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Stefan Wintermeyer @wintermeyer

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Today I talk about •vutuv •WebPerformance •Phoenix for Newbies

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Business Network Think LinkedIn but open-source (MIT), free and fast. Bonus: Less annoying emails.

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free = big challenge In the first 3 months we got > 200,000 new accounts.

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There are many different ways of using Phoenix.

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@chris_mccord @wintermeyer The Two Extremes

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@chris_mccord Push Messages • > 2 Million concurrent connections on a single server • JavaScript • Heavy Load • Speed

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@wintermeyer vutuv • No message pushing • No JavaScript • Heavy Load • Speed • No money

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vutuv differentiates itself from other business networks by speed.

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WebPerformance Fully Loaded on the browser: 700 ms (DSL in Germany)

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Loading Time from Dulles, VA,170131_9F_BHH,170131_49_BHJ DSL

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Why is WebPerformance important?

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Jakob Nielsen’s book „Usability Engineering“ from 1993 Delay User reaction 0 - 100 ms Instant 100 - 300 ms Feels sluggish 300 - 1000 ms Machine is working… 1 s+ Mental context switch 10 s+ I’ll come back later…

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Web Search Delay Experiment Type of Delay Delay (ms) Duration (weeks) Impact on Avg. Daily Searches Pre-header 100 4 -0.20 % Pre-header 200 6 -0.59% Post-header 400 6 0.59% Post-ads 200 4 0.30% Source:

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Numbers by SOASTA

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Numbers by SOASTA

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Network latency is our biggest problem. Why?

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TCP Source: Latency

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Download a 58 kB file from a US east cost server to a client in Frankfurt. Protocol: HTTP Roundtrip Time: 80 ms Zeit client server 0 ms SYN --> <-- SYN,ACK 80 ms ACK --> GET --> <-- 10 TCP Segmente (14.600 Bytes) 160 ms ACK --> <-- 20 TCP Segmente (29.200 Bytes) 240 ms ACK --> <-- 40 TCP Segmente (15.592 Bytes) 320 ms ACK --> Time to download a 58 kB file: 320 ms

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TCP Slow-Start KB 0 55 110 165 220 Roundtrip 1. 2. 3. 4. 213 99 42 14 114 57 28 14

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SSL adds at least 
 one roundtrip.
 HTTP/2.0 needs SSL.

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HTTPS KB 0 50 100 150 200 Roundtrip 1. 2. 3. 4. 199 85 28 0 114 57 28 14 SSL

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Above the fold target: 28 KB KB 0 50 100 150 200 Roundtrip 1. 2. 3. 4. 199 85 28 0 114 57 28 14 SSL

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Latency is king! Bandwidth is not important for normal websites.

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Frankfurt, Germany Sydney, Australia Sydney:
 Frankfurt: DSL

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Frankfurt, Germany Sydney, Australia Sydney:
 Frankfurt: DSL

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 Sydney: 3G Frankfurt, Germany Sydney, Australia

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 Sydney: 3G Frankfurt, Germany Sydney, Australia

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How do we tackle WebPerformance?

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Set a time budget and stick to it! Our time budget is 1 second within Germany.

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Start Render Document Complete

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Important: We can not control the network!

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What we can control: • Transfer Protocol (e.g. HTTP/1.1 vs. HTTP/2.0) • Compression (e.g. gzip vs. zopfli vs. brotli) • Amount of files • File size • Time the server needs to generate the HTML • Content (e.g. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Images)

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No content

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File size Time on the server

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The Servers

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We use NGINX, MySQL and Phoenix Framework. Bare metal. Debian Linux.

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Phoenix is about 
 10 times faster 
 than Ruby on Rails. Yes, I did a proof of concept of vutuv with Ruby on Rails.

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But just a fast programming language is not good enough! Remember: We have to run on a dime.

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We avoid serving freshly generated HTML when possible. Hard Drives are much cheaper than CPU.

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NGINX is our gatekeeper. It checks for cookies and routes accordingly. I did think of Varnish but hard drive is cheaper than RAM.

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/var/www/vutuv/ cache - index.html - index.html.gz users - xyz.html - xyz.html.gz No Cookie = Static Content Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

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1,000,000 users x 28 KB = 26 GB

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Rendering a user’s profile: 50 ms. Serving a static file: less than 1 ms.

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The Avatars A little bit more than just

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No content

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guetzli -quality 75 a.jpg /tmp/q75-a.jpg convert a.jpg /tmp/q75-a.jpg -fx 'hypot(65-i, 65-j) < 65 ? u : v' new_a.jpg

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By that we save 15-20% of file size. We use for uploading and initial conversion and optimize during off peak times.

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/var/www/vutuv/ cache - index.html - index.html.gz users - xyz.html - xyz.html.gz Provide a compressed version of a static file.

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html-minifier --case-sensitive --collapse-boolean-attributes --collapse-whitespace --remove-comments --remove-optional-tags --remove-tag-whitespace --sort-attributes --sort-class-name --collapse-inline-tag-whitespace --conservative-collapse a.html > b.html Optimize before compress

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Use zopfli instead of gzip.

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For Phoenix live content use brotli in NGINX.

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HTTP caching is good but for our time budget not good enough.

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We inline a lot.

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We inline all the CSS. Obviously we don’t use Twitter Bootstrap.

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We inline many images.

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No content

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No content

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Fill the Steps KB 0 50 100 150 200 Roundtrip 1. 2. 3. 4. 199 85 28 0 114 57 28 14 SSL

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Analyse your workflow and prefetch stuff that you’ll need in the next step. […] <%= if @conn.assigns[:prefetch] do %> <% end %>

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Now I’d like to talk about Phoenix.

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As a Rails developer it took me forever and many attempts to like the Phoenix Framework.

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Phoenix does not offer a quick reward for newbies! By now everybody should understand why speed is important if you want somebody to use something.

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Rails offers Quick Rewards Let’s create a mini blog application on macOS.

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Rails Blog Example

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rails new blog cd blog rails g scaffold post subject body rails db:migrate rails s 0:30 min

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rails new blog cd blog rails g scaffold post subject body rails db:migrate rails s Same Commands on all Operating Systems

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Let’s compare that with Phoenix The same mini blog application on macOS.

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Phoenix Blog Example

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mix blog Y cd blog vim config/dev.exs brew install postgres brew services start postgres createuser -W --createdb blog demo mix ecto.create mix phoenix.gen.html Post posts subject body vim web/router.ex resources "/posts", PostController mix ecto.migrate mix phoenix.server 3:30 min

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mix blog Y cd blog vim config/dev.exs brew install postgres brew services start postgres createuser -W --createdb blog demo mix ecto.create mix phoenix.gen.html Post posts subject body vim web/router.ex resources "/posts", PostController mix ecto.migrate mix phoenix.server Different Operating System?

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Rails uses SQLite to make it easy for a Newbie. Phoenix should do the same.

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Rails sets the routes for a scaffold. Phoenix should do the same.

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mix blog cd blog mix ecto.create mix phoenix.gen.html Post posts subject body mix ecto.migrate mix phoenix.server This should be all

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Thank you! @wintermeyer