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Applying Domain Driven Design with Symfony Marek Matulka 16 Apr 2014

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Marek Matulka @super_marek Software engineer at SensioLabs UK Photo by @cakper

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the easy way

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(not applying DDD) the easy way*

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Typical Symfony project...

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Typical Symfony project... … starts with intention to write: * high quality code * reusable code * portable code * code you’re proud of

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No content

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Typical Symfony controller... use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; class RegistrationController extends Controller { public function registerAction($id) { $conference = $this->getDoctrine() ->getRepository(‘AcmeConferenceBundle:Conference’) ->find($id); if ($this->get(‘acme_conference.enrolment.service’) ->enrol($conference, $this->getUser())) { $this->get(‘acme_conference.notification.service’) ->notify($this->getUser(), ‘success’); } } }

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Typical Symfony controller... Dependency Injection * used as a service locator Fat controllers * with actions full of business logic

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Typical Symfony controller... Over time it gets difficult to change. Then we are afraid to change it.

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Typical Project Architecture... Acme\TestBundle\Entity ← Models Acme\TestBundle\Resource\views ← Views Acme\TestBundle\Controller ← Controllers

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Typical Project Architecture... Acme\TestBundle\Entity ← Models Acme\TestBundle\Resource\views ← Views Acme\TestBundle\Controller ← Controllers FAT Controllers Thin Models

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Typical Symfony project...

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Typical Symfony project... ...ends full of: * tightly coupled objects * objects that are difficult to re-use * code you’re afraid to change * code you cannot test

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Why it ended like that?

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Why it ended like that? * poor understanding of the core domain * bad names * urge to use framework’s goodies * ContainerAware is evil * locked into framework’s structure * Acme\Bundle\TestBundle\Entity

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Is there another way?

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the right way

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(in my humble opinion) the right way*

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Forget about the framework

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No content

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Forget about the framework

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; class RegistrationController extends Controller { public function registerAction($id) { $conference = $this->getDoctrine() ->getRepository(‘AcmeConferenceBundle:Conference’) ->find($id); if ($this->get(‘acme_conference.enrolment.service’) ->enrol($conference, $this->getUser())) { $this->get(‘acme_conference.notification.service’) ->notify($this->getUser(), ‘success’); $this->redirect(‘registration_successful’) } $this->redirect(‘registration_failed’); } }

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Make your dependencies explicit

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; class RegistrationController extends Controller { public function registerAction($id) { $conference = $this->getDoctrine() ->getRepository(‘AcmeConferenceBundle:Conference’) ->find($id); if ($this->get(‘acme_conference.enrolment.service’) ->enrol($conference, $this->getUser())) { $this->get(‘acme_conference.notification.service’) ->notify($this->getUser(), ‘success’); return $this->redirect(‘registration_successful’); } return $this->redirect(‘registration_failed’); } }

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; class RegistrationController extends Controller { public function registerAction($id) { $conference = $this->getDoctrine() ->getRepository(‘AcmeConferenceBundle:Conference’) ->find($id); if ($this->get(‘acme_conference.enrolment.service’) ->enrol($conference, $this->getUser())) { $this->get(‘acme_conference.notification.service’) ->notify($this->getUser(), ‘success’); return $this->redirect(‘registration_successful’); } return $this->redirect(‘registration_failed’); } } Repository Response Service Service Value

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; class RegistrationController extends Controller { public function registerAction($id) { $conference = $this->getDoctrine() ->getRepository(‘AcmeConferenceBundle:Conference’) ->find($id); if ($this->get(‘acme_conference.enrolment.service’) ->enrol($conference, $this->getUser())) { $this->get(‘acme_conference.notification.service’) ->notify($this->getUser(), ‘success’); return $this->redirect(‘registration_successful’); } return $this->redirect(‘registration_failed’); } } ConferenceRepository RedirectResponse ConferenceEnrolment EnrolmentNotification Conference

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Use interfaces to describe communication

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\ParamConverter; use Acme\Learning\Conference; class RegistrationController { /** * @Route("/conference/{id}/enrol") * @ParamConverter("conference", class="AcmeConferenceBundle:Conference") */ public function registerAction(Conference $conference) { if ($this->get(‘acme_conference.enrolment.service’) ->enrol($conference, $this->getUser())) { $this->get(‘acme_conference.notification.service’) ->notify($this->getUser(), ‘success’); return $this->redirect(‘registration_successful’); } return $this->redirect(‘registration_failed’); } }

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\ParamConverter; use Acme\Enrolment\ConferceEnrolment; class RegistrationController { public function __construct(ConferceEnrolment $enrolment) { $this->enrolment = $enrolment; } /** * @Route("/conference/{id}/enrol") * @ParamConverter("conference", class="AcmeConferenceBundle:Conference") */ public function registerAction(Conference $conference) { if ($this->enrolment->enrol($conference, $this->getUser())) { ... } } }

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Acme\Enrolment\ConferceEnrolment; class RegistrationController { public function __construct(ConferceEnrolment $enrolment) { $this->enrolment = $enrolment; } public function registerAction(Conference $conference) { $conference = $this->repository->find($id); if ($this->enrolment->enrol($conference, $this->getUser())) { ... } } } $this->container->get(‘security.context’) ->getToken()->getUser();

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# src/Acme/ConferenceBundle/Resources/config/services.xml # src/Acme/Learning/Learner.php namespace Acme\Learning; interface Learner { public function isEnrolled(); }

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# src/Acme/ConferenceBundle/Entity/User.php namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Enity\User; use Acme\Learning\Learner; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface; class User implements Learner, UserInterface { ... public function isEnrolled() { ... } ... }

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Acme\Learning\Learner; use Acme\Enrolment\ConferceEnrolment; class RegistrationController { public function __construct( Learner $learner, ConferceEnrolment $enrolment ) { $this->learner = $learner; $this->enrolment = $enrolment; } public function registerAction(Conference $conference) { if ($this->enrolment->enrol($conference, $this->learner)) { ... } } }

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Acme\Learning\Learner; use Acme\Enrolment\ConferceEnrolment; class RegistrationController { public function __construct( Learner $learner; ConferceEnrolment $enrolment ) { $this->learner = $learner; $this->enrolment = $enrolment; } public function registerAction(Conference $conference) { if ($this->enrolment->enrol($conference, $this->learner)) { ... } } } Interface

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Acme\Learning\Learner; use Acme\Enrolment\ConferceEnrolment; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse; class RegistrationController { ... public function registerAction(Conference $conference) { if ($this->enrolment->enrol($conference, $this->learner)) { return new RedirectResponse(‘success’); } return new RedirectResponse(‘fail’); } }

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Acme\Learning\Learner; use Acme\Enrolment\ConferceEnrolment; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface; class RegistrationController { ... public function registerAction(Conference $conference) { if ($this->enrolment->enrol($conference, $this->learner)) { return new RedirectResponse( $this->router->generate(‘enrolment_successful’) ); } return new RedirectResponse( $this->router->generate(‘enrolment_failed’) ); } }

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; ... use Acme\Enrolment\EnrolmentNotifier; class RegistrationController { ... public function registerAction(Conference $conference) { if ($this->enrolment->enrol($conference, $this->learner)) { $this->notifier->notify($this->learner, ‘success’); return new RedirectResponse( $this->router->generate(‘enrolment_successful’)); } return new RedirectResponse( $this->router->generate(‘enrolment_failed’)); } }

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am I happy?

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Acme\Learning\Learner; use Acme\Enrolment\ConferceEnrolment; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface; use Acme\Enrolment\EnrolmentNotifier; class RegistrationController { public function __construct( Learner $learner, ConferenceEnrolment $enrolment, EnrolmentNotifier $notifier, RouterInterface $router ) { $this->learner = $learner; $this->enrolment = $enrolment; $this->notifier = $notifier; $this->router = $router; } ... Interfaces!

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Acme\Learning\Learner; use Acme\Enrolment\ConferceEnrolment; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface; use Acme\Enrolment\EnrolmentNotifier; class RegistrationController { public function __construct( Learner $learner ConferenceEnrolment $enrolment, EnrolmentNotifier $notifier, RouterInterface $router ) { $this->learner = $learner; $this->enrolment = $enrolment; $this->notifier = $notifier; $this->router = $router; } ... Interfaces!

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namespace Acme\Enrolment; use Acme\Learning\Learner; use Acme\Learning\Conference; use Acme\Enrolment\ConferceEnrolment; use Acme\Enrolment\EnrolmentNotifier; class ConferenceEnrolmentHandler { public function __construct( ConferceEnrolment $enrolment, EnrolmentNotifier $notifier ) { $this->enrolment = $enrolment; $this->notifier = $notifier; } public function handle(Conference $conference, Learner $learner) { if ($this->enrolment->handle($conference, $learner)) { $this->notifier->notify($learner, ‘success’); return true; } return false; } }

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namespace Acme\ConferenceBundle\Controller; use Acme\Learning\Learner; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface; use Acme\Enrolment\ConferenceEnrolmentHandler; class RegistrationController { ... public function registerAction(Conference $conference) { $route = $this->handler->handle($conference, $this->learner) ? ‘enrolment_successful’ : ‘enrolment_failed’; return new RedirectResponse( $this->router->generate($route) ); } }

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am I happy?

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Project Architecture Acme\Learning Acme\Enrolment Acme\ConferenceBundle Acme\EnrolmentAdapter

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Project Architecture Acme\Learning Model Acme\Enrolment Application/Services Acme\DoctrineAdapter Doctrine Acme\EnrolmentBundle Controller/View

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(I’ve forgotten about Doctrine!) oops!

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# src/Acme/Conference/ConferenceRepository.php namespace Acme\Conference; interface ConferenceRepository { public function find($id); } # src/Acme/DoctrineAdapter/DoctrineConferenceAdapter.php namespace Acme\DoctrineAdapter; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository; use Acme\Conference\ConferenceRepository; class DoctrineConferenceAdapter extends EntityRepository implements ConferenceRepository { // ConferenceRepository::find($id) is already implemented by EntityRepository } # src/Acme/DoctrineAdapter/Resources/mapping/conference.orm.xml

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What is Domain Driven Design?

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What is Domain Driven Design? Changing folder structure and locations won’t #DDD your project.

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What is Domain Driven Design? Fully understanding your domain and describing your business process using the same language as your business.

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Layered Architecture Acme\EnrolmentBundle Acme\Enrolment Acme\Learning Acme\DoctrineAdapter User Interface Application Domain Infrastructure

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Dependency Inversion “High level modules should not depend on lower level implementation” – Good old Uncle Bob

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Controller Services Domain Infrastructure User Interface Dependency Inversion

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Controller Services Domain Infrastructure User Interface Dependency Inversion Interfaces!

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Controller Services Domain Infrastructure User Interface Dependency Inversion

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Controller Services Domain Infrastructure User Interface Dependency Inversion Implementation detail

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Don’t mix layers!

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Know your domain

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Use right tools

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@super_marek Questions?

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10% discount code: SymfonyUKmeetup valid until April 25th

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Thank you! @super_marek