort to gain internationally recognised high school credentials, many students in the UK are sitting for IGSCE exams, a dramatic departure from the recent past when students in the UK were prohibited from taking said exams. - JAMES, CHAPMAN, Rise of the IGCSE: Hundreds of state schools go for Gove's tough new exam 2012 2010 State schools in the UK teaching and preparing students for the IGCSE exams

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Outlining A Plan of Action ♦ Attaining IGCSE qualifications can help to open the doors to higher education and eventually of the world’s best universities. ♦ While there are no shortcuts to attaining high grades in the IGCSE exams, there are some ways of developing your plan of study and preparing for the exams that can make life significantly easier (and less stressful) for parents and students alike. Hard work & dedication Feedback Guides Positivity Patience Tips for taking the exams

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• Receiving and properly making use of feedback is vital for continued success, as is constantly practicing a task or studying a subject. Practicing should involve constantly improving one’s approach to the task, even if it means doing the task fewer times. • As students learn how to solve problems, they can incorporate that knowledge into other academic areas. • With a more thorough and complete knowledge base, students can achieve better grades. Parents should encourage students to seek extra help from instructors or tutors on difficult work. Tip #1 Feedback "Stressed Out Primary Girl Child Holding Her Head" by stockimages "Young Girl Reading Book" by Stoonn

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Tip #2 Guides How do you ensure that students’ choices align with their skills and passion? Many young students won’t have a strong idea about which subjects they like best or are most adept at studying. YCIS Shanghai provides students with relevant guides for a plethora of academic subjects and topics, and challenges students throughout the term to think creatively, analyse deeply and study passionately. Students—in consultation with family and school guidance personnel— should carefully consider what exams and subjects they wish to take in order to achieve the best outcomes. "Mother And Son Reading Book" by Naypong

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Students should be encouraged to be social, treating classmates as friends instead of competition. Adopting and maintaining a confident attitude about students’ capabilities is an essential part of helping students to stay positive. Tip #3 Positivity

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Tip #4 Patience Help your students/children to understand and appreciate the process of growth. It takes us a lot of study time, dedication and effort to improve our skills. Not everything worthwhie and of importance will take place right away. Rome wasn't built in ONE day! "Child" by africa "Rome's Colosseum" by Jon Whiles

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Look through the exam paper quickly before answering any questions – this way you will see what kind of questions are on the paper and you won’t get a big shock. Draw diagrams in pencil as you might want to make changes later. Remember to check that you are giving the correct units in an answer to a calculation. Tips for Taking the Exams "Toy Figure Holding A Green Tick" by Grant Cochrane

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