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Dhrumil Shah, Shipmnts & GDG Ahmedabad @dhuma1981 @Flutter_Flakes Coimbatore Flutter: Makes developer’s life easy

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Dhrumil Shah Mobile Developer, @Shipmnts Co-organizer, @GDGAhmedabad Founder, @Flutter_Flakes

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“In 2011” When I started with Android development

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Some Special devices which changes fonts of your app, and you know that brand :P

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Last Year I joined ...

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Now I am not just Android Developer

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I am the Mobile Developer

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I started exploring cross-platfrom SDKs

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What exactly Flutter is?

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Flutter is Coimbatore ● An SDK to build beautiful native apps in record time ● Works for both Android & iOS ● An open source Toolkit by Google

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Flutter architecture Coimbatore Skia Dart Text Foundation Animation Painting Rendering Widgets Material Gestures Engine (C++) Framework (Dart) Cupertino

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Flutter apps are compiled to native machine (ARM) code

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Compiled to native MVC/ MVVM View Reactive Views Interpreted (JavaScript) iOS SDK Android SDK Technology: OEM SDKs

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Compiled to native MVC/ MVVM View Reactive Views Interpreted (JavaScript) iOS SDK Android SDK Titanium, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, ... Technology: WebViews

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Compiled to native MVC/ MVVM View Reactive Views Interpreted (JavaScript) iOS SDK Android SDK Titanium, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, ... Flutter React Native Technology: Reactive Views

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“Everything is Widget”

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Let’s Identify different Widgets

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What do you see here?

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Diagram the Layout - Look for rows and columns - Is there a grid? - Any overlapping elements? - Do we need tabs? - Padding, alignment or borders needed?

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Widget can be Coimbatore ● A structural element (like a Button or Menu) ● A layout element (like a Margin or Padding) ● A design element (like a Font or Color scheme)

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“Stateless Widget vs Stateful Widget”

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Stateless Widget Coimbatore ● It doesn’t know anything ● Dumb Widget ● Gets render only once or ● When the parent widget changes the configuration

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Stateful Widget Coimbatore ● Dynamic widget which has its own properties ● Those property is know as state of the widget ● The state of the widget can be changed by user input, any operation or other widget’s state change. ● setState() method is used to change the state. ● Each time widget gets rebuild when setState() method gets called.

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“HOT Reload”

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Hot Reload is Coimbatore ● Stateful: App state is retained after a reload. ● Injecting updated source code files into the running Dart VM ● Quickly iterate on a screen deeply nested in your app

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“How to access OS/Device specific feature?”

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Using Platform channels allows for receiving method calls and sending back results

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Hot Reload is Coimbatore ● Stateful: App state is retained after a reload. ● Injecting updated source code files into the running Dart VM ● Quickly iterate on a screen deeply nested in your app

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Flutter’s benefits Flutter provides its own widgets ● Compiles to native Code ● No reliance on OEM widgets ● No bridge needed ● Turns layout on its head! ● Widgets are simple and fast ● Full customisation and extensibility

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And That’s it

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References Coimbatore ● Awesome Flutter - Wm Leler ● The Magic of Flutter - Tim Messerschmidt ● ●

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Dhrumil Shah, Shipmnts & GDG Ahmedabad @dhuma1981 @Flutter_Flakes Coimbatore Thank you!