Sylius and MongoDB
It’s not just changing connection strings
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MongoDB and Sylius
It’s not a simple story
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Let’s talk about schemas
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Relational databases
Some say they are simple
• Normalisation rules help us design “good” schemas
• Have a primary key, add everything that depends on this primary key
• If it’s not directly related to the primary key, extract it
• ???
• Pro
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Schemas are just as complicated
• MongoDB is not “schemaless”
• It has a schema, but it is
• It avoids some constraints from relational databases
• After all, they’re from the 1970s
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Don’t think about storing data
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Think about consuming it
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Address Book Data
"name": "alcaeus",
"email": [
"phone": [
Time for Queries
Everybody loves queries, right?
SELECT entry.* from entry
JOIN email ON email.entry_id =
email.address = 'something';
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Effects of Normalisation
Does it help?
• Need to join across tables to
nd our main record
• Only get main data
• Multiple queries required to fetch rest of data
• Alternative: complicated result preparation
• How does this help?
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Time for Queries #2
I love THOSE queries
"email.address": "something"
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Normalisation is a Relic
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Sylius and MongoDB
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Sylius and MongoDB
What’s the big problem?
• Sylius uses Doctrine ORM
• Doctrine ORM and Doctrine MongoDB ODM are very similar
• Interfaces are shared, entities can be shared
• How hard can it be?
From Tables to Collections
Making use of advanced schema types
• References point to related data
• Embedded documents include all related data
• Could be used in relational databases (jsonb / complex types)
• Advantages to both
• It’s important to understand when to choose which
Referencing or embedding?
Is there another way?
• Example: linking product variants and their option values
• We don’t own the data, so we should use references
• We don’t want to join, so embedded data would be best
• We can’t reference an embedded document
• Why not do both?
Quick facts
• MongoDB is ACID compliant
• You can run multi-document transactions
• No nested transactions
• Good schema design can help you avoid them
• Doctrine MongoDB ODM doesn’t support them
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In a nutshell
• Start transaction
• Do your business logic
• Commit transaction
• (Or abort if you’ve decided otherwise)
• Rollback on error
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In MongoDB
$session = $client->startSession();
// Complex database logic here
Retry Failed Transactions
while (1) {
// Complex database logic here
while (1) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
if (
$e->getCode() !== 50 /* MaxTimeMSExpired */ &&
) {
// Retry committing the transaction
if (
) {
// Restart transaction
continue 2;
throw $e;
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Keep It Simple
$doComplexDatabaseLogic = function (Session $session): void {
// Complex database logic here
$session = $client->startSession();
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With Doctrine MongoDB ODM
$session = $client->startSession();
function (Session $session) use ($documentManager): void {
$documentManager->flush(['session' => $session]);
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With Doctrine MongoDB ODM
$session = $client->startSession();
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What’s Next?
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The ecosystem needs updating
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Ecosystem Updates
Doctrine MongoDB ODM
• Support transactions in UnitOfWork
• Support new update mechanisms
• Support hybrid references
• Support updating hybrid references
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Ecosystem Updates
Doctrine Extensions
• Update Translation extension to leverage embedded documents
• Update Tree extension to support nested set in ODM
• Update Sortable extension to support ODM
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Ecosystem Updates
• Create mapping
les for Doctrine MongoDB ODM
• Create repositories and rewrite queries